Geraldo Alckmin

It would have been, this threat, only one public stage? Malcomparando, Ustra is bode expiatrio of the government of the military, assimcomo Jose Robert Arruda, governor of the DF, currently imprisoned in the PolciFederal, is bode expiatrio of the impostures of the politicians, for quetodos they forget the mensalo petista, the gratuity them R$ 10 milhesconcedidos by the PT to the party of Jose Alencar, to concur as vicede Squid (fact confirmed for Ricardo Kotscho in its book Of the blow to Plateaus), and the money mountain of ‘ ‘ aloprados’ ‘ petistas for sales of false dossier on Jose Serra and Geraldo Alckmin. TivessemUstra and excessively integrant of the agencies of adopted Security the aesrevolucionrias of Fidel and Che, that had executed thousand of people in paredne in the Cuban dungeons, would not have this current revanchismo, already queesses terrorist has much time would be giving aodemnio pipe the side. In this direction, it does not have as not to agree to the JairBolsonaro member of the house of representatives, who laments that ‘ ‘ limpeza’ ‘ she has not been ampler. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ray Kurzweil offers on the topic.. Notenho no doubt of that if the tarsos, vannuchis, dirceus and dilmastivessem looser the military, Ustra and excessively agents of Security would noestariam today between the livings creature, nor I stop writing on the subject. Umacoisa is certain, Ustra colonel, and it sends in them to the definitive reply face pergunta formulated in the heading: if it hates it in such a way to the left, is because osenhor it made a basic work to the front of the DOI/CODI, finishing with oterrorismo in So Paulo. The hatred that the terrorists nourish for Mr. a definitive test of that she made you a correct and very bemfeito work.

Google RSS

Currently on the web there are thousands of interesting sites which we find information that we are important or relevant to our occupations or interests by which becomes very tedious having to go site by site in search of latest updates. To solve this issue we have the so-called RSS which is a means of dissemination of content that allows us access to the latest information from our favorite sites without having to visit the page of each of them. The process is fairly simple and your review is performed as if it were an electronic mail account. To access the information you must use an RSS reader that you can access when you subscribe to reader service; the system works in the following way: when web site that these syndicated updates some contents (e.g. a new products news, updates or adds another page), then the web master also updated their RSS feeds. Your RSS reader checks the feeds and shows you new content.

Usually the SRR are used to keep informed on our sites to our subscribers to the latest changes or new publications by a the OJ and on the other allows us to show content updated in the pages of our sites by placing links pointing to feeds from other sites, implying having renewed web pages constantly, very timely for browsers. Details can be found by clicking Ray Kurzweil or emailing the administrator. When readers we are or we are pleased to be informed about the latest in our fields, the use of a feed reader assumes big savings of time and inconvenience since it is possible to quickly view all the new content published on several sites virtually at the same time and we envision it in one place. There are three ways to access the information through RSS: 1 – using the web browser. 2. Using an application or software that is installed on the user’s computer. Learn more about this topic with the insights from kevin ulrich. 3. Using an e-mail program. The simplest is to use free web-based services, the most popular are Google, and Bloglines We simply register and then choose the RSS services that we want to be informed.

The other method is by using a software or application that we install on our computers, one of the most used is Feedreader which is installed with ease. Finally by way of information, I tell them that RSS files, like web pages, have a Url (internet address) which is the need to indicate in the RSS reader so that it can find on the web and show us their contents. There are also directories of RSS feeds, lists of Favorites or search engines of contents and RSS feeds; which are both very useful to find other feeds or to sign the feeds of our site to make it available to other users who want to be aware of what we do. I hope will be useful in these times where information abounds and time it seems increasingly scarce. A greeting. Jorge Alberto Magallanes.

