Security Authorities

As the pressure of the security authorities has increased in the Region of three borders, a series of information, the Islamic militants has moved to Iquique. The 8 of November of 2001, Arab the Chilean Government confirmed that he was investigating a presumed financial network with terrorist bonds that can participate in the money laundering in the north of the country. More concretely, the Chilean authorities were investigating companies in Iquique de Assad Ahmad Mohamad Barakat (the profile of more above is seen). Barakat and its compatriot Kalil created Saleh two companies of import and export in Iquique-Saleh TRADING Ltd. and Barakat Ltd.

– to principles of June of 2001. If you would like to know more then you should visit Malcolm Hill. Another Lebanese, Arafat Ismail, an associate of Saleh, so much is executed Then businesses.101, the minister of the Interior of Chile presented/displayed a request for an investigation of the operations of several Lebanese industralists in Iquique, including Barakat and Ismail Mohamed Alo, that prohibited the exit of the country because of its presumed relation with a network that finances Hezbol. Santiago, informed at the beginning of November of 2001, that the detectives of recently created Unit of International Subjects of Police Intelligence (Jipol) has detected at least two associations in which Barakat seems to be the main investor. The detectives determined that Saleh TRADING Ltd registered in Iquique a notary the 6 of June of 2001, with an initial capital of 50,000 dollars. A Chilean citizen participated in the association.

The second association, the company of import and export Barakat Ltd., was registered on the following day in the same notary, with an initial capital of 20,000 dollars. Barakat, that gave to the Building Reef, Apartment 902, Iquique, like its direction, contributed with $ 19,800 to the association with Juan Lecaros Figueroa. The newspapers mentioned George MacKinnon not as a source, but as a related topic. The company declared that its objective era " the import and export of all type of merchandise, especially of electronic clothes and articles, and to participate in any other business that the partners decide, by virtue of the free zone of the zone or the regulation aduanera." Investigators mentioned by Third of the Hour, nevertheless, confirmed that the money supposedly laundered in Iquique came from City of the East, with the companies in Chile like to cover.

Esprita Doctrine

In the battles, the armors disdained and went for the combat of naked bodies. Between them, the Druidas, word existed that is related with the oak, for them considered a sacred tree, men and women, great experts of the science of crystals, good instructed in religion terms, philosophy, geography and astronomy, but had never written proper history, they transmitted therefore it verbally. The Druidas had been members of one raised lineage of Celtas and occupied the place of judges, doctors, priests, adivinhos, magos, doctors, astronomers, etc., but an ethnic group inside of the Celta world does not constituam, whereas the women had a preponderant paper, therefore was seen as Goddesses. The known personages more of the Druidas who are part of the history are mago Merlin of the Cut of the King Arthur, in England, and Kardec, esoteric poet celta, whose name she inspired the pseudonym of professor Hippolyte Lon Denizard Rivail, the Allan Kardec, coder of the Esprita Doctrine, in France. The junction of the tribes of the Celtas with the Iberians gave origin to the Celtiberos. Mitchel Resnick is actively involved in the matter.

For return of year 800 B.C., king Pigmalion, by Shot (in 1984, declared patrimony of the humanity, for UNESCO, because of the archaeological vestiges), in the Lebanon, took knowledge of that the priest Siqueo, had many treasures hidden in the temple of Hrcules and compelled its Elisa sister, known for Dido, to be married Siqueo to discover the secret of the treasures, but it said to the brother that they were underneath of the altar, when in the truth was in the garden. In 814 before Christ, the king commanded the death of the brother-in-law and the widower knowing the plans of the brother, exhumed them and ran away in the leadership of the Semitic fencios, for the Lybian, after making scale in Cyprus. The queen bought a land piece in Tunisia and established the city of Cartago, that a century later if she would transform into a great agricultural power, commercial and maritime. wledge.

