During the month of Dominica January in classes of 5 years, accompanied by America’s source our mascot Aris, traveled through time to Ancient tickets. Greece. We previews learned about their customs and the first Olympic Games, held in Olympia. One of the showtimes most important things we know now is how important it Visit Movie is to play and participate, if not win, and for movie information we can build our own toys (may be even more fun than buying them).


Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology is a multidisciplinary and multi-unit of the University of Chile. Its mission is to help achieve optimum feeding and nutrition of the Chilean and Latin American population through basic and applied research, teaching undergraduate and graduate, extension, and clinical and technical assistance. Provides ongoing technical support to the Government in defining and implementing policies and food and nutrition programs. In this context, has contributed to the reformulation of national policies, define obesity and its consequences as a priority for China and establish specific goals for its reduction by 2010. He has participated in the preparation of food guides in the readjustment of the feeding programs and the amendment of Health insurance the Food Health Regulations intersectoral team integrates the National Council for Promotion of Health, Vida Chile, along with the Ministries of Health, Education and Agriculture and the National Institute of Sports, among others, emphasizing research on food, nutrition and physical activity, to make effective interventions in hospital schools and kindergartens. Advantages: It has all that is required (tools) to meet the public accordingly. People with nutritional poblemas can improve their insurance quality of life with treatments that provide them. a nationwide provider of health insurance, understands the serious financial challenges faced by people who cannot otherwise afford to purchase major medical insurance plans We require food companies to label products in relation to the components they bring. Disadvantages: There is not much advertising of this institution for the public is informed of this and can go in case of need. Treatments are long-lasting. For low income people there are not many opportunities to attend this institution, as they are treated in clinics.

Groupama Seguros y AESLEME sign a cooperation agreement for the prevention of accidents

This agreement includes sponsorship of a ‘Road Show’ and the bell ‘It Could Happen’ to raise awareness among young people in road safety. Madrid, July 10, 2009 .- The head office of Groupama Insurances witnessed the signing of its partnership and sponsorship agreement with the Association for the Study of spinal cord injury (AESLEME), and through which the insurance company support The ‘Road Show’ and the bell ‘It Could Happen’ that AESLEME is underway to raise awareness among young people from 13 years in the field of Road Safety and traffic accident prevention. The event was chaired by alvaro Jacinto, CEO of Groupama Insurance Resources and Sea Buds Straw, AESLEME Director, who conducted the official signing of the agreement. During the celebration of the event, Jacinto alvaro highlight the relevance of such activities to raise awareness among younger people, who are, in their view ‘a segment of population less aware of risk, and at the same time in the future must contribute actively to the challenge of reducing accident rates’. He added: “We have decided to support these initiatives contribute AESLEME because the present and future of Highway Safety, an area where we are and we will be committed as a company and part of society ‘. The ‘Road Show’ is an activity that driver education is to recreate the night of a young, beginning at the disco and ends with a traffic accident. Its success lies in the staging and the testimonies of his protagonists, young daredevil, disc jockey, police, firefighter, emergency medical, hospital doctors, families of victims and injured spinal cord by accident. ‘It Could Happen’ is a campaign to prevent accidents AESLEME primarily aimed at schoolchildren. Under the model conference, attendees can hear the experiences and testimony from a doctor and a person with spinal cord injury by accident. AESLEME will be able to continue this campaign largely thanks to support from Groupama Insurances, because as highlighted Buds Sea, ‘the support and corporate sponsorship is a key to continue our work of awareness. The agreement we signed with Groupama Insurances is a clear example, as well as continuing with the ‘Road Show’, its contribution will allow us to carry the bell I can Pasar ‘a colleges Aragon, one of the Autonomous Communities that still we still did not cover ‘. About Groupama Insurances Groupama is a multinational insurance group, mutual French origin, which ranks first among the European mutual insurance. With a history of 150 years in the Spanish market, is a reference both for its technological innovation and the quality of their products. Groupama Seguros yourself comunicacion

Tracing the Steps of Greatness

President-elect Barack Obama, arriving in Washington Saturday night at the end of a 137-mile train journey evocative of Abraham Lincoln’s arrival in Washington, used the trip as a pre-inaugural vehicle for calling on Americans to summon a new spirit of optimism . Obama’s arrival on the eve of an outdoor concert in front of the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday marks the start of a series of celebrations leading to his inauguration as the 44th president on Tuesday. Along the way, he spoke of the hardships that Americans are facing, and invoked the spirit of the nation’s founders as an inspiration for making “a new declaration of independence.” “The trials we face are very different now, but they are severe in their own right,”Obama told thousands assembled in Baltimore, during the final layover of a train trip in which he also echoed Lincoln’s own inspirational inaugural words . “What’s required is a new declaration of independence,” Obama repeated along his route, making “an appeal not to our easy instincts, but to our better angels.”Read Article at In another act of honoring and commemorating Lincoln’s inaugural process, Obama requested the use of the same bible President Lincoln used when he was sworn in . “President-elect Obama is deeply honored that the Library of Congress has made the Lincoln Bible available for use during his swearing-in,” Presidential Inaugural Committee Executive Director Emmett Beliveau said in a statement Tuesday .The burgundy velvet Bible with gilded edges was purchased and inscribed by William Thomas Carroll, clerk of the Supreme Court. It will be on display at the Library of Congress February 12 to May 9 as part of an exhibition titled “With Malice Toward None: The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibition .” The exhibit will then travel to five other American cities in commemoration of the bicentennial of Lincoln’s birth on Feb.

