Many communities had folloied adesconfigurao of the native green of the Valley of the Ribeira, caused for the action of ventoe of the man. In the following decade, thanks to the action of the ambientalistas, the devastaocausada one for this activity was significantly braked in some regions dosul of the country, very in contrast of what it occurred around the river Ribeira, where achamada ‘ ‘ bleeding verde’ ‘ the area advanced more 10% in all (PAULA SOUZA, 1986). The advance of pinus and dasreas exotic pastures in the region not only threaten the environment, but tambmum very valuable cultural historic site, since the region shelters maiornmero of communities quilombolas of the states of So Paulo and Paran, where asubsistncia of these natural dosrecursos groups directly are related to the conservation. Moreover, the development of the relations of produocapitalistas through the intensification of the production of pinus and the activity cattle, closely it was related with the process of precarizao of the trabalholocal and intense social exclusion, favoring that the region was novamentesubmetida to the power of the local oligarchies and companies multinationals. It has some years, little sesabia on the conditions of life of the Quilombolas communities in the Paran. With acriao of the Work group Clvis Moura in 2005, it was the first time that umGoverno paranaense undertook the initiative to carry through levantamentoscio-economic and a cultural one, with sights to the guarantee of rights the essascomunidades. To break desselevantamento – and associate the diverse Federal action doGoverno; State; ONG’ social s and movements – another Paran temse disclosed in recent years. In the year of 2007, the Paranaense Program Solidary deEconomia of the State secretary of the Work and Promoo Social (SETP) explicit in its plan of work the Quilombolas communities as pblicobeneficirio of its action.
Month: November 2012
The National Audience
DANIEL HEADS ' Solomsica! ' it is a musical marathon of 40 concerts for all the ears. The National Orchestra of Spain offers the inaugural concert in the Audience. The entrance is gratuitous until completing gauging. Noon dedicated unique and exclusively to music. It is the attractive plan that the National Audience proposes to spend a Saturday different enjoying sinfn of concerts that will include beyond classic music, habitual protagonist of his programming. The singular marathon of recitales began in the morning to 11,30, when the Brass Academy de Alicante received solemnly to the assistants to the doors of the audience, in the place of Ernesto and Rodolfo Halffter. To rate of fanfarrias, musical pieces of short duration in which they send trompetas and habitual sound track in the receptions of the royalty. After them, music will begin to sound and no longer it will stop doing it until the midnight.
Forty concerts the National Orchestra of Spain is the one in charge to offer the inaugural concert in the room Symphonic of the Audience to 12,00 o’clock. Directed by Josep Pons, it will interpret works of Gustav Mahler. From then, and each half an hour, will follow one another a new concert until arriving at a total of 40 in the different rooms of the enclosure. The day finishes the great thing, with a last visit to the Symphonic Room. There it will sound the majestic organ of the National Audience, del that will bring forth notes of Tocata and flight of hand of the pianist Daniel Oyarzbal.
National audience: Prince of Vergara, 146. Meter: Cross of the Ray. From the 11,30 h. Gratuitous entrance until completing gauging. Source of the news: The National Audience offers a gratuitous program of 12 hours of chained concerts
Educational Institutions
Characterization of the research of field In both, educational institutions the motivation of the adult to the return the classroom is, low the instruction in consequence of the social exclusion. In the first institution the methodology of the knowledge that prevalecente, is begun in the preexisting cognition of educating, whereas in the second institution works with the methodology Pablo Freire using itself of generating subjects. The difficulties of daily the daily one, together with the found pertaining to school evasion in the educational establishment are factors that make it difficult the return of the adult the escolarizao. In the educational net of the CIC, a work directed only to the alfabetizao does not exist, however, in the region of the Farm Rio Grande the school possesss the Project Light of the Letters and the Inclusive Education. That it provides to educating alfabetizao, concomitant the reality that lives and leaving of the premise of generating subjects. In this direction educating goes of meeting with its reality, where it finds difficulties, next to the memorization, therefore to the end of its hours of working, still find forces for classroom.
Therefore, the professors of Municipal School 26 of January introduce colloquy wheels, where the generating subjects go of meeting practise with them educative of the establishment. Constructing to a differentiated reality the infantile alfabetizao, and exploring the experiences that each educating possesss. Thus this interactive envolvement the education, is based on action – reflection and action. With intention to insert educating the society, and fomenting projects that long for the generation of income of the same. Therefore, beginning its social inclusion, democratically and intellectually with professional qualification and recognizing its citizenship. Consideraes final the longevity came to foment new concepts, on the aging diagnosising cognitivas and affective difficulties, that in the great majority of the events are related the consisting historical concepts, for an obsolete and miditica society.
