Many communities had folloied adesconfigurao of the native green of the Valley of the Ribeira, caused for the action of ventoe of the man. In the following decade, thanks to the action of the ambientalistas, the devastaocausada one for this activity was significantly braked in some regions dosul of the country, very in contrast of what it occurred around the river Ribeira, where achamada ‘ ‘ bleeding verde’ ‘ the area advanced more 10% in all (PAULA SOUZA, 1986). The advance of pinus and dasreas exotic pastures in the region not only threaten the environment, but tambmum very valuable cultural historic site, since the region shelters maiornmero of communities quilombolas of the states of So Paulo and Paran, where asubsistncia of these natural dosrecursos groups directly are related to the conservation. Moreover, the development of the relations of produocapitalistas through the intensification of the production of pinus and the activity cattle, closely it was related with the process of precarizao of the trabalholocal and intense social exclusion, favoring that the region was novamentesubmetida to the power of the local oligarchies and companies multinationals. It has some years, little sesabia on the conditions of life of the Quilombolas communities in the Paran. With acriao of the Work group Clvis Moura in 2005, it was the first time that umGoverno paranaense undertook the initiative to carry through levantamentoscio-economic and a cultural one, with sights to the guarantee of rights the essascomunidades. To break desselevantamento – and associate the diverse Federal action doGoverno; State; ONG’ social s and movements – another Paran temse disclosed in recent years. In the year of 2007, the Paranaense Program Solidary deEconomia of the State secretary of the Work and Promoo Social (SETP) explicit in its plan of work the Quilombolas communities as pblicobeneficirio of its action.