Cibeles Street

The demonstrators left the high street, they have happened through the Sun camping and have cut to the traffic the Alcala street and half of the Stroll of the Prado. In front of the building of the new one it soothes of the Ayuntamieno, that has been fence and surrounded by the Police, ' indignados' they initiated a pacific sitting. Controlled by Police, simply has limited itself to indicate their displeasure with the present system of parliamentary representation. The concentrates have placed a placard in the source of Cibeles with the motto, the Web where the indignant ones of this movement inform on their activities. Adrian Holmes is likely to increase your knowledge. " We are not solos" , " United Spain never will be vencida" and " The united world never will be vencido" they are some of the slogans that corearon the demonstrators.

Shortly after, they have formed a human chain around the place of Cibeles, having caused considerable problems of traffic in the accesses to the place, although to 17,30 h of afternoon the congregated ones they decided abrir passage to three buses. Around the 19,30, they have left the Madrilenian place of Cibeles and returned to the Door of the Sun, to the shout of " This is ours casa" , to realise a concentration and the habitual general assembly of the 20,00 hours. Police barricades Moments before the sitting in the street Sacrament, a barricade mounted by the National Police in the high street tried to prevent to ' indignados' of Movement 15-M to arrive until soothes of the City council of Madrid in the place of Villa, concentrates in the environs shouting " that vayan" , " not us representan" and " they call democracy and not it es". The demonstrators were placed in three points that were surrounded by the security forces: in the high street arriving from San Miguel, another point from Bailn and also in the street Sacrament, where they remained parked the official cars.

Electoral Programs

The movement measures east Sunday the endorsement of the society through the concentrations summoned in almost all the Spanish cities. Anthropologist Manuel Mandianes thinks that the attendance to 19-J will be " numerosa". Almost 1,000 police will guard by the security in Madrid 19-J. The Pact of the Euro: trip ticket of the EU to do against the economic crisis. Is the Pact of the Euro an inevitable commitment for Spain? Art creative, anonymous, and gratuitous for the manifestations of 19-J. LIST: Which is the poster that better represents 19-J? ' Movement 15-M' he is unstoppable and it does not have reverse gear because it has been born in a stage of social failure and economic crisis that has not been surpassed and has made react to the politicians, who have understood the necessity to include some of their ideas in their proposals of government. One is a diagnosis in that agrees dean of the Official School of Sociologists and Politlogos of Madrid, Lorenzo Navarrete, and anthropologist Manuel Mandianes, that analyze the evolution of this movement that measures this Sunday the endorsement of the society through the concentrations summoned in almost all the Spanish cities.

The concentrations " they will be numerosas" " Thanks to the wick of 15-M, the society has waked up and people think that she has a pile of things by which to protest, because they are to them angustiando" , she assures Mandianes, for that reason she considers that the movement will continue counting on the endorsement of many people. Also this anthropologist esteem that the concentrations are going to be numerous and that will serve the movement to take oxygen and to certify that it follows the spirit of the Door of the Sun alive. " The policy of the parties has not undergone any type of demolishing attack, nor has taken place a collapse; it is a call and a warning to remember that problems exist and that there are to recover the confidence, because something is failing in the management of crisis" , the anthropologist thinks.

The National Audience

DANIEL HEADS ' Solomsica! ' it is a musical marathon of 40 concerts for all the ears. The National Orchestra of Spain offers the inaugural concert in the Audience. The entrance is gratuitous until completing gauging. Noon dedicated unique and exclusively to music. It is the attractive plan that the National Audience proposes to spend a Saturday different enjoying sinfn of concerts that will include beyond classic music, habitual protagonist of his programming. The singular marathon of recitales began in the morning to 11,30, when the Brass Academy de Alicante received solemnly to the assistants to the doors of the audience, in the place of Ernesto and Rodolfo Halffter. To rate of fanfarrias, musical pieces of short duration in which they send trompetas and habitual sound track in the receptions of the royalty. After them, music will begin to sound and no longer it will stop doing it until the midnight.

Forty concerts the National Orchestra of Spain is the one in charge to offer the inaugural concert in the room Symphonic of the Audience to 12,00 o’clock. Directed by Josep Pons, it will interpret works of Gustav Mahler. From then, and each half an hour, will follow one another a new concert until arriving at a total of 40 in the different rooms of the enclosure. The day finishes the great thing, with a last visit to the Symphonic Room. There it will sound the majestic organ of the National Audience, del that will bring forth notes of Tocata and flight of hand of the pianist Daniel Oyarzbal.

National audience: Prince of Vergara, 146. Meter: Cross of the Ray. From the 11,30 h. Gratuitous entrance until completing gauging. Source of the news: The National Audience offers a gratuitous program of 12 hours of chained concerts