With the growth maturativo of the individual constructs reflexivas actions, that start to go of meeting to the identity of a new society, that deprives for establishing systems politicians. That they aim at to supply the lacks of the aged one, with methodologies of learning, affective conditions of subsistence and relations. While, that science and its new technologies develop techniques so that each time more the adult arrives at the longevity. Lins of the Guimares Peixoto. Coralline Cora Ed. Is Jose Olympio. s P. 1965. Ridley, Matt, the Queen of Pantries the sex and the evolution of the nature human being, Lisbon, Gradiva, 2005.
SEEJ Activities
Exactly knowing that the questionnaires were sigilosos, the professors had had some distrust to cite the negative points believing to be able to suffer some punishment in the school. But some had mentioned points, as: Precariousness of physical space for the pedagogical activities; Lack of a fixed nucleus, as requirement of the SEEJ, that offers good conditions of use, therefore the places where today the activities happen need maintenance; Lack of correction or punishment, a time that the pupils do not present limits and rules; Fatigue of the pupils in regular education after the activities of the Program. Physical space for one practical esportiva is of extreme importance, therefore when the activities inside of the school are proposals, it finishes for all disturbing the remaining portion of the daily pertaining to school. Also it has a necessity of if planning joint activities with the school, so that thus it can have progressos greaters in escolarizao of the involved students with the Program New Olmpica Mines Generation. When asked on the impacts of the Program in the pertaining to school passages of the students registered the State School Antonio Moreira de Queiroz, the majority of the interviewed professors enxergava of positive form the intervention of the Program, as form to accent the potentialities of each student. Also they had answered that these educandos are more receptive and finishes thus for facilitating the learning in classroom.
In an one of the questionnaires teacher it said that it did not obtain to perceive no influence of the activities of the Program in the pertaining to school passage of these educandos. Some suggestions form given, explicitando the knowledge lack on the Program and the necessity to cure this lack. Amongst the suggestions: Qualification for the professors; Meetings for evaluation; Continuity of the trainees to give to sequence to the work, preventing a rotation of these; To have a work in set with the school; Spreading of the Program.
State Process
One knows that, currently, argued dasquestes more in the whole world it becomes related the ambient problems. In virtue of the population growth and the great human accumulations, devasta, it is burnt, polui and one contaminates it Land, in significativaspropores, affecting the human being, the plants, the animals and the quality of guae of air. The Program is based on pedagogical activities desenvolvidaspelos educators, children, familiar and community in general,> throughout the year, culminating in competitions for awarding of best writings, drawings pedagogical eexperincias, whose permeia central subject the defense of the environment. () They had been carried through in the five public schools, being two dPrefeitura and three of the State, qualitative and semistructuralized research with multiplying osagentes that are the representatives of the Program Sowing. to parafacilitar this work, by means of the collection of data, the strategies deperguntas had been divided in five categories. The qualitative inquiry that it aims at to understand the fenmenossociais, in terms of its process and the experience lived deeply human being.
Inquiry this that tries, over all, to understand as the people gives sentidos things and to the world. In this aspect, it is possible to say that the pesquisadorqualitativo is necessarily involved in the life of the citizens. It is to validoressaltar that the people who participate of the process are not simplesreservatrios of information, but are recognized as citizens that elaborate sensible edo to the events. In the understanding of this process, valley to detach algumasreflexes pointed for Bogdan & Biklen (1999) on aspects of the pesquisaqualitativa: In the qualitative inquiry the direct source of data is oambiente natural, constituting the investigator the main instrument. Thus, oinvestigador considers that the human behavior is influenced contextoem by it that occurs, dislocating itself whenever possible for the study place. The qualitative evaluation is descriptive, demanding that mundoseja examined with the idea of that nothing it is trivial, that everything has potential to paraconstituir a track that allows in them to establish a maisesclarecedora understanding of the study object.
Evolving Photographic Technology
And if not, we have in most cases, although to a lesser extent, the negative support, although with some wear serves as a system of what we now know as “backup.” And the way to lose those old photos is either thrown away by both the albums and their backups (and negative) which is not very common or that we burn the house, which fortunately is not very usual. That is, for decades, the photos had a conservation system itself and also back up without being aware of it. However, today we have evolved technologically in leaps and bounds, how we keep the pictures? Usually when we take photographs, downloaded on your PC, use programs that are classified and stored. The more cautious take a backup and store them on external devices such as CDs or DVDs. With that we think we already have in a safe and well kept. But we ask, how these devices will endure over time. Do we think with a vision of photography named 50 years before? Are we sure that those backups have been made properly and be in a position when you want it back? What life have saved data on a CD? CD Is a technology that pervasive in 50 years? Will we have readers to view? What I refer to this, is that we are taking many pictures today, the stability of the supports on which the store is very fragile. We have all the pictures stored on a hard disk at the cost of that in a split second from a peak of tension in our wiring, we lose all those photos.
