Successful Stock Market Trader

The Tradingclub24 trains to marketable traders Berlin stock exchange lay – on the Internet, a new Stock Exchange Club currently ensures very much attention. This is the task to educate market lay about the possibilities of exchanges and to train to marketable trader in a very short time. Parallel to this education can the Member but already successful trade. This makes possible a very interesting strategy, but also the cooperation with numerous well-known vendors of this industry. High stock market gains are probably interesting for everyone. But hardly anyone know that you also with falling prices can reach extreme profits, requires no prior knowledge and even day and night automatically successful trade can. The current stock market situation is a disastrous time for stockholders without question. For assistance, try visiting Salman Behbehani. For stock buyers and traders but almost a dream! so the club founder.

The stock market is resulted in these times with heavy losses in connection, however at the unjustified trading According to the founders. Here too, education is necessary! Each trader can determine precisely possible losses in advance so that a crash could do any harm to himself! He sets his risk before trading on such as 50, so he will suffer from definitely no higher loss, whereas the gains are still unlimited. Why of this stock market Club and why in this form? There are such clubs not already on the Internet? The motivation of the founder of results precisely for the reason that there is no comparable exchanges and traders clubs on the Internet. To have formed by the laity to the successful trader needs it but also a heavy dose of expertise of many, often more expensive seminars, do I. Here, the cycle begins according to the founders. There is apparently little books and seminars, which are suitable for beginners. But there are strategies and technical possibilities that are quite fast to learn and can be used even by a layman.

Graduate Conference

Manpower on the Alumni Congress of Frankfurt am Main, November 2008 – recent graduates can start their career in two ways: searching their dream job through a laborious application procedures or they trust a staff professional who finds the perfect position for you. The start of a recruitment agency offers graduates”good opportunities to acquire know-how quickly and become acquainted with different corporate cultures, says Torsten Przyborski, Regional Director of manpower professional engineering. Jobeinsteiger Mr Przyborski and his colleagues about the alternative career model can consult during the Graduate Conference in Cologne (19-20 November). “Especially in the middle class, there are many ways according to Mr Przyborski: there are still professionals.” Engineers, for example. Other industries are looking for also qualified employees. Additional information is available at Professor of Internet Governance. Therefore also manpower professional finance and banking power graduates, Young Professionals and invite students to talks on Germany’s largest job fair. Get career opportunities and exciting challenges in a wide range with us”, so Przyborski.

Support for candidates as of leading recruitment agency manpower in the own house opens up options to advance professionally. Add to your understanding with The Profit. People who bring together people and businesses are looking for”, is one of the requirements. Social skills, and tact in dealing with people, as well as assertiveness therefore include a degree in commercial and technical scientific profile. Further positions, for example in staff positions or as head of a branch office, manpower aspiring executives in management development prepared programs. As a great recruiter responds to the economic upheavals, describes the Director of manpower engineering, Holger KuSTER. He has his presentation in Cologne with challenges in recruitment in the face of changing market conditions”overridden. Sexton speaks on 19 November at 16 h 45 in the Lecture 4.

On 20th November from 10 to 4 P.m., in Hall 8, booth 8.17 provides manpower support for the perfect application: A professional photo shoot, including assistance and mask helps graduates to an appearance that will convince not only the future employer. We have the photos directly to take. On November 19 it is sporty on the stand: from 2 p.m. until 5 P.m. the basketball team demonstrates the Koln 99ers precise playback pass location for accessing the job there is in manpower. (stand: 12/11/2008)

Plastic Theory On The Rise

Upper Austria offers exciting training opportunities as the stronghold of the plastic. Of the about 130,000 Austrian apprentices are alone approximately 27,400 on Upper Austria and that means 1st place ranking in Austria. Already, 43 per cent of young people in Austria decide after completion of compulsory education for a profession. In total 206 professions to choose from are the young girls or boys. We know some of this training because you have tradition in school books and stories, but those who are still in demand in the future, as well as the doctrine of the plastic are really exciting. An apprenticeship as a plastics technicians or form generator offers even the professional knowledge in the school 2 birds with one stone because of the dual training system in addition to the practical training in the job.

Professionals to locate in the today’s time and that makes this training also has a promising future. Promotes the motivation of young people in direct contact with the professional world and lets them early self responsibility take over. A nice side effect is making the first money of course for many,”the Chairman of the trade representation of the Upper Austrian plastics processors ing. Franz Zitta summarizes the advantages of the plastic gauge. The teaching profession in the overview the material plastic offers young people currently two exciting professions: the plastic molding (3 years apprenticeship) and the plastics technology (apprenticeship 4 years). Plastic form donor or technicians enjoy increasing popularity the country.

