Educational Linux

An example of this is the distributions Edubuntu, Kelix, Pandorga, Debian Edu, Educational Linux, versions> LIE of the referidaescola, in the pertaining to school against-turn in the period of December of 2007 afevereiro of 2008. The sample was composed for 57 young, in the faixaetria of 14 the 17. The inclusion criteria had been: alunoregularmente to be registered the participant school, specifically the 9ano, last year of basic education. > experience foidesenvolvida in five stages. The first stage involved planejamentodo work. The formandos with the teachers had together planned oformato of the audiovisual project that would have to be developed dentrodos available resources. As the school did not make use of one filmadoranem similar, a presentation in format of slides was waked up.

Aofinal, was produced a digital hipermdia with all them apresentaesem format of virtual album. It is standed out that the choice of the type of mdialevou in consideration the fact of that all the pupils possuam aparelhode DVD and that it had interest of the majority, in presenting its produopara the familiar ones, therefore would be the form accessible and democrticade spreading, whereas few had access the computadoresconectados ones to the Web. The second stage was of produotextual research and. The pupils had been motivated to search on its life acadmicae the social function of the school, by means of interviews with the efuncionrios parents of the school. The third stage was the session of photos. It was opted to photographing to aprenderfazer making situations so that the pupil could desenvolversuas potentialities and to construct to its autonomy in the construction doconhecimento and the free manuscript of softwares. 4. Gotten results Include do not only mean to use the ferramentascomputacionais, but mainly to be co-author of its proper histriade life. The use of the free educational technology in this in case that, proporcionouaos actors in question the possibility to be become informing of umacultura of solidarity and colaborativa learning beyond to deproporcionar a new chance of escolarizao.

To Make Much Money In Internet

And like a valuable subscriber who you are, I it would like mostrarte in question Wednesday, I found a Web site where a called course is sold ” TubeCash” method;. Like that already it takes to time reading different products on like gaining money and publicity in Internet, I can decirte that the majority of them does not manage to draw my attention. So when them encounter simply I end up closing the window. But when I found east Web site, something strange happened: Simply it could not stop to read! Apparently, the person created who it affirms that anyone can gain a fortune using YouTube like a publicity source. And no. It is not necessary to have previous experience or money to invest. As you can imagine, I finished with much curiosity when reading this.

So I decided to buy it and to obtain my copy. I did not stop until absorbing all the information. I began to take enough notes and as it advanced, every time it moved more to me with this jewel than it had found. It had never listened before on some of the techniques that are and one of the things that ended up more astonishing to me, is the simple thing that turns out to apply them. It is the type of things that you can apply quickly to obtain huge results. But when I finished, I remained immobilized thinking by some seconds ” Who had created east wonderful product and why had not heard speak to envelope he before? “. He wanted to tell him to everybody on this.

But the curiosity in me not yet was missing person, so I decided to do something that very, but very rarely I do: I personally contacted the author and I was thankful to him by to have created this excellent product and I commented to him about my list of subscribers. Soon I noticed that this product is new and just has been published, so that many of the techniques that are not have made popular (still). The author is going to be promoting it strongly during the next weeks, so I decided to warn my subscribers of this new product early. TubeCash method has my MORE HIGH recommendation for whatever it needs to sell a product or service in Internet. In fact, still if you did not have a product or service, it is recommendable since is a method to make money with YouTube. You can visit the Web site, here also attached the Link of my blog, in case somebody is wanted to put in contact with me. A greeting. Adrian original Author and source of the article.


Albert Einstein Jewish Physicist – German CENTURY XXI They do not avacalheem full New Millenium, where JESUS in grants more a thousand years to them of learning. Until the substance after the Theory of the Relativity of Albert Einstein E=m.c, is subjects to dilute itself with the Human being of foot. It goes to sobrar what? The Immortal Spirit Perpetual Asset; the essence that never is gotten rid. GOD created, therefore, the man to Its Image, the Image of created it to GOD; man and created them to woman. Gnesis de Moiss, CAP. 1:27.