State terror and violence systemic

Hello Friends, with prejudice the images we see around the net and even on TV showing a police golpenado Mapuche leader, the perfidy with which he makes excessive use of force is unbearable before it generates a repulsion toward these behaviors are not primitive or animals, since no such species is between the blow of several in addition to an individual who has no way of defending themselves. But even when I am filled with disgust , and while I can also see the violence exercised by the Mapuche in response, I adhere to their struggle and feel that an injustice has been committed to this town and I can only sympathize with them. But what legitimacy can obtain respect for my rights, when the way to achieve is to exercise the same violence that institutional repression does to us’. The relationship between human rights, peace and nonviolence, it can be approached from the relationship between the various types of violence and the violation of human rights, and also from what you might call the “systemic violations” of rights engendering human violence. Because one thing is to understand that both the war and violence, involve situations in case of violation of human rights, there is a direct relation between both concepts, thus making it visible to all. But sometimes not so visible that certain types of violence such as discrimination, intolerance and exclusion, create conditions for both the violent reactions of those affected, and for the violent repression of those who want to curb these reactions. The rights abuse occurs not only through direct actions on the part of certain groups of people to other (special forces repression towards the Mapuche communities, another moment to housing borrowers, teachers, the Ping inos), which have been silenced, neutralized in their actions, repressed their rights). Many times the abuse these basic rights (the right to autonomy as peoples, to work and decent housing, freedom of movement, freedom from discrimination by race, sexual preference or religion, etc.., Occurs indirectly ( and there are not so clear responsibilities). Often things is a system that generates violence on certain groups of people, and nobody seems to realize that this system of things works. As if it were a natural fact, of a social catastrophe without charge. And that’s what progress is required on the injustice system, changing social structures, to guarantee rights to all, and thereby minimize violence, and hence the violent reactions, and therefore also the repression (justified to maintain order). I invite you to reflect on the ways of violence they are subjected, and which also serves, as well as to the answers we give in such situations. There are people who want Peace and recognition that nonviolence must be the form of relationship between people, we need to be many more, create awareness that we are so many that we no longer can count. abrazoMonica Toro A Nonviolence Study Group

User: Isha / Encarta 2009/Historia

I greet the 10-year rule of President Chavez PCV: Chavez ended the application of neoliberalism in Venezuela as a state policy. Nationalization of the fundamental areas of the economy ‘are fundamental achievements of the Venezuelan people that go in the direction of greater economic sovereignty and independence of our country’. Caracas, 02 feb. Tribuna Popular TP .- The Politburo of the Communist Party of Venezuela PCV, greeting today to President Chavez and the revolutionary process, marking ten years of taking possession of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, highlighting the great achievements attained in social, national sovereignty and development of the Venezuelan people in the past five years of the century. So said the National Secretary of Association of the tent, Pedro Eusse, who pointed out the profound changes that have taken place in Venezuelan society in this decade, highlighting the development and promulgation, through popular participation, of the Constitution of the Republic Venezuela. ‘The arrival of Hugo Chavez Frias government, I mean’ for the PCV-the suspension of neoliberal policies in Venezuela and much of Latin America and the Caribbean ‘, express the leader, recalling that in the decade of 90 and mostly under Caldera’s government, were being implemented privatization policies of the basic state, ‘We had plans to privatize the oil industry’, he said. MNCs had taken control of key sectors of the economy and basic and strategic services in Venezuela, noting that it implements the policies of labor flexibility on workers, a situation which under the Bolivarian government has protected the right of workers labor with tenure. The PCV stress that in these years with the arrival of President Chavez, has reversed many of those policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund ‘it stopped and started to reverse since the triumph of the people and of President Chavez’ express . The approval of the Constitution establishes the political, economic social and cultural rights of the Venezuelan people, highlighted Eusse. Also contrasting these policies with those developed in these years with the company’s nationalization of economic fundamentals, such as energy, steel, cement and electricity, telecommunications, stressing that ‘They are fundamental achievements of the Venezuelan people that go in the direction of the greater economic sovereignty and independence of our country ‘. The leader added “this is one of the fundamental reasons why the Communist Party of Venezuela, from a programmatic perspective, supports, defends and works by strengthening the process of change ‘. PCV also pointed out the progress on labor and social rights of the Venezuelan workers, listing a series of advances in pay, pension and job security. The education, health which has reached record levels of protection in Latin America and access to these essential services, was also highlighted by the leader, ‘The social policies have led to defeat poverty and advance the social inclusion of millions of Venezuelans through social mission ‘. The progress made in this period ‘is lost sight of if we compare to Venezuela 20 years ago’, he emphasized Eusse. But also lists many outstanding things that should be deepened, highlighting the need to develop effectively the People and the processes of returning power to the people, through the exercise of control and employees of social enterprises in state hands and the proper control and private sector control. “We have to truly build popular power if we actually move this process forward towards socialism ‘he said. The dismantling of the old state apparatus, repression of workers, which is still present in Venezuelan society, being seen in the killing of two workers in making the Mitsubishi company in Anzoategui State, by order of a judge who supported employers attempt to disrupt the just protest of workers by the illegal dismissal of 135 workers of the company on 29 January. Proceeds of the actions ‘brutal and savage’ that the police acted, 2 workers were killed and a third wounded and dozens more serious injuries, ‘Indeed it ltilizaron long arms and short lead against the workers there who have even taken these facilities’ , denounced the ruling. This is a sign of things to do there, where to criminalize and judicialize the just protests and demonstrations by workers.