The task pane is extremely versatile in the plastic gauge. From the manufacture of plastic products such as car parts, the apprentice deals constantly with new raw materials and methods. You learn to interpret working drawings and technical documents. After the 1st year of training the young person has the possibility to take the diploma in addition to teaching,”provides an insight into the diversity of education ing. Franz Zitta. Oo: the stronghold of the plastic supply and demand define the market. And so it is also with the apprenticeships. The apprenticeships, for the labour supply high, run the risk of sooner or later, confronted with lower salaries to be and become interchangeable. Upper Austria offers numerous lucrative opportunities as plastic stronghold in the plastic jig. Total generating 34,000 employees in 220 companies of Upper Austria. Plastics sector a turnover of 6.7 billion euros. It used average investment in research & development. As one of the most successful and economically strongest industries of Upper Austria, the plastics industry offers many career opportunities for innovative-minded people. We see it as a commitment to provide the best training opportunities to our youth and put much energy into the apprenticeship training. Our dynamic industry needs young, well-trained employees. We offer exciting learning paths, which are well paid and secured on a long time. To bring the strengths of the in-service adolescents, we present us this year with a large booth on the Welser Messe Youth & professional”, highlights ing. Franz Zitta on the training focus. In cooperation with the cyclist sports Harding win the trade representation of the Upper Austrian plastics processors now a bike valued at 750 euro. What to do for and learn more about the training focus can be found under.

Direct Sales Stable In The Crisis

We do not pay up in infinite levels and even bonuses expire. Often they were laughed at, the representative with your leather folders, but in crisis can smile now. Stable and positive news from the scene can reach us from Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Also for many temporary workers, 2009 was the year of the second standing leg in network marketing. Often, the opinions of reputable and dishonest companies go strongly apart, require a certain license fee, for example, apply networks especially beginners as frivolous. Experienced sales representatives see it mostly differently.

A company with an entry fee protect yourself from unexploded ordnance, which especially as network novices take much time, receive materials and contracts to but ultimately no initiative and costs only. On the other hand brainiacs pay license fees only if they have adopted the system, a desire to see the products, so to speak the first statements knowing them the money plays back. A win-win situation: the company has active employees, the employees in turn are not slowed by temporary hangers-on. One thing must be clear: network marketing is a hard patch, with good opportunities! It is all the more gratifying Web Galaxy corporate cooperation and EDV Systemhaus now wants to offer a number of sales models Kruger. We do not pay up in infinite levels and even bonuses run out. According to owner U.

Kruger. Thus sales should stand out of the structure clearly from the competition. For the time being, only the distribution for ( in the prelaunch phase goes but more are to follow in the next few months. The total portfolio of corporate cooperation should then also Vertrieblern throughout Germany are open. Detailed information for interested readers on the homepage of the Kruger computerized of system House ( Sebastian Walker L.E.. PR

Stephane Etrillard

He is regarded as a leading European expert on the subject of “personal sovereignty”. With decision makers and executives, he is searched and known as Advisor and “Coaches of the new generation”. He enjoys an excellent reputation as a coach and writer. With its open seminars in the field of rhetoric and dialectic, as well as self-PR, he helps its participants to more sovereignty in all walks of life. Stephane Etrillard conveys competence from the practice for the practice.

Its proven expertise emerged in the last 10 years in the observation and monitoring of several thousands of executives and salesmen from a wide variety of industries. He conducted coaching sessions and seminars up to now in Germany, Austria, the Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Hungary and Russia. His private clients include managers from top companies, medium-sized Entrepreneur and politician, as well as many people who get new impetus with him, to make your communication more effective. Numerous lectures and publications, he has become known to a wide audience. He is the author of over 30 books and audio-coaching programs, which belong to the business-top sellers. He is a popular interviewee for the press by “Cash” to “ManagerSeminare” about “Focus Money” and welcome guest in talk sessions and panel discussions.