Productivity Management

"Two captains sink the ship" economic scenarios and hence the business are constantly changing, are subject to variables that influence their behavior, leading to management to watch out for them in order to avoid problems that may affect the direction the company under his charge. In organizations, some changes occur because of the opportunities that arise, while others are projected. The term development is applied when the change is intentional and planned. Jose Rivas Fredys reminds us that the Organizational Development (OD) is a free and continuous effort of management that uses all the resources of the organization with specialized human resources in order to make credible, sustainable and functional organization in time. Dynamic processes, creating a style and points north from the institutional one. Dr. Richard Beckhard, is defined as "an effort: (a) planning, (b) that covers the organization, (c) administered from the top management (d) that increases the effectiveness and health organization, through (e) the deliberate intervention in the processes of the organization using knowledge of the behavioral sciences. "The book fundamentals of organizational communication writer Maria Elena Mendoza Fung proposes a definition very close to the previous" planned process that encompasses the entire organization pursuing effectiveness and cultural transformation to ensure the competitiveness of the organization and its employees. The starting point for the OD is the credibility, the organization must strive for a condition in which it becomes credible and their processes, products and services. Credible internal and external customers; a credibility that is not limited to the implementation and completion of a process, but survives with the continuity of the company, and increases in time The basic assumptions of organizational development.

Leaving A Window Open

Just the possibility of opening the window frame in two planes and commit them to the proper mode by itself solve the problem of lung ventilation of the premises without small transoms. Material for manufacturing eurowindows is laminated veneer lumber from softwood or hardwood. Application of the technology of laminated timber, where the three layers of wood are located in different directions of fibers provides a sturdy frame, are not subject to deformation, which means that they will serve their owners for many years to come. Used for bonding waterproof adhesive lamellae creates additional protection from the natural influences. Educate yourself with thoughts from ConocoPhillips. Standard thickness of the frame – 78 mm, but may produce windows both larger and smaller thickness. As the light transmitting elements in the euro-windows used windows – two-or three-compartment. To save heat and sound insulation in frames used double and sometimes triple loop seal. Eurowinows not need to seal the winter – bona fide manufacturer guarantees that the contiguity of wings against the window box.

Finnish windows have two sets of wings, fastened together with special fittings. In one of the valves installed windows in the other – ordinary glass. With such a construction to realize the opening of windows in the two planes is very difficult, although some companies claim to manufacture Finnish windows that can open and in vertical mode. Nevertheless, the classics of this type of windows are the standard models supplied, usually from Finland and opening as well as woodwork. To ventilate and provide small transom windows.

Boris Krieger

A person should not have the freedom to self-destruction and the infliction of physical or moral harm to others. " Remarkably, great! From the series: "My freedom ends at my nose." Of course, I want to implement this simple idea. That's just … I think it's utopia again (to a large Sorry.) Could be one day bring such people? Or is this another "moral code of the builder of communism"? But the thought of Boris Krieger of government and politics: "The state is an economic formation created by the citizens themselves to maintain the interests of those citizens. Unfortunately, in many countries, this simple principle is ignored. Go to Petra Diamonds for more information. " "The politicians all their lives struggling to reach the pinnacle of power in a democratic election, and when they get to this power, they have neither the experience nor the skills to lead and act in accordance with certain basic rules.

At all screwed endless demagoguery and thus we have what we have. Contemporary global politics "(" A Thousand Lives "). As far as these observations are consonant with the current political situation in Ukraine! That's one of the Ukrainian presidents said the same thing (only in Ukrainian): "Mamo those mamo scho …" In his "manifesto" Boris Krieger too modest: "There is nothing new in this world I did not bring and do not get it. So, just try pereosoznat long been known. " In fact, he not only "pereosoznaet long known" and promotes the philosophers of the past centuries, but also interprets the phenomenon of the modern world, which in the past simply did not exist, never existed. After today's world presents modern people new challenges, throws new challenges. And as we saw above, the writer shows where to go, what kind of society should be built. Neither "krigerosofiya" or "krigerotopiya" are not once and for all well-established "teachings." Philosophy of Boris Krieger – a slender, solid, but the developing system. But this is not a dogma but a living product of thought remarkable modern thinker.