The reference to the Vietnam is not despropositada, therefore it allows in them to illustrate an important question concerning the destinations of the national movements in the Asian Southeast. While in some countries Asians the communist parties divided with the parties and nationalistic groups the processes of national release, as it is the case of China (where the Kuomitang enjoyed of hegemonic moments), the case of the indochinesa peninsula, in particular of the Vietnam, are significantly diverse. The Vietnamese nationalistic front, where the Communists hegemonizavam, the Viet Minh, angariou considerable force to define the national futures in accordance with the practical theories of Ho Chi Minh. Its strategy of unconditional of the project politician to the Vietnamese practical conditions, express subordination in the alliances with ample sectors of the society (also with the rich peasants), is signal of the ability of the Communists in leading the national movement against the foreign imperialismos (French and North American, beyond a brief Japanese period).
The strong communist presence in Asia, in general, must to an internal process, the evolution of the radical section of the national movements and the capacity to lead them (already that the social antagonisms could not be created artificially); also of a external process, the extension of the activities of the Komintern on Asia, whose influences and instructions had been almost always adapted to the particularitities of the Asian countries, instead of knowing an application indiscriminate. Coming back us now toward the south of Asia, more specifically its representative greater, India, we will contemplate a region that long ago is palco of one of the oldest civilizations of the world. The civilization of the River Going or Harappa, name derived from one of its capitals, blossomed during about a thousand years (of 2500 the 1500 B.C.), and represented a great civilizacional jump in the history of southern Asia. Greater for its extension of what the Sumria, occupied an enormous triangle whose sides measured 1500 km.