Universe if widens without the aid of the machine that if rusts, but with the participation of Its Filhosem Material Espiritualou body. ‘ ‘ One became chocking obvious that our technology exceeded ours humanidade’ ‘. Albert Einstein Jewish Physicist – German NOR THE MICROSCOPICAL BEINGS The Largeness of FATHER CELESTIAL, from where comes the Universal Spermatozoon is such, that nor the lesser beings perish, and you judge yourself better of what IT wanting to transform its children into one would lataria? ‘ ‘ If the facts are not incased in the theory, modify fatos’ ‘. Albert Einstein German Jewish Physicist THE CENTURY OF THE LATARIA the man created the computer to its image and material similarity: speaking, laughing, adding, diminishing, dividing, multiplying, running, coloring, settling, playing, if feeding, etc. ‘ ‘ The release of the atomic energy changed everything, but our way of pensar’ ‘. Albert Einstein Jewish Physicist – German It placed all to it its data. later? The machine parked, therefore it lacked Active the Perpetual Spirit to it.

It destroyed it to a bombing. There somebody says: But it also destroyed the machine human being. Yes, it diluted atoms, but the Essence Active Perpetual Spiritual continues, therefore it is part of the CREATOR INCRIADO, call: UNIVERSAL GOD. ‘ ‘ GOD does not play to dados’ ‘. Albert Einstein Jewish Physicist – German.

Science Applied to Form

The objective of this article is the search of the understanding of this new complex dynamics and sophisticated, having as base, the factor regionalism, the necessity of the expansion of offers of education and the paper of the Internet in the construction of the social conscience that comes providing to deep transformations in the relations human beings speeding up the desterritorializao process. 2. COMPUTER SCIENCE APPLIED To the EDUCATION? VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS the union of the resources of allied computer science to the development of projects interdisciplinares and cooperative gave beginning to a new area of studies, the computer science applied to the education, this junction makes possible the transmission of the knowledge of more attractive and dynamic form.

The implantation of new technologies of support to the education makes with that the pupil has greater interest and motivation to search desired information. When incorporating the texts, images, graphs, sound and video, many of the directions of the user are stimulated, allowing, thus, one better comment of simultaneous form to a bigger number of information, thus having, a change in the paradigm of the organized, synthecized education, hierarquizada (deductive, sequential, quantificvel) for an interactive, intuitivo and multissensorial model. Of the point of view of the didactic strategy, the computer science applied to the education can help of a general form, increasing the cognitiva capacity and mainly approaching the information of the pupils, making possible the interaction and the study of the subjects given in different schedules and places, provoking, in this way, a rupture in the hierarquizado traditional model where the professor is the detainer of knowing and the pupil is a passive agent of the knowledge (vertical relation), this methodology, provides integrant to a colaborativo learning that it can be mediated through tools of communication disponibilizadas by virtual environments (GRANDFATHER).

The convergence and integration of technologies in last the 20 years have modified all deeply the dimensions of our life, amongst these, are distinguished it Internet, that in them made possible much more mobility, that is, the possibility to carry through activities or tasks without necessarily going to a definitive place.

Shaped Language Unified

Several solutions exist will be the transport branch, developed by countless software companies, which present characteristics that don’ t assist you the Real needs of certain companies, or will be being obsolete in technology formerly or being not customize. Like this, the present work has will be objective the process automation of KRTL emission and the evelopment of it system customized will be road transport of loads administration. The research describes the stages used will be the software development, being them the project presentation, requirements rising, the system diagram, the code, the tests and the implantation. Studied, the Adriano Zentil Polzin – ME company will be used, located in Sheets So Paulo, So Paulo, which accomplishes, among to other areas, the road transport of loads and to other products. ILLUSTRATION LIST APPEARS I?