Or that the alleged backup we have stored photos as CDs or DVDs are not effective at the time of wanting them back or if it is long term, it may not exist or devices that can read. The picture is rather negative, since in 50 years I predict that the proportion of stored pictures from the pictures taken, it will be much lower than at present if we go back 50 years ago. Therefore, if one is fond of photography and also concerned about both the conservation of those moments captured as the value that may have both sentimental and economic, one has to establish a real backup system with a very specific methodology and designed in view of the effectiveness of conservation of these documents will endure over time. Cheer up, because if you’re careful, you can keep your pictures all his life, but it is a system neither cheap nor convenient. Like just returning to the traditional paper albums. But who puts on paper the thousands of pictures that we have today?
Managing Change
Each month of May is celebrated as Mother's Day-a time to tell mothers everywhere how much we love and honor them. Amid all the holiday revelry should take some time to reflect on what this day represents, after nine months of waiting and crossing the threshold of the birth of a new beginning. When I became a mother, this festival took on new meaning, especially when my daughter graduated from college. Graduation ceremonies in the university has always held on Mother's Day as a special tribute to mothers who worked hard with the right of each student and they were glad to see the end and new beginning. I was one of the mothers and 27 years before that day, my mother was glad the day of the mother to see me go from the same university. Yes, Mother's Day creates a happy ending and the memories, but the end in themselves are not always happy occasions. We live in a world of new things. Finals almost always produces nostalgia and melancholy, and generate new beginnings a powerful combination of joy and fear.
What I do not like about Endings are so final. When something ends, a door closes. Things are never the same as before the final. They can be heartbreaking. There is a bitter nostalgia and tenderness associated with the endings-a feeling of regret for what we have lost, even if the ending is happy. They force us out of our routines. Endings are so insensitive. They do not care whether or not we are prepared for the transition to other things.
Radio Transmitting Programs
The program Dzomo Ayun, that transmits all the Tuesdays Radio Voice of the Coast, of 9,30 to 10hrs had the mission and the pleasant encounter with the sculptor, I lived Fuchslocher, a great artist who left to our encounter with his habitual calidez, back in Cuinco, way to Trumao, place that locks up the mystery of these hands of creative woman, generous in his char it where one appears tiny not condice yet the art who takes exerting kill time in the middle of the woman tasks agriculturist, and mother. This visit without doubts had a different shade, the program looks for to recognize, faces of simple women but that nevertheless they have given and generated in his lives qualities distinguish that them. Feminine as I lived, like him tenth that we feel to honor I tie that one stays like the flowers wild lilacs that adorn the entrance to that temple of the art where it is having a discussion with the clay that in short whiles seemed to emerge from a universal uterus, molding perhaps the flight of Vicente, a crystallization that leads to Marisol Waters to us and to a moving silence inevitable. It cheers to us that this osornina artist returns a to surprise with fusions of textures and materials to us. While we crossed the great amount of pieces to see and or to take, we continued it listening, sharing a conversation without rimbombantes terms, its attachment to the Earth, that that it maintains it constantly sensible, receptive without more oppression than the one than she herself occurs to go to that wisdom that will say finished piece to him. To recover these to char them he is most stimulating of Dzomo Ayun, creative Joy of Woman, hands, histories of life, faces of beautiful women, who have shared from their heart that passion subsists that them, signals leave that us in a territory that if we cheered up to look for and to discover, can surprise to us.
Brazilian Courses
In accordance with given raised next to the vestibule of the INEP, the courses of teaching formation, with the biggest taxes of evasion it enters the years of 2007 and 2009 had been the courses of licenciaturas in: physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology, in this order. Analyzing such data, she was possible to create a graph on the situation of the evasion in all the country: She is necessary that much is made in order to minimize the evasion tax, therefore the number of pupils whom they decide to attend a course Licenciatura, already is not the sufficient to supply the imbalance of professors in the country, and with the desistance the picture if it becomes still more critical. Such attitudes will have that to be taken individually by each institution, therefore she is necessary a study on the reality of the community where the same one is inserted. Some institutions, searching to diminish the evasion, are offering discipline of levelling in specific substances, at the beginning of the academic life, so that this pupil has one better condition to give to continue its graduation. PIBID/CAPES One of the best initiatives of the federal government until today in relation to the Brazilian education is the creation of the Institucional Program of Stock market of Initiation to Docncia (PIBID). The Coordination of Perfectioning of Staff of Superior Level (Capes), that before it answered only for after-graduation courses, started to receive, in 2009, a budget of R$ 1 billion destined the formation of professors. The program offers stock markets so that pupils of licenciaturas are inserted in the pertaining to school environment on supervision, in order to be made familiar to the reality of the pertaining to school community. Thus, these pupils will go knowing to the few the profession and the challenges and will be able to carry through research that can contribute for improvement of the teaching formation.