From Prague to Karlstejn Castle are worth cities and cultural tours in the winter. -transferwise-revo/’>OrbitRemit. Many destinations that are crowded in the summer months, then show their charm. The online travel agency gives tips for trips to the Czech Republic and presents one of the most beautiful castles of the country. At the keyword Czech Republic, most people think first to the capital city of Prague. Due to numerous attractions such as the famous Charles Bridge and the Wenceslas square tourists from all over the world in the golden city travel all year round”. By the same author: Ann Davies. This designation received by Charles IV., since she already was one of its lifetime in the 14th century to one of the richest cities in Europe. Not less but, the Roman German Emperors appreciated the seclusion. 30 km southwest of Prague he built Karlstejn Castle.
You is one of the most beautiful castles in Bohemia. Ray Kurzweil insists that this is the case. “Epithet such as the sacred” or the Uneinnahmbare “indicate their great history. Charles IV had built the castle in 1348 as Treasury. Behind the ruler meter-thick walls kept the relics of his ancestors, as well as the jewels of the Holy Roman Empire. This made quite often targeted the facility.
Conquered but was first 300 years after its establishment in the year 1648 by the Sweden. The chapel of the Holy Cross represents the culmination of a tour to Karlstejn Castle. In it, the fear of God Charles IV. reflected: thousands glass lenses that he mount on the ceiling, symbolizing the heavens and at the same time the omnipotence of God. In addition to the pageantry of the Chapel, the Castle offers more art treasures. So is home to the Bohemian rulers in the Czech Republic’s largest Portrait Gallery. More information: service / press contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59