Layers of Software in the Model .NET30 FIGURE II? Form of inicializao of the Programa45 FIGURE III? Principal46 form APPEARS IV? Been form Border Registro47 APPEARS V? Been form Border Editar48 APPEARS VI? Been form Border Filtros48 APPEARS VII? Been form Border Relatrio49 APPEARS VIII? Window of Visualization of the Report of the Estados50 APPEARS IX? Configuration of driver ODBC51 FIGURE X? Data of the configuration of driver ODBC51 TABLE LIST TABLE I? Participants of the Projeto25 PRICE II? List of Materiais25 PRICES III? Model of Survey of Requirements of the Sistema26 PRICES IV? Requirements of Negcio26 PRICE V? Requirements of Hardware and Software27 PRICE VI? Requirements of Hardware and Software28 PRICE VII? Cardinalidades29 LIST OF ABREBIATURAS AND ACRONYMS Standard ASCIIAmerican Code will be Information Interchange (Code of American Standard for the Interchange of Information) CIFCoast Insurance Freight (Freight on account of the addressee) National CNHCarteira of DBFData Qualification Base File (Archive of Data base) FOBFree On Board (Freight on account of the shipper) GUIGrapfical User Interface (Graphical Interface of the User) Withheld at source IRRFImposto de Renda ICMSImposto on Circulation of Merchandises and Services IPInternet Protocol (Protocol of Internet) MRPMaterial Requirements Planning (Planning of the Necessities of Materials) ODBCOpen Date Base Connectivity (Open Conectividade of Data base) Guided POOProgramao the Objects PLProcedural Language (Procedural Language) SCMSupply Chain Management.

Session Initiation Protocol

They exist about 1.100 computers currently hardwired the PirDigital net. The net of data, today, uses the protocols 802.11a, 802.11b e802.11g, with this the transmission speed varies of 11Mbps 54Mbpsdependendo of the point, in the center of Pira all backbone.Beyond processode computerization, Digital Pira still became possible the entrance of municpiona telesaude3 and telemedicina4, being foreseen ainaugurao for February of the chain.

The intention is to use the resources devideoconferncia on IP through one enlace with the remote site being able serimplementado through a connection point-the-point or saw a net frame-relay, to be given lectures, meetings, congresses, training, entreoutros. For realizaoda videoconferncia, the Municipal City hall of Pira, disponibilizou Audience, Room deDesenvolvimento of Contents and Room of Digitalizao de Contedo, localizadosno> building of the CEDERJ. Velocidadede content transmission varies enters 384 kbps in IP/SIP of up to 2 Mbps for attainment of sincronia and apresentahabilitao MPPlus that allows the equipment to make up to 6 simultaneous sites minimum avelocidade of 384kbps (GONALVES, 2008)

According to Mrcio CorrenteGonalves, the videoconferncia counts on the interfaces of net IP (LAN, DSL, wire modem). Door Simple Ethernet 10/100 (10 Mbps/100 Auto Mbps/) esuporte the LAN wireless saw Ethernet door; 802.11bou802.11g is compatible with IEEE, up to 50 Mbps. It has supported SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), integraocom the Call Manager Version 4.

ICON Margin

The society in them places front to the virtual reality today as a multiple tool of information and formation. It is needed professionals understood in human development who perceive the infinity of processes formadores and deformaring gifts in practical the social one and the world of the work, that they know its value while professional conscientious of its craft and the importance of the education for the humanizao of the being. To if thinking about formation of professors it has that to stimulate a constant culture of search, of research, readings. The confrontation with experiences that place the professor to reflect on solutions for the problems that appear in the dynamics..

Hardware Issues

Nowadays almost all we know to handle a computer with knowledge more or less but We could solve a problem related to our hardware? All we are something customary with the programs more habitually used and therefore those small inevitable misfortunes due to confused of the programming and the inevitable attacks that can undergo our computer through the network. But almost nobody worries to know and to handle the mysteries that the physical continent of all that information locks up. The course of armed and repair of PC in Mendoza authorize the student to know the basic foundations required in the process maintenance and repair computers. This one offers an optimal opportunity to form in a specialty framed within one of more promising veins of use of the present moment. Practically all the economic and mercantile activities trust to the computer their countable administration in some cases and others the operative operation of their work.

Due to it the necessity to have professionals able to solve any contingency that can appear. The fast evolution of the technology turns the repair of computers into a profession extremely specialized and that needs a permanent work of recycling. By this, Foundation To know decided to incorporate to its supply of courses the one of armed and repair of PC. Foundation To know account with an academic supply oriented basically to the labor insertion of its students, as much to whom they begin in anyone of his matters like a that look for techniques of improvement in their habitual occupation. Thus, the practical lessons, cradles in the management of companies, the design and the computer science systems management predominate in their classrooms, enabling their students in specific sections of each discipline.