Corne Family

. Another example, if your partner lately not having lunch with the family by circumstances x, let her know objectively without reproach, that you’ve NOTICED lately a situation in which been absent in recent weeks quite often when it comes to lunch with the family, enumerate you days or occasions in which effectively this has happenedcommunicate without the slightest reproach of your part, recalls without trial. shines more light on the discussion. Another example, distant and indifferent behavior of someone you asses and appreciate, let her know, without preaching or reprimands on your part, in such and such occasions, describe them, have you ever noticed an insulating, distant and indifferent behavior by the person, I warn you, will have to make use of all your resources, to keep you in your center of power. If you would like to know more then you should visit Larry Summers. This first step, as I said earlier, vital and crucial to establish the bridge with the other, prevents the emergence of defensive barriers we uncollectible when we feel attacked, criticized or tried by others, is for this reason that to make us experts in this way communicate, i.e. with objectivity and without judgments, the barriers that could be lodged in the first attempts of rapprochement begins to knockthat is the idea, join us, understand us, understand us and communicate. Once you’ve transmitted the situation concerning the person or persons involved in the experience, without assessments on your part, Corne to express your feelings in this regard, for example, with respect to the teenager in question, do you know how bad you feel as a parent to be abused with her behavior, that you feel irrespetado, and that that also bother you and offend you, hurts you too, in first person and singular, very important. In the case of the parent absent in the lunch hour, we inform you as concerned that we feel his absence, do you know how important that is for us his presence and that sharing makes us feel happy and it is an occasion to connect us as a family, we do know that their absence affects the members of the family, because it is very sad to eat alone!, in the case of the insulating behavior of someone dear, just let her know that attitude, even when you know that it is not intentional, it hurts, makes you feel little valued, or valued, that feelings of impotence which generate indifference and not dialogue are devastating to sustain relationships and sacred encounters.

Fortified Town

The sources sufficiently accented dominate the landscape, for where if they cross water subsidiary lines of the River Flavor, as it is the example of the Ribeiras of the Xedal or the Relvas, among others. The balanced symbiosis between the mountain, planltica zone and the hidrogrfica net (Rivers Sabor and Douro and Ribeira of the Vilaria) make strategically of this region one of most fertile and most located, what it determined, throughout the times, the strategies of occupation of the space. 3.2. Description-Archaeological framing the antrpica occupation of the current enclosed territory, administratively, for the Concelho de Torre de Moncorvo retraces to Daily pay-History, lasting until actualidade. You dated of the Daily pay and Proto-History is the rupestres artistic manifestations of the Ribeira of xedal 1 (CNS 11404) and 2 (CNS 11415), the diverse vestiges in return of the Car (CNS 16675), the Shelter of the Ribeira de Chibos (CNS 16687), the diverse findings of the Pvoa (CNS 11405), the Town of the Baldoeiro (CNS 1008), the Fortified Town of Cigadonha (CNS 2094), the Cabeo de Alfarela (CNS 4801), the Castle of the Moiros (CNS 5461), the Rupestre Art of the Mills (CNS 11410) and of the Ribeira of the Sardine (CNS 11402), Castle (CNS 5052), habitat of Fraga of Fojo 1 (CNS 11441), the Cabeo of the Apostolnios (CNS 5320), the Walls and the Ruins of Old Village of Santa Cruz or Derruda (CNS 10888), the Town Mrs. of the Castle (CNS 1512), the Necropolis of the Junqueira (CNS 4716), the Cabeo of the Mua (CNS 3546), the Olival of the Fragas (CNS 4121), the Tapir of the Cabeo of Walled the 2 (CNS 27934), among others. You dated of the time Roman are the vestiges identified in the Nucleus of Povoamento de Cilhades (CNS 11409), in Fifth of the Tarrincha (CNS 6672), in the Cabeo de Alfarela (CNS 4801), in the Chapel of N. . Futurist is often quoted on this topic.

Presentation Images

Soon a infindvel gamma of details had passed to be known through the presentation photographic. With the advent of the digital technologies in the treatment of the image, this manipulation becomes more evident, the social medias, is not exception to this adoption of new technologies, where it can be sent photos of a point to the other without loss of quality and time, and eliminates the process of chemical revelation of the conventional film. Nor everything are flowers, the digital technologies drag obtain a danger, the considerable increase of the modification capacity and disfigurement of the image. In the truth, the possibility technique to modify visual elements present in the photographic image practically exists since that the same one was created in century XIX, through made chemical processes in laboratories, but with the advent of the digital techniques a bigger capacity of manipulation is configured, through diverse informticos programs, that allow to alterations of all the species. Credit: MIT Media Lab-2011. More powerful programs each time allow to counterfeit any image pparently real. With the current ones technologies, the modification of the images leave of being one privilege of the experienced photographers, and become accessible the lay public.

