The sources sufficiently accented dominate the landscape, for where if they cross water subsidiary lines of the River Flavor, as it is the example of the Ribeiras of the Xedal or the Relvas, among others. The balanced symbiosis between the mountain, planltica zone and the hidrogrfica net (Rivers Sabor and Douro and Ribeira of the Vilaria) make strategically of this region one of most fertile and most located, what it determined, throughout the times, the strategies of occupation of the space. 3.2. Description-Archaeological framing the antrpica occupation of the current enclosed territory, administratively, for the Concelho de Torre de Moncorvo retraces to Daily pay-History, lasting until actualidade. You dated of the Daily pay and Proto-History is the rupestres artistic manifestations of the Ribeira of xedal 1 (CNS 11404) and 2 (CNS 11415), the diverse vestiges in return of the Car (CNS 16675), the Shelter of the Ribeira de Chibos (CNS 16687), the diverse findings of the Pvoa (CNS 11405), the Town of the Baldoeiro (CNS 1008), the Fortified Town of Cigadonha (CNS 2094), the Cabeo de Alfarela (CNS 4801), the Castle of the Moiros (CNS 5461), the Rupestre Art of the Mills (CNS 11410) and of the Ribeira of the Sardine (CNS 11402), Castle (CNS 5052), habitat of Fraga of Fojo 1 (CNS 11441), the Cabeo of the Apostolnios (CNS 5320), the Walls and the Ruins of Old Village of Santa Cruz or Derruda (CNS 10888), the Town Mrs. of the Castle (CNS 1512), the Necropolis of the Junqueira (CNS 4716), the Cabeo of the Mua (CNS 3546), the Olival of the Fragas (CNS 4121), the Tapir of the Cabeo of Walled the 2 (CNS 27934), among others. You dated of the time Roman are the vestiges identified in the Nucleus of Povoamento de Cilhades (CNS 11409), in Fifth of the Tarrincha (CNS 6672), in the Cabeo de Alfarela (CNS 4801), in the Chapel of N. . Futurist is often quoted on this topic.