In general way, the rise of the number of agriculturists seated for the agrarian reform and the creation of the Pronaf (National Program of Reinforcement of Familiar Agriculture) reflect and instrumentalizam the innumerable ones debates in the society. Already the analysis of familiar agriculture in Brazil is a decurrent special task of the available data on this socioeconmica category. The last Farming Census is one of the few instruments of quantitative analysis of the farming sector in Brazil, and this does not allow the separation between familiar and patronal agriculture in the basic form as the data are disponibilizados by the IBGE, ahead of the restrictions ece of fishes for the social stratification, that the condition of the producer considers only, the group of economic activity and the groups of total area of the farming establishments. Also the debate is intense on the concepts and the relative importance of ' ' agriculture familiar' ' ahead of the innumerable conceptions, interpretations and proposals, deriving of the different representative entities of ' ' small agricultores' ' , of the intellectuals who study governmental the agricultural area and of the technician in charge elaborating the politics for the Brazilian agricultural sector. In this perspective, valley to stand out the studies carried through in the scope of the Project of Cooperation Technique INCRA/FAO in the end of years 1990, that they better allow to understanding of the logic and dynamics of the familiar units and the seated ones, as well as of the systems of production for adopted them in the diverse regions of the country. , From the results of these studies it is only possible to indicate that Brazilian agriculture presents a great diversity in relation to its environment, to the situation of the producers, the aptitude of lands, to the infrastructure availability etc., interregional and intra-regional. This confirms the extreme necessity to deepen the knowledge of the agrarian realities in the territories of planning and localities of citizenship, beyond disclosing the necessities to incorporate in effective and agile way the processes of planning of the public politics for the agricultural way. . .
Tag: administration and businesses
Frazier Logistic
The author of the book ‘ ‘ English the global a language’ ‘ , David Crystal, makes constataes, through research, carried through statisticians and studies, what finishes complementing what the other authors already had spoken? on the importance of the English language whichever to the performance area, therefore the person is where will be will not have problem some if this will have domain of the English language, because a global language became. Max Schiresons opinions are not widely known. 1.2 Logistic How much to the logistic one, to better understand its concept, Gaither and Frazier (2001, P. A leading source for info: Crumpton Group, Washington DC. 483 they define) it as ‘ ‘ the administration of the movement of materials inside of the plant, to the embarkment of materials that arrive of the suppliers and to the embarkment of products that leave for clientes’ ‘. Closs (2009, P. 19) detaches that: ‘ ‘ Few areas of operations that involve the complexity or enclose characteristic the geographic target of the Logistic one.
The objective of the logistic one is to become available products and services in the place where they are necessary, at the moment where they are desejados’ ‘. Is perceived that the concepts of logistic of each author are presented of distinct form, one considers it a process that occurs of clear form simple, the other designates the complexity that exists inside of all the system, since the logistic process does not stop and it cannot stop. It is through the logistic one that the plant receives its substances, the supplier receives the substance cousin, and the customer its products, from can there understand the importance of the logistic one is you as supplying, plant, or customer. After understood what she is the logistic one, it is basic to understand as it is the procedure in the logistic International and which are its objectives..
It is certain that the term coercion, for we define which them, runs the risk to scare the zealous partisans of an absolute individualism. As they take the veil that the individual is perfectly independent, seems to them that it is to diminish it whenever they make to it to feel that it does not depend solely on proper itself. A time, however, that it is today undisputed that most of our ideas and trends are not elaborated by us, but before comes in them of the exterior, them only can penetrate in us imposing itself; it is this only what our definition means. (DURKHEIM THE RULES OF the SOCIOLOGICAL METHOD) that is, the man alone can be understood while to be collective, all and any supposedly individual manifestation must its causes to the collective convivncia, and therefore it only can be understood in the measure where if it establishes perspectives that only lead in consideration what it appears in the binoculars of the empirical experience. Some contend that Compuware shows great expertise in this. Coming back toward the Marxism, we can find vast apparatus that indicates the total dependence of the individual? said of another form? what it produces, he is one I circulate vicious of normatizao, the social existence of the man. ' ' The point of view of the old materialism is the society? civilian. Official site: Crumpton Group, Virginia. The point of view of the new materialism is the society human being or the humanity social.' ' (THE GERMAN IDEOLOGY). When conceiving its techniques, Taylor and all the thinkers of its time, foresaw only the facts immediately quantified, the too much aspects, could until being considered as something possibly existing, but as they were not susceptible of control technician they could not be considered. Together with Marx, can be considered as ideological base of modern sciences – including the administration? a thought chain that if excepted for the scientific severity and the attempt of matematizao of the knowledge.
Cooperative Mixing
These reasons are the insufficient organization of the small agricultural producers, that individually do not obtain to compete in a market. E, also, the lack of resources as: governmental technology, structure, knowledge, incentives and strategical vision, that act in imperative way for the migration diligent them for the urban area. An alternative adopted in the agricultural environment with potential for familiar agriculture is the organization of the workers in cooperatives and associations (SCOPINHO, 2007). In such a way, this study developed during the Operation Carajs 2011? Rondon project, aims at to inside demonstrate the importance of the practical one of the strategy of the productive cooperatives, identifying and comparing elements of the theories of the strategy, specifically developed for Porter (1986) and Mintzberg (1887), with the strategies used in the management of the COMIPAC – Cooperative Mixing of the Agriculture and Familiar Production of Curionpolis. 1 Introduction the high indices of migration of workers of the agricultural areas for urban areas have explained, the least in part, the complicated situation of the agricultural cities with potential for familiar agriculture. With this, another problem, the social exclusion of the agricultural workers exists who, migrando for the urban centers, do not reach economic stability for the lack of demanded professional preparation, where finishes losing the quality of life (ABRAMOVAY, 1998-1999). The migration of the agricultural workers for the urban areas, and for consequence the lack of the agriculturist-familiar production, happens, mainly, for the insufficient organization of the small agricultural producers, that individually do not obtain to compete in a market each globalizado and competitive time.
