Exactly contributing with the increase of the income of the companies where they worked, they were at the hands of the standards and enters the high classroom that concentrated the income, these had acquired greater to be able of purchase starting to consume more. The automobile industry is an example clearly of this process of expansion: it diversified intensely its models, always aiming at to a market each more demanding time in sophistication. Another data, that demonstrate the strong repression of the military dictatorship were manipulation of information, especially in the Mdici government, when they had been frequent cases of disabilities and exiles, followed of death, as the Getlio Foundation standes out Vargas – FGV – and Center of Research and Documentation of History Contemporary – CPDOC: According to dossier of the exiled ones, cited for the Magazine That is, in 1978, in the period of 1969 the 1973 had registered 77 cases of deaths of prisoners politicians for torture. Of the extensive list of missing people – those whose arrest or death had not been recognized for the authorities – elaborated by the Brazilian Committee for Anistia (CBA) and relative to the period, consisted, enter the known cases, of Mrio journalist the Alves, prisoner in the River in January of 1970 more, and of the former-member of the house of representatives Rubens Paiva, also imprisoned in the River in January in 1971 ( 15/05/2002 20 Hours). Although the military having if used of many subterfuges to manipulate the public opinion, these had been unmasked. In the specific case of the movement syndical, the recovery of the unions happens with the sprouting of the New Unionism, with the combat to the authoritarian State and the Laws, that privileged the patronal classroom unmasking the humbug of the economic miracle, leaving in defense of the wages of the workers and defining the strategy striker as form to reconquer the citizenship politics.