Hello Friends, with prejudice the images we see around the net and even on TV showing a police golpenado Mapuche leader, the perfidy with which he makes excessive use of force is unbearable before it generates a repulsion toward these behaviors are not primitive or animals, since no such species is between the blow of several in addition to an individual who has no way of defending themselves. But even when I am filled with disgust , and while I can also see the violence exercised by the Mapuche in response, I adhere to their struggle and feel that an injustice has been committed to this town and I can only sympathize with them. But what legitimacy can obtain respect for my rights, when the way to achieve is to exercise the same violence that institutional repression does to us’. The relationship between human rights, peace and nonviolence, it can be approached from the relationship between the various types of violence and the violation of human rights, and also from what you might call the “systemic violations” of rights engendering human violence. Because one thing is to understand that both the war and violence, involve situations in case of violation of human rights, there is a direct relation between both concepts, thus making it visible to all. But sometimes not so visible that certain types of violence such as discrimination, intolerance and exclusion, create conditions for both the violent reactions of those affected, and for the violent repression of those who want to curb these reactions. The rights abuse occurs not only through direct actions on the part of certain groups of people to other (special forces repression towards the Mapuche communities, another moment to housing borrowers, teachers, the Ping inos), which have been silenced, neutralized in their actions, repressed their rights). Many times the abuse these basic rights (the right to autonomy as peoples, to work and decent housing, freedom of movement, freedom from discrimination by race, sexual preference or religion, etc.., Occurs indirectly ( and there are not so clear responsibilities). Often things is a system that generates violence on certain groups of people, and nobody seems to realize that this system of things works. As if it were a natural fact, of a social catastrophe without charge. And that’s what progress is required on the injustice system, changing social structures, to guarantee rights to all, and thereby minimize violence, and hence the violent reactions, and therefore also the repression (justified to maintain order). I invite you to reflect on the ways of violence they are subjected, and which also serves, as well as to the answers we give in such situations. There are people who want Peace and recognition that nonviolence must be the form of relationship between people, we need to be many more, create awareness that we are so many that we no longer can count. abrazoMonica Toro A Nonviolence Study Group
Month: October 2009
User: Isha / Encarta 2009/Historia
I greet the 10-year rule of President Chavez PCV: Chavez ended the application of neoliberalism in Venezuela as a state policy. Nationalization of the fundamental areas of the economy ‘are fundamental achievements of the Venezuelan people that go in the direction of greater economic sovereignty and independence of our country’. Caracas, 02 feb. Tribuna Popular TP .- The Politburo of the Communist Party of Venezuela PCV, greeting today to President Chavez and the revolutionary process, marking ten years of taking possession of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, highlighting the great achievements attained in social, national sovereignty and development of the Venezuelan people in the past five years of the century. So said the National Secretary of Association of the tent, Pedro Eusse, who pointed out the profound changes that have taken place in Venezuelan society in this decade, highlighting the development and promulgation, through popular participation, of the Constitution of the Republic Venezuela. ‘The arrival of Hugo Chavez Frias government, I mean’ for the PCV-the suspension of neoliberal policies in Venezuela and much of Latin America and the Caribbean ‘, express the leader, recalling that in the decade of 90 and mostly under Caldera’s government, were being implemented privatization policies of the basic state, ‘We had plans to privatize the oil industry’, he said. MNCs had taken control of key sectors of the economy and basic and strategic services in Venezuela, noting that it implements the policies of labor flexibility on workers, a situation which under the Bolivarian government has protected the right of workers labor with tenure. The PCV stress that in these years with the arrival of President Chavez, has reversed many of those policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund ‘it stopped and started to reverse since the triumph of the people and of President Chavez’ express . The approval of the Constitution establishes the political, economic social and cultural rights of the Venezuelan people, highlighted Eusse. Also contrasting these policies with those developed in these years with the company’s nationalization of economic fundamentals, such as energy, steel, cement and electricity, telecommunications, stressing that ‘They are fundamental achievements of the Venezuelan people that go in the direction of the greater economic sovereignty and independence of our country ‘. The leader added “this is one of the fundamental reasons why the Communist Party of Venezuela, from a programmatic perspective, supports, defends and works by strengthening the process of change ‘. PCV also pointed out the progress on labor and social rights of the Venezuelan workers, listing a series of advances in pay, pension and job security. The education, health which has reached record levels of protection in Latin America and access to these essential services, was also highlighted by the leader, ‘The social policies have led to defeat poverty and advance the social inclusion of millions of Venezuelans through social mission ‘. The progress made in this period ‘is lost sight of if we compare to Venezuela 20 years ago’, he emphasized Eusse. But also lists many outstanding things that should be deepened, highlighting the need to develop effectively the People and the processes of returning power to the people, through the exercise of control and employees of social enterprises in state hands and the proper control and private sector control. “We have to truly build popular power if we actually move this process forward towards socialism ‘he said. The dismantling of the old state apparatus, repression of workers, which is still present in Venezuelan society, being seen in the killing of two workers in making the Mitsubishi company in Anzoategui State, by order of a judge who supported employers attempt to disrupt the just protest of workers by the illegal dismissal of 135 workers of the company on 29 January. Proceeds of the actions ‘brutal and savage’ that the police acted, 2 workers were killed and a third wounded and dozens more serious injuries, ‘Indeed it ltilizaron long arms and short lead against the workers there who have even taken these facilities’ , denounced the ruling. This is a sign of things to do there, where to criminalize and judicialize the just protests and demonstrations by workers.