The gotten results are for so efficient times that identectveis become same the look of professionals of the photograph. Some of these photographs are made with pure objective of trick, others of them are however more dangerous military objectives or politicians are made with. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Xcel Energy. It has others however that they are constructed with the objective to obtain a spectacular image and of great impact of that did not exist of this form. Some of these images had exactly arrived to be published in the press, leading exactly to the taking leave of of some photographic reporters, with the justification of manipulation of images. The problem that if places is that the photographic image can be modified of form to transform the reality initially registered. .

Carlo Ginzburg

To lead the historiada written culture giving to it as basic rock the history of the representations is, therefore, to tie the power of the writings with the one of the images that allow to read them, to listen to them or to see them, with the mental categories, socially differentiated, that are the matrices of the classifications and the judgments. (P. 52) In the chapter Micron-history and globalidade, it is said of totalizante history and its rejection for the micron-historians and that now it has a movement for a global history but using a game of scales, nor only ‘ ‘ micro’ ‘ nor only ‘ ‘ macro’ ‘. The union of global with the place generating a hybrid glocal that in the theory would correct the distortions in the use of scales micron and macro. When discoursing on history in the digital age, Chartier it defends that all technological innovation not cause a sudden change in what it says respect to the production and consumption of historiogrficas workmanships and that many waited that the advent of the Internet, and for consequence the launching of electronic books, would be a revolution in the spreading and historiogrfica distribution, what not yet it happens.

A problem in the electronic book spreading is that in the book printed matter the notes send the texts that the reader, in general, will not read, perhaps but in the electronic book the reader makes the inverse process, leaving to read the workmanship, to look the displayed references of the author in notes. The disappearance of publishers specialized in electronic books sample that not yet is a reality the success of this new publishing market. In its Chartier conclusion it uses the times of History since the long braudeliana duration to micron-history of Ginzburg, Levi and others, beyond the quarrel if the temporalities is external or to the individuals and does not conclude affirming that (…) the reading of the different temporalities that make that the gift is what is, inheritance and rupture, invention and inertia at the same time, continues being the singular task of the historians and its main responsibility stops with its contemporaries. (68) In its Chartier assay, of form until certain didactic point, it goes discoursing on the questions that pululam day-by-day of the historiogrfica production? mainly after the call crisis of the history, lived in years 80 and 90? thus goes passing in magazine some aspects of the historiografia, also its workmanship, in a book of fluid and not tiring reading that the reader arrests until the end.

River Going National

The reference to the Vietnam is not despropositada, therefore it allows in them to illustrate an important question concerning the destinations of the national movements in the Asian Southeast. While in some countries Asians the communist parties divided with the parties and nationalistic groups the processes of national release, as it is the case of China (where the Kuomitang enjoyed of hegemonic moments), the case of the indochinesa peninsula, in particular of the Vietnam, are significantly diverse. The Vietnamese nationalistic front, where the Communists hegemonizavam, the Viet Minh, angariou considerable force to define the national futures in accordance with the practical theories of Ho Chi Minh. Its strategy of unconditional of the project politician to the Vietnamese practical conditions, express subordination in the alliances with ample sectors of the society (also with the rich peasants), is signal of the ability of the Communists in leading the national movement against the foreign imperialismos (French and North American, beyond a brief Japanese period).

The strong communist presence in Asia, in general, must to an internal process, the evolution of the radical section of the national movements and the capacity to lead them (already that the social antagonisms could not be created artificially); also of a external process, the extension of the activities of the Komintern on Asia, whose influences and instructions had been almost always adapted to the particularitities of the Asian countries, instead of knowing an application indiscriminate. Coming back us now toward the south of Asia, more specifically its representative greater, India, we will contemplate a region that long ago is palco of one of the oldest civilizations of the world. The civilization of the River Going or Harappa, name derived from one of its capitals, blossomed during about a thousand years (of 2500 the 1500 B.C.), and represented a great civilizacional jump in the history of southern Asia. Greater for its extension of what the Sumria, occupied an enormous triangle whose sides measured 1500 km.