Many he is also from broadcasting interviews with “Bayern 2 radio” known. Awards 2003 the book by Stephane Etrillard “Top calls” was in the business bestseller in Austria recorded and in the category of “Best Advisor 2003” awarded by ChangeX. 2004-2005 Stephane Etrillard has been among the top 100 “excellent speakers” recorded. 2005 Stephane Etrillard was inducted as a certified expert for “Professional seminars” in the quality expert network of the “community of success”. 2005 Stephane Etrillard was as a member of the German speakers Association (GSA) in the category “Professional”. 2006 Stephane Etrillard was inducted into the circle of the “perfect speakers” 3 top personnel manager Heiko Schubel personal trainer and nutrition expert of the former athletes (including twice German Champion in Kickboxing) supports people with very different conditions from overweight sport beginners since then up to the athletes. Executives who he helps form its main clientele to integrate the topic of health despite tight time budgets with maximum benefits in their everyday lives. He is a frequent speaker on the topics of nutrition, fitness, relaxation and healthy aging. Through permanent training and daily literature study the latest scientific knowledge incorporated continuously understandable and exciting manner in his seminars. He completed training to the therapist, personal trainer, master fitness trainer, Sportreha trainer, mental trainers, nutritionists, relaxing coach and many more. More For information about the seminar here: sales training special website of the seminar: sales training Mallorca frontline consulting group is one of the leading German providers of continuing education with the issues management, communications, sales and project management. The seminars in small groups make it possible that every participant directly can implement what you learned and reflection, as well as coaching already take place at the seminar by the experienced trainer. The use of proven learning methods ensures the know-how transfer between practitioners and participants. The frontline consulting group top companies among the customers as: SIEMENS, continental, AUDI AG, Daimler AG, BMW AG, NOKIA, SONY, DEKRA contact: frontline consulting GmbH Auguste Street 79 80333 Munich press contact: Eduard Klein phone (089) 500 77 97 0 fax (089) 500 77 97 27

Stephane Etrillard

You need only a few rules to comply with: go on the offensive: when problems arise, talk about it before others do it! Do not hesitate this, to admit their own misjudgments. You cover up nothing: A crisis to conceal or deny, cannot succeed. All the public will end up ultimately. A previous attempt to cover up something, last confidence and credibility is lost. Inform therefore correctly, complete, and current as possible. You gloss over anything: clarify to comprehensively about the causes and why you take what steps.

Make your actions transparent and comprehensible. Show understanding and sympathy for the concerns and fears of employee: is important here, to appear not aloof or disinterested. Their personal presence is required. Go to other to: you are looking for personal contact with the most important conversation and business partners, so that they get the information first hand. Stephane Etrillard offers his expert communication expertise interested companies in numerous open – and in-house seminars. Also he helps professionals and executives to more efficient communication through individual coaching. The seminars by Stephane Etrillard performed one of the leading training providers in Germany by the frontline consulting group.

About Stephane Etrillard: Stephane Etrillard is one of the top industry trainers and coaches. He is regarded as a leading European expert on the subject of “personal sovereignty”. With decision makers and executives, he is searched and known as Advisor and “Coaches of the new generation”. He enjoys an excellent reputation as a coach and writer. With its open seminars in the field of rhetoric and dialectic, as well as self-PR, he helps its participants to more sovereignty in all walks of life. Stephane Etrillard provides expertise in the practice for the practice. Its proven expertise emerged in the last 10 years in the observation and monitoring of several thousands of executives and salesmen from a wide variety of industries. He conducted coaching sessions and seminars up to now in Germany, Austria, the Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Hungary and Russia. His private clients include managers from top companies, medium-sized entrepreneurs and politicians, many people who get new impetus with him, to make your communication more effective. Numerous lectures and publications, he has become known to a wide audience. He is the author of over 20 books and audio-coaching programs, which belong to the business-top sellers. He is a popular interviewee for the press by “Cash” to “ManagerSeminare” about “Focus Money” and welcome guest in talk sessions and panel discussions. Many he is also from broadcasting interviews with “Bayern 2 radio” known. About frontline consulting group it Frontline consulting group is one of the leading German providers of continuing education with the issues management, communications, sales and project management. The seminars in small groups allow each participant to implement what you learned directly. Reflection and coaching take place in the seminar by the experienced trainer. The frontline consulting group top companies among the customers as: SIEMENS, continental, AUDI AG, Daimler AG, BMW AG, NOKIA, SONY, DEKRA. Contact: frontline consulting group Munich, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Berlin, Barcelona, Stockholm, frontline consulting GmbH Auguste Street 79 80333 Munich press contact: Eduard Klein phone: 089 500 77 97 0 fax: 089 500 77 97 27 E-Mail:

Part-time Job With The Employer Login – The Rules Of The Game

What rules apply to supplement the income of an ancillary activity is commonplace for many today. After the closing time in the Guest House, but not to relax or celebrate. Many workers take advantage of the free time after the main job to earn a little pocket money to. Very often employers and employees do not have the legal background are safe or adequately informed but. What are the rules must be complied with the income? The law allows every citizen the right to work, say everyone can choose the professional direction, job and training opportunities.

In principle, you need no extra approval by the employer to pursue a part-time job in his spare time, however, the employer must accept not any kind of ancillary activity for its employees. Decreased performance of this applies in particular to a diminished performance capacity is due to the nature of the secondary in the actual main activity if one has, after the conclusion of the service to be working for the competition. This point is included in many contracts, often you may be engaged for a period of months or a year after leaving the company for a competitor. Therefore, it is excluded at the same time and still upright service relationship for a rival company to work in leisure. Maximum working time also can the maximum working time which is laid down in the labour code are not violated or exceeded. The maximum permissible working hours per day is limited to 8 hours, but can be increased to 10 hours a day if necessary. You must ensure that the average total working hours within not to exceed 8 hours per day 6 months or 24 weeks.