Main article: Gymnastics at the 1896 Summer Olympic Games
The individual German champions: Schuhmann, Flatow, and Weingartner.
The gymnastics competitions were held in Panathinaiko Stadium. Germany, which had sent a team of eleven men, won five of eight events, including the two teams. In the horizontal bar event for the German team had no opponent. Three Germans also won individual titles: Hermann Weingartner won in individual horizontal bar, parallel bars Alfred Flatow individual and Carl Schuhmann, who also competed in wrestling, won in the vault. Louis Zutter, a Swiss gymnast, won the event in Rings Potro, while Greeks Ioannis Mitropoulos and Nikolaos Andriakopoulos were winners of the events of rings and rope climbing, respectively .

Renewable Energy

This morning shortly before the half past eight pm local time, was successfully launched an experiment in Sunrise stratospheric balloon from Esrange Space Center near the town of Kiruna (Sweden). Reached within four days to the American continent, where its scientific instruments will be recovered by NASA in an unspecified location in Canada or Alaska. The purpose of Sunrise is the continuing study of the solar magnetic field, taking advantage of this time of year is the Sunrise balloon is inflated with helium at Esrange Space Center before launch. Reduce your heating expenses by using for great energy rates. Its original business is the production and distribution of electricity, but its activity has also been extended to other areas related to energy, like gas, and to other sectors such as professional services and telecommunications.
Born on November 23, 1982 under the name Union Electrica Fenosa after the merger between Union Electric, founded in 1912 as Union Electric Forces and Electric Madrile a Northwest SA (FENOSA), which was founded in 1943 by Pedro Barrie de la Maza, Conde de Fenosa. Its origins, therefore, are both in Madrid and in Galicia,
In 1986 the Group began its international expansion with a consulting contract for the company plants and electrical transmission of Uruguay (UTE), and in 1988 comes into operation Trillo NPP, owned by the company sponsoring the project. In 1992 came the first direct investment abroad and in the year 1994 creating the “Union Fenosa Energias Especiales” to boost renewable energy. In 1995, following the success of the biennial exhibition created in 1989, called “Union Fenosa Mostra”, establishing the Museo de Arte Contempor neo Union Fenosa, in La Coruna. Fenosa had participated since the liberalization of telecommunications in this sector, and in 1998 acquired a stake in the mobile phone company Airtel, transferring the investment the following year the group Auna (Amena and Retevision). Already in 2000 signed a contract with an Egyptian oil company Union Fenosa, which allows gas to have their own home and thus have a competitive edge in the industry.

