SEEJ Activities

Exactly knowing that the questionnaires were sigilosos, the professors had had some distrust to cite the negative points believing to be able to suffer some punishment in the school. But some had mentioned points, as: Precariousness of physical space for the pedagogical activities; Lack of a fixed nucleus, as requirement of the SEEJ, that offers good conditions of use, therefore the places where today the activities happen need maintenance; Lack of correction or punishment, a time that the pupils do not present limits and rules; Fatigue of the pupils in regular education after the activities of the Program. Physical space for one practical esportiva is of extreme importance, therefore when the activities inside of the school are proposals, it finishes for all disturbing the remaining portion of the daily pertaining to school. Also it has a necessity of if planning joint activities with the school, so that thus it can have progressos greaters in escolarizao of the involved students with the Program New Olmpica Mines Generation. When asked on the impacts of the Program in the pertaining to school passages of the students registered the State School Antonio Moreira de Queiroz, the majority of the interviewed professors enxergava of positive form the intervention of the Program, as form to accent the potentialities of each student. Also they had answered that these educandos are more receptive and finishes thus for facilitating the learning in classroom.

In an one of the questionnaires teacher it said that it did not obtain to perceive no influence of the activities of the Program in the pertaining to school passage of these educandos. Some suggestions form given, explicitando the knowledge lack on the Program and the necessity to cure this lack. Amongst the suggestions: Qualification for the professors; Meetings for evaluation; Continuity of the trainees to give to sequence to the work, preventing a rotation of these; To have a work in set with the school; Spreading of the Program.