In other words, you worked some days 10 hours at a time must you so compensate for this extra work time period of 24 weeks that the average working time of 8 hours per day out is the bottom line. Holidays do not use for extra income you should use the holiday not a paid secondary to investigate because it is used for recreation and should be used accordingly. Employees who return, because they’ve gone to a part-time job after a vacation exhausted on the job, and thus provide a reduced power, could bring this into trouble. The employer is obliged to provide a certain number of paid vacation days per year an employee, it is thus unfair to take advantage of the time with any other paid activity and thus to counteract the rest. Should you run a part-time job during a sick leave, this can cause an immediate dismissal. The worker has the obligation to do its best to bring about a rapid recovery, this is not going to a part-time activity, in the normal case but the rest and possible use of drugs. All in all is that for the main employer in no case suffer through the secondary and the statutory maximum working time not is exceeded. It adheres to these rules, anything in the way is an extra income.

New Education System

We live in a decadent society, which piles up massive State debts that burdened with unreasonably high taxes and social security contributions and must live in the many millions of people by state charity and may give no sense her life a new education system for people who participate, perform their natural task and thereby develop their talents, passions and values competently on networks and direct democratic decisions. We can change that by we rethink. The thinking and actions of each individual ultimately contributes to the success or failure of the whole society. So how well young people know the goals, values, systems and rules of the society and also day to day life is very crucial. This very much depends on a high-quality education by parents and teachers. With the aforementioned, new education the young people can be prepared optimally on a free society, in which they can best develop their inclinations and abilities and can decide itself in the framework of direct democracy. The new educational system fundamentally changed by what? If the visionary today looks back and compares between the old education system (frontal), he has grown, and his basic concept for a new educational system (learning projects), then he finds following basic differences: target: old education system: the minor orders, the well from the top down control using hierarchies, you can provide global expertise well the and which fits easily in ruling systems.

The most important goal for the minor orders is the safe money income source. new education system: the responsible problem solvers and autodidact who competently and actively participating in networks, performs his natural task and it develops his talents, passions and values. The most important goal for the proficient problem solvers and Autodidacts is to find his life’s mission and run. important values: old Education: Obedience (duty), material wealth (independently of inner wealth), diligence (without the sense of diligence to question), socially recognized profession (men should a professional respected in society), beauty (women should be beautiful) new education system: nature, peace and inner contentment (inner wealth, so with yourself in the line live), justice, freedom and love creation concept old education system: the concept of creation is disregarded new education system: the concept of creation is noted old educational system selection of teachers: selection of teachers according to notes new education system: selection of teachers for their skills relevant indeed to the teaching interpersonal cooperation old education system: people are led via hierarchies new education system: people cooperate within the framework of networks constructive teaching and learning old education system: nature – and lebensfremdes learning new educational system: natural and down-to-Earth learning evaluation of the Lernerfolgs old education system: assessment, how much we know new education system in the short term (notes references): assessment, how we act in the long term with our knowledge (learning and competence portfolio) it comes eventually, that young people learn how they can make their lives meaningful. Read the free eBook and eMail introduction to the basic concept for a new education system. Learn more about the basic concept for a new education system can be found on the website of the author. He describes how he wants to put the whole thing into practice, in his course.

Systematic Training

Indicate relationship or communication structures and apply the systemic training represents an additional qualification that is suitable for different target groups. Now, this type of training in companies is very often used to provide a systemic and so that solution-oriented conversation. Every entrepreneur wants his employees to develop an independent thinking and hence the ability show solutions to problems without finding the help and constant support of the Chief. Exactly this goal is achieved through the systemic training. Everyone has the ability to find solutions and to develop, not apply but often this ability, because it does not fully exploit its resources. Through a systemic training an employee as a systemic consultant is employed in a company, which brings the audiences exactly on this path, namely then, that they take full advantage of independent thinking.

It focuses primarily content of systemic training at a systemic education identify systemic thinking, new perspectives to develop, offer professional advice and new perspectives. In addition it also belongs to the content of systemic training, that existing resources as another power source and relationship or communication structures uncovered and understood. Application of systemic training is the systemic training an additional qualification. Thus, it is possible to integrate this in a company and a work field. So, she can be applied, practice-oriented and practical. The relevance of the practice is the systemic training of great importance, because it enables that a group much better bring their skills in the company and hence the chances of a rise. The systemic training is applied very often also in crisis areas, such as therapeutic facilities. Because of that but the mindset that conveys a systemic education, is very important for companies, it is also always greater application. Who himself wants to take a systemic training, should consult appropriate provider and can promote as well its employees.