For it one resorts to a compartmentation, necessary if one looks for to deepen in the learning of each subject. When the student has finalized the course that Foundation To know distributes will be qualified to know and to recognize all the components of a computer science equipment, to establish an appropriate diagnosis on the disadvantage, to handle with skill the tools and instruments indispensable for an intervention adapted, as well as the evaluation on the suitability of the obtained result. The relation between hardware or hardware and software or set of programs is something that the specialist in repair of computers must have well internalised, since the good operation of first is entirely indispensable for the second and its maintenance in optimal conditions. The methodology of the course is essentially practical, attended with completely up-to-date didactic material and evaluations in which will be to surpass itself a 70% of the raised tests. Foundation To know & Integral excellence collaborates as much with multiple companies through courses in its own facilities or those of the usuary company/signature in the qualification of its workers. The degree obtained at the end of each course of armed and repair of PC in Mendoza will be accredited by the Direction of Technical education and Work. It shares east article in his Web site or his blog if it seemed to him interesting.


. Newton Boiler Mosque At the beginning of this new century, we live deeply transformations that finish for determining social changes, cultural politics and, with extreme growth of the cities, them social institutions and them technological innovations. The technological Evolution has grown on way and this can supply given qualitative and quantitative on the results in the enterprise, institucional sectors, etc. The data of research can be useful subsidies for empirical analyses on the impacts searched with rapidity and security providing one to remake conscientious. Using the new resources we can direct and implant forms for the increasing quality and efficiency, in the new world, involving adaptation of the School Publishes for better adjustment its necessities and reality current, capable to form critical, conscientious citizens of its paper, responsible social politically and. We professors are basic parts in the process and this demands more caution in what it says respect to the formation to lead and to implant the medias in classroom exists a necessity of if to make entire anticipatedly about the subject that will be boarded knowledge in the manuscript of it schemes for correct use of the tool used for the dynamism, domain and didactic security. Many schools contract technician for the low cost and compromise the learning.

This professional must have a pedagogical formation, an experience of classroom and still knowledge in Technologies of the Information and the Communication, therefore the professor is not only one facilitador and must have a qualification to propitiate resources necessary to alavancar the process, of correct form making a good use next to softwares. I understand that the coordination of Technologies must be intent and involved with the curricular planning of you discipline them to all, suggesting activities pedagogical, using the technological resources, for, and in such a way necessary the support of the direction, force necessary to execute the suggested projects. The coordinator, responsible professional for the area of educational technology must have its formation pautada in the pedagogical area, having as objective greater, organize and to give has supported the professor, in the development of the activities, using the medias with the computer, facilitating the process and assisting the colleague professor in the elaboration of the activities; keeping the colleague informed professor of the technological advances, presenting the innovations of use of the tool and stimulating to search new knowledge, providing support in all the sectors and guiding how much to the use of the equipment. We must discover didactic ways, enabling and assumeing the role of facilitador in the construction of the knowledge and not plus a transmitter of information schemes, It does not improve the education alone and necessary, therefore of prepared, flexible professors to reflect the necessities the local level and the main initiatives in all the sectors of the education and that they have as mission, to form qualified and critical citizens to act in the transformation of the Society. Bibliographical: . Access in: 11 nov. 2009.

Jean Yves

Everything this is placed in a perspective where the work of the Arquivologia has each time more if deepened in groups interdisciplinares of research. The conclusions that many authors arrive are that, as some areas are emergent, not yet have a recognition, and definition, greater of its borders. Thus, also the work objects can be seen as interdisciplinares, therefore both work with the information. YOU it makes possible the digitalizada communication that reformulates informacional space constantly, therefore, the borders of sciences are in constant widening and redefinition. Everything this represents positive changes for all the areas. Thus, each advance knowing of them of the informacional field res-position its limits.

What it was responsibility of a sector passes to be of another one tambm.RefernciasCAMARGO, Ana Maria of Almeida. Archive, document and information: old and new supports..