External link removed

Friend View Nokia is a mobile service that blends the microblogging phenomenon of fashion thanks to Twitter, and the ability of geolocation with devices that have GPS. Nokia Friend View now available for mobile or touch screen that runs on any Symbian S60 5th Edition. To use Nokia Friend View only have to log and and you start showing your location and your contact through the GPS ‘for devices that do not have that technology also can do so through the rough cellular network. Good. I am the creator of the website which contains tutorials on various topics of computer science and computer music.
Yesterday (03-Aug-06) included in the article by MIDI wikipedia ( an external link to my tutorial on MIDI, as follows:
“ MIDI Tutorial Course details on the system MIDI message types, formats, MIDI instruments, digital audio, etc, by Fernando Cyborg, author of MIDI and Computer Music, published in 1992 .
(as I am not a registered user, appears as an author my ip:
This page contains, in effect, a free tutorial on the subject of the article, which expands the information currently contained in Wikipedia, and I think can be very useful for all those interested in computer music
He also believes that it is perfectly consistent with the policies of Wikipedia in this regard, as I see: sobre enlaces externos
In particular, I think it fits in points:
“That should be linked
3-If somewhere in the Internet there is a book or other text in the same article addresses a topic that should be included
5-pages with large amounts of neutral and not even relevant content in the article. Ideally, this content should be integrated into the Wikipedia article, in which case it would appear as external links, as a bibliographic reference. “
However, a few hours later, the link was removed from the article ( ‘title MIDIanddiff nextandoldid 4154132), by a user called Barcex (http://es / wiki / User: Barcex), arguing spam.
Given that the only external link is currently in the article “MIDI” is as follows:
“Hispasonic Portal dedicated to music technology, with updated news and articles. It is the best forum to chat in Spanish about music production techniques, MIDI, recording and mixing, etc..”
… that (although it seems a very interesting web) in my opinion does not meet the basic objective of neutrality using adjectives adjectives (it is the best forum …), and that the external link I had included more specific about the subject, I think the policy of inclusion of links has not been correctly applied.
While the policy of including links follows:
“1 – … The inclusion of links to personal pages are strongly discouraged.”
Also appearing:
“That should not be linked
1-Wikipedia links deeply disapproves add-commercial purposes or to advertise products, services or any kind of website. … “
What could be the perfect link to hispasonic is maintained in the article, since from the same home we can see different ads.
and also:
“The 2-link to a site selling products or services, unless it applies some of the above reference that should be linked or could be linked.”
This last point could be a reason to include (the hispasonic), but I think it would be more applicable to link to my site.
In addition to the above link, has removed Barcez other 3 links that I had included (
In politics it is said:
“1 – (…) The massive inclusion of links to any websites are also deeply disappointed, and such action should be reported at the Cafe or other page for that purpose and approved by the community before proceeding. The inclusion of persistent links to the homepage of a wikipedians is considered vandalism and could result in sanctions. “
I do not think that included a total of 4 links in different articles, which are fully related to its possible content deemed as “spam”, I do not seem “massive.
My intention is not to create polemics, or to force the inclusion of my links, but as I understand the future include links in Wikipedia, and thus contribute to the improvement of this interesting resource. The truth is that this situation has discouraged me enough to raise a future more extensive.
I hope this is the site most suitable for this consultation, and not having exceeded the extension. If it is not, I hope you accept my apology.
Thank you for your attention.
Salu2 Fernando Sanchez (Cyborg)
It is normal to have happen. Remember that Wikipedia is a wiki, where anyone can edit. If a user viewed your unique contributions (also from a unregistered user) were added links to various pages in a page marked character, whose personal information is not directly accessible, it is normal to have considered spam. If a registered user you have other contributions put one link on the right page with text and not as “heavy”, is likely to be accepted without problems.

Product Details
by Nokia


IS-95 (Interim Standard 95, or “standard of Nokia 95”) is a standard for mobile telephony based on CDMA technology. Also known wireless phones by its cellular coverage trade name cdmaOne, was developed by U.S. company Qualcomm.
IS-95 is a second generation standard, designed to transmit voice, you get a free cell phone when you join any of the plans signaling and call data in a limited way.
Unlike other second-generation standards (like GSM), cdmaOne uses the CDMA multiplexing method slider phone by which all stations transmit at the same frequency band. The separation Motorola between users is candy bar phone performed using orthogonal codes are eliminated by being wireless providers multiplied together. Binary plans sequences are recovered only free phones in the cell using the same code that was used in the base station.
IS-95 competes with technologies such as IS-136 (popularly known by its TDMA multiplexing method) or GSM. At present, has been replaced by third-generation CDMA2000.
This technology was used in cell phones the United States, South Korea, Canada, Mexico, India, Israel, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Brazil cellular phones and China.

in technology that promises to one day allow drug delivery to be tailored HTC to mobile phones an individual patient and a cancer tumor, researchers at the University of California, all the plans include San Diego School of Medicine, have developed an efficient system for delivering siRNA into primary cells. cellular providers The work LG will be published in the May-17 in with every plan the advance online edition of Nature cell phones Biotechnology.
Are Bruneians to break due cellular phone plans to work on “With the Internet, Samsung blackberries, mobile phones and laptop computers, people work more hours than cellular phones ever.
Heritage Foundation
Computers have changed how Americans do almost everything. Soon they may change the national security. There is much more on the information superhighway these days than information.
Usability News
The main factor for the phone users to choose a new mobile phone is its ease of use.