Economy Cali and Valle del Cauca are one of Colombia’s main economic axis points being national and international economic exchange. The City is an indispensable step to / from the south and the border with Ecuador, and is connected to the world via the sea port of Buenaventura. The economic transformation of Cali and Valle del Cauca in the twentieth century and its crisis of the late century, and the outlook before the new century have been the subject of profound analysis of financial and academic institutions. This section is based on the analysis and recommendations of the Cali Colombia – Toward a City Development and Strategy published by the World Bank in 2002, and the Regional Economic Situation Reports (ICER) published quarterly by the DANE. Edificio Banco de Occidente Traditionally, Cali and the department have been space for the estate, the same as during the colonial time outside with the mines, the backbone of production.In the early twentieth century the city’s economy was concentrated in sugar production, based on an agricultural model in which large tracts of land were cultivated with minimum use of manpower. As a result, few families owned vast tracts of land in one of the most fertile regions of the country. This was an important factor in determining power relations and the organization of the city through the twentieth century. During the period 1910-1930 the city’s economy shifted its focus from the agricultural model to become a commercial node national level through the development of basic infrastructure such as construction of the railway to Buenaventura and the creation of the department of Valle del Cauca Cali designated as its capital.Although Cali and Valle del Cauca industrial revolution did not begin until the third decade of the twentieth century, some companies had already begun to cement the region’s industrial development, such as graphic arts company Carvajal y Cia (which began operations in 1904). In 1929 there is the creation of Soaps Varela Brothers in the 1930s, other industries began to grow in large scale factories soda and beer, the publisher and cigarettes. Less momentum clothing companies are also textiles, chemicals, chocolate, building materials, leather and furniture. In the 1940s, Cali and was no longer just a point of trade and its economy was focused on the industry. A few years before starting the decade began a major investment of foreign capital with the establishment of many factories and multinational example is Croydon in 1937, Cementos del Valle in 1939, Carton Colombia in 1941, Goodyear and Colgate-Palmolive in 1941 .Then came the establishment of other multinationals like General CEAT (Centelsa) in 1955, and pharmaceutical laboratories were located in the Cauca Valley between 1940 and 1960, as Tecnoqu micas and Baxter. Center of Cali, where lies much of the financial sector. The city’s industrial boom has attracted waves of immigration in the 1950s and 1960s. In these decades there are significant partnerships between public and private sectors, as the productive sector support to programs in business administration at the Universidad del Valle. The growth of the University training professionals and technologists, as well as infrastructure development, were decisive for the further development of industry and commerce in the Valle del Cauca.This trend continued in the 1970s and the early years of the next decade, public investment in infrastructure reached significant levels benefiting not only the productive sector but also the growing population, this resulted in Cali and Valle del Cauca models development to continue throughout the country. In the 1980s, before the relative laxity of the state drug trafficking became a common and quick riches. Drug profits had a strong influence on the economy of the city. The money ofdubious origin soon infected many institutions and public and private companies. Money laundering generated an economic boom that sharply declined in the mid 1990s when the central government declared war against drug trafficking. The economic recession of the late twentieth century began to take shape.Besides the war on drugs, was added the fragmentation of city resources, lack of continuity in the development plans of government to the next, and lack of human and fiscal resources needed to implement the plans of the mayors. All this created a climate of distrust among the population, industry and the regional government.
Month: January 2010
ASAP ASAP is an acronym for AcceleratedSAP methodology developed by SAP AG for the implementation of projects of implementation of their software solutions. It was initially created to achieve a standard practice in both activities and logistics consulting and other items necessary for the ERP implementation projects of the company (initially called SAP R / 3) be conducted with the least possible risk. Evolved over time to include the implementation of different business solutions that SAP has been developed, such as mySAP CRM, PLM, SCM, SRM, Enterprise Portals, among others.The name “AcceleratedSAP” intend to imply the ability to deploy on short time (for the pun with “As Soon As Possible”), unlike what had been happening when the deployments were made without a standard methodology, where sketched projects covering years of work, no deliverables defined by not filling the expectations of customers or companies that adopt the solutions, which created an adverse environment in the projects in question.
Global economic crisis and its impact on the Peruvian economy
According to the media and some economic analysts, global capitalism is on the brink of the abyss. With oil prices around 100 and financial markets in panic, eyes turn as always to the United States. His fall was inevitable, they say, would end one of the periods of global economic expansion more broad and sustained over the past hundred years. President Alan Garc a asked the businessmen and all sectors of the country to maintain trust, not lose composure and continue to invest despite the financial crisis affecting world markets, as in any way Peru will fall into recession in the coming years. “I am required to say as Head of state: have confidence, do not lose their composure, do not believe that Peru will fall into recession, anything can happen unless the Peru fall into recession in 2009 or in 2011, continue with their projects and its investments, banish fear, “he said during the closing ceremony of the 46th Annual Conference of Executives (CADE) 2008. In this regard, said that employers who prefer to see “what happens” and does not risk to invest at this time “making a grave error” because the results you get in a short future will be extremely auspicious. “This is no time to wait but to invest,” he said, while asserting that Peru, for the favorable macroeconomic conditions you have, “is a safe haven for investment amid the current financial turmoil. In his view, within 18 months will be “the reconnection of the world economy, thanks to enormous technological and productive resources with which it currently and also for the reinvestment of capital into various sectors have been a result of this juncture. But despite that the same president of Peru encourages investment, business and National Confederation of Private Business Institutions (Confiep) demanded the Government to take concrete measures to reduce the disruption caused by the financial crisis in the United States through a contingency plan to address the international economic crisis, which will be presented by the Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF), Luis Valdivieso. President Alan Garc a announced yesterday that this plan would be presented by the Minister of Economy, this report will have the sums of money which has to invest and launch a countercyclical policy (allowing times to spend more on lower income). Also include the savings from the State and the funds committed in the form of credits (if necessary use), we would provide agencies like the World Bank, IDB and CAF Moreover, the contingency plan will identify the physical works-roads, schools and hospitals being built so that they can accelerate their development. Cave noted that as time progresses, the pockets of Latin American countries are falling: The Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) suffered a sharp decline of 1.88 , which placed its main indicator, the Bombay index (CPI), at 28,317.92 points. In the same vein, the index of the Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires recorded a decline of 1 to 2128.94 integers.
Montaner says in the article is attached. ‘And not have to look for excuses to try to destabilize Peru’ was a real genocide. Twenty-four policemen were beheaded by the Peruvian Indians in a remote corner of the Amazon. Nine Indians were also killed in the fray, but there may be more dead. The direct source of conflict is the disagreement of the indigenous communities with farms and exploration for oil and gas law passed by Congress in a territory they claim as part of their natural habitats. The particles are transported in the atmosphere are caused by soil disturbance during construction activities and vehicular traffic and wind erosion on dirt roads and other surfaces moves. Other pollutants, such as particles, will be the result of burning debris from the wells and the different waste and the burning of gas in the burner. Hydrocarbon emissions will be the result of the vent system, any leakage or spillage and waste from production waste. Vehicles and equipment of gasoline or diesel engines emit CO, NOx, etc.. If there are small amounts of gas, with oil, they can vent or be burned in the burner. Emissions from this source include sulfur gas (H2S), C02, methane, etc.. The Reventazon hole can cause a large uncontrolled release of natural gas, or H2S, or fire (with significant emissions of NOx. SOx, CO and TSP).