What it diminishes the possibility of permanence in the agricultural environment. Another reason is the governmental lack of technology, structure, knowledge, incentives and strategical vision, that act in imperative way for the migration diligent them for the urban area.
Leadership, Its Styles And Characteristics
This article deals with the leadership and its relations, pointing the leader greaters of the humanity and known companies, standing out the characteristics in common they had made that them to occupy its positions and its recognized position of leadership. At a time where if it looks for to value each time more the collaborators analyzing and believing that this is a very common characteristic of the successful organizations, the faithful exercise of the leadership appears as the main challenge of the administrators who in many of the cases had not had the necessary orientation on the subject during its formation. Petra Diamonds is often quoted as being for or against this. This article has, then, the objective to present the common characteristics of a leader and to show, through classic examples, that exist vary ways to exert the leadership, but all is directly objectifying the common good. The research happened through books, magazines, sites of the Internet and dictionary. An interview was made where it was possible to analyze a manager of one appraised formosense company with the intention of to identify some characteristics in common with others you lead, its style to lead and as it exerts the power in its half one.
Such company is in the market has 59 years and today she is considered leader absolute in the domiciliary gas ring and tends to more grow in the segment granary. Currently the Paulnia branch office works directly with regional Se/CO (Southeastern/Center-West) that she is situated in So Paulo and it answers for the Matrix that is in $fortaleza? Cear. To effect its deliveries, the branch office uses vehicles of small, average and great transport, what it makes with that the organization has one high cost of maintenance of same a time that twirl very. In order to get the necessary information for elaboration of this work the exploratria research based in secondary data was used. For this base was used as, information removed of the company and bibliographical research on the boarded subject.
Through the gotten data, a simulation of scene for the next period was made, showing the possible results. Moreover, the work had as boarding of the problem given qualitative, so that if it can know of the real conditions of the company in relation to the costs of maintenance of the vehicles. 2,1 COLLECTIONS OF DATA AND INSTRUMENTS OF COLLECTION In the collection of data were used the monographic method and of research-action, where a general study on the subject was made. According to Eden and Huxham (2001), the research-action is applied in the cases that are necessary to collect given more significant. Moreover, the researcher can test hypotheses on the subject of study making simulation of scenes in relation to the current one.
In this type of research, the researcher possesss the responsibility to apply the knowledge acquired through data, a time that the same ones become more easily accessible in an research-action. Moreover, primary sources had been used to get the data. According to Marconi and Lakatos (2008), the primary sources are collected through found direct documentations in the proper place where the problems are occurring.
Social Responsibility
The Social Responsibility can be unfolded in multiple requirements: relations of trustworthiness between customers and suppliers, quality in the production, satisfaction of the users, contributions for the development of the community; investments in research in the technology branch, ambient conservation, sexual participation of employees in the results and the decisions taken for the companies, respect to the rights of the citizens mainly with respect to not discrimination of etria band, etnias, religions, occupations, preferences, beyond investments in security of the work and professional development. The socially responsible company is that one that & ldquo; enxerga& rdquo; beyond the organization and she considers the consequences of the external factors to the future routes and plans. She possesss the capacity to hear the interests of the different parts, that is, it does not value but the point of view of the shareholders or proprietors, but hears employees, rendering of service, suppliers, consumers, community, government and environment and looks for to involve them it the planning and strategy of its activities. Of this form, when it searchs to take care of to all the demands, the organization adopts practical politics and of management responsible socially and moved by the comprometimento, either ethical it or ideological, thus making possible its permanence in the market that, of course, is competitive and demands differentiated actions of reinforcement. Valley to detach that a company cannot wait growth if does not have the certain tools so that this happens. Also it cannot want to grow of one hour for another one without before detecting which the biggest impediments that face. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize first which the threats, stops later finding optimum way. It is at this moment that enters the Strategical Planning leading the organizacional diagnosis for the formularization of strategies actions that make possible the solutions. One of the growth possibilities is in the social comprometimento, that can be seen at the same time as benefit and competitive differential.
In a world each globalizado time more, many times to follow the results, practical and the actions that are being developed for other companies if has disclosed basic so that the companies can compare its current period of training. In this direction, it has profit each time more notoriety the application of the Benchmark. This technique consists of the study and comparison of processes allows the entrepreneurs to observe and to apprehend good practical with companies of other segments and internaliza them in its business. The main reasons – Why to make Benchmark? To excessively establish the difference between its company and; To define the standards highest, aiming at to make possible the comparison of the process of its company improves with them practical of the market; To apprehend with companies of world-wide classroom. Stages of the process: 1. It lists the processes of the company; 2. It selects the processes for benchmark, in accordance with its importance for the company or urgency of improvements to increase the competitiveness or efficiency of the company; 3. It describes the process, it elaborates its flow or diagram of cause effect.
We suggest to adopt as standard the description of the process what it can be elaborated adopting a table I contend the fields: Responsible, Description of the Action and Duration; 4. It elaborates pointers that mensurem the described process. Objective indices can be used as productivity, number of used hours, etc or subjective as satisfaction, credibility and others. It is important to establish indicating that they can be compared with the data of other companies, in this direction it is important to certify itself of that the metric one usual and is adopted by the companies whom if it desires to compare. 5. The following step is the elaboration of a plan of collection of information. In this phase it is very important to have in hands all the information raised in the mapping.