Contemporary History

Exactly contributing with the increase of the income of the companies where they worked, they were at the hands of the standards and enters the high classroom that concentrated the income, these had acquired greater to be able of purchase starting to consume more. The automobile industry is an example clearly of this process of expansion: it diversified intensely its models, always aiming at to a market each more demanding time in sophistication. Another data, that demonstrate the strong repression of the military dictatorship were manipulation of information, especially in the Mdici government, when they had been frequent cases of disabilities and exiles, followed of death, as the Getlio Foundation standes out Vargas – FGV – and Center of Research and Documentation of History Contemporary – CPDOC: According to dossier of the exiled ones, cited for the Magazine That is, in 1978, in the period of 1969 the 1973 had registered 77 cases of deaths of prisoners politicians for torture. Of the extensive list of missing people – those whose arrest or death had not been recognized for the authorities – elaborated by the Brazilian Committee for Anistia (CBA) and relative to the period, consisted, enter the known cases, of Mrio journalist the Alves, prisoner in the River in January of 1970 more, and of the former-member of the house of representatives Rubens Paiva, also imprisoned in the River in January in 1971 ( 15/05/2002 20 Hours). Although the military having if used of many subterfuges to manipulate the public opinion, these had been unmasked. In the specific case of the movement syndical, the recovery of the unions happens with the sprouting of the New Unionism, with the combat to the authoritarian State and the Laws, that privileged the patronal classroom unmasking the humbug of the economic miracle, leaving in defense of the wages of the workers and defining the strategy striker as form to reconquer the citizenship politics.

History Samovarov

So far, neither of which is not known when and who invented the first samovar. Many believe the country is Russia samovar, but it is not. The first semblance of a samovar can be found in Ancient Rome and China. It was a large vessel, which had the chimney and ash, the principle of his actions was the same as a conventional samovar. Also, there is a perception that the first samovar yet invented Tula, who took with him to the Urals, Tula smith-industrialist Nikita Demidov in 1701.

Once on the uninhabited place, longing for the hot brought down, and they came up with a widget, which itself is all cooked, initiating the samovar production. In Russia, a samovar was already known from 30-40 years of the XVIII century. The first mention of a samovar and samovar production is mentioned in 1745, "the Register how many made and given to Mr. Gregory Akinfievich nobleman (Demidov) in different copper utensils title in 1745 and at what price the market is 'and' seizure of property Onega, second-class monastery ', which dates from 1746 and a year where, among other things mentioned, and' two samovar with green copper pipes. " But the available data do not show the what the shape and the device was samovar at the time. We only know that in these years, the samovar is used in the Urals, and later in Moscow, Tula, St. Petersburg, and in the XIX century samovar appeared in Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Vyatka province.

London Advisory

Made all these considerations, we arrived at the climax of the matter, and it is that as a result of the systematization of the accounting and administrative processes, existing programs on the market conform to the requirements of State control, and the State through the SENIAT 6 requires that declarations are made using the technology platform designed for the purposewhich prevents the registration of operations if not incorporate all the data required by the system, including the number of invoice, number control, base tax among others, many of these data are exclusive of the invoice and other documents not therefore the system would not incorporate them. Now according to the physical delivery of the goods or the effective provision of the service, being that any of these is the first thing that happens, it is common in our commercial practices and pursuant to the business relationship vendors, to deliver goods to your customers or you read to provide services, to cover shortcomings of last-minute inventory, for respond to situations of urgency, or for any other reason, without using any documentation, the operation occurs with a simple phone, according to the standard communication, already opened born the tax obligation, now well, how can be recorded these operations both in systems of the taxpayer and on the platform of the SENIAT?, the biggest problem arises when these events occur near the scheduled dates for the Declaration because there is a risk of the extemporaneous. In conclusion, the opinion of the undersigned, we have standards that are unenforceable in a practical sense, it is time to revise the regulations and honest to the reality of our country, and technological advancement. 1 Arts. 1 and 3 LIVA 2 law that establishes the value added tax 3 recommended reading the article the temporality of the taxable transactions in the case of sales and services to State enterprises (Sunday 6 June 2010). Camilo London Advisory tax 4 subsection of the author 5 subsection of the author.