Soon a infindvel gamma of details had passed to be known through the presentation photographic. With the advent of the digital technologies in the treatment of the image, this manipulation becomes more evident, the social medias, is not exception to this adoption of new technologies, where it can be sent photos of a point to the other without loss of quality and time, and eliminates the process of chemical revelation of the conventional film. Nor everything are flowers, the digital technologies drag obtain a danger, the considerable increase of the modification capacity and disfigurement of the image. In the truth, the possibility technique to modify visual elements present in the photographic image practically exists since that the same one was created in century XIX, through made chemical processes in laboratories, but with the advent of the digital techniques a bigger capacity of manipulation is configured, through diverse informticos programs, that allow to alterations of all the species. Credit: MIT Media Lab-2011. More powerful programs each time allow to counterfeit any image pparently real. With the current ones technologies, the modification of the images leave of being one privilege of the experienced photographers, and become accessible the lay public.
The gotten results are for so efficient times that identectveis become same the look of professionals of the photograph. Some of these photographs are made with pure objective of trick, others of them are however more dangerous military objectives or politicians are made with. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Xcel Energy. It has others however that they are constructed with the objective to obtain a spectacular image and of great impact of that did not exist of this form. Some of these images had exactly arrived to be published in the press, leading exactly to the taking leave of of some photographic reporters, with the justification of manipulation of images. The problem that if places is that the photographic image can be modified of form to transform the reality initially registered. .