
Many people do not imagine the difference between the work of translation and interpreter. It seems to be the main thing – to know this language, orally or in writing to perform the translation is not so important. However, in reality, oral and translation – it's absolutely two different types of translation, and they have their own characteristics and differences. Mignard-Beloruchev gives the following definition of Translation and Interpretation: Translation – the most common form of Professional translation, in which the perception of the text by a visual way, and design transfer in writing. The same type of interpretation in scientific publications, call the visual-translation.

Interpretation – concept that brings together all types of translation, involving the oral clearance, including such independent types of translation, as consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation and translation of the sheet. In English and German translators and interpreters, even called differently (translator – interpreter Engl. and? bersetzer – Dolmetscher it.), because between them there is a huge difference in the translation process, the difficulties that must be overcome by one and the other in applied their professional skills and techniques and, finally, just in the required talents. Translator should have good written style, should be able to use the expressive words, phrases, allusions, omissions and other linguistic nuances that exist in different languages on paper. Translator usually has enough time to think (which is a luxury for an interpreter), he also has at its disposal printed resources (dictionaries, material on the subject, etc.), as well as free to make a break from his work when he wants.

Special Theory

A coordinate transformation allows to compare the individual clocks to each other. Clearly, it is important to define a reference point of the process and it is important to clarify offered the choice point of reference. Does not require any proof of the fact: if a supernova flared up at a distance of one billion light-years, and the light reached us in this moment, the supernova flared up to us to this moment, and not billion years ago. There is Einstein's idea of the possibility to synchronize the time at all points of the universe to the one from ISO (the technical difficulties of, say, do not scare as he claimed). Sync, of course, can not let the opponents will try to synchronize time at a remote one billion light years away. Visit Ray Kurzweil for more clarity on the issue. But this idea is Einstein's possible to create a comprehensive study of the theory – Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity for the same fictitious time at all points of the universe for one ISO. However, some conclusions of this theory can be used, for example, for this model.

In particular – reduce the size of the move. After all, it is clear that the signal sent by a billion years ago and the signal sent by a nanosecond ago, for a certain particle is the same, and his arrival means the countdown to zero for particles and for the process that sent the signal. It is therefore possible comparison points of reference only using light signal, and the beginning of a process – it sends a signal to other processes, and the beginning of another process – this is the parish sent a signal. The signal can fly a billion light years away, but both processes begin in one time (time) – time 0. This method is infinitely easier "synchronizing" and more true. In fact, get the coordinates q instead of t. We find that q – a model of time. A extension Universe corresponds to the positive direction of time. April 2, 2011 Igor Elkin

Eurasian Association

It is therefore important to manage this process, purposefully to improve it, because it determines the level received by students with the knowledge, ability in the future to compete in the labor market and, hence, thus, increase the rating of the institution. Every year Information technology is increasingly being implemented in various spheres of society, especially in the economic, managerial, legal. The essence of open learning is the ability to land anywhere in the conscious go to any interested potential listeners university. expertise in this. This is a very liberal decision and allow universities to compete for quality e-learning. It should be noted that this program is not a distant future of modern higher education. After standardized training programs in specialties, publish curricula of disciplines from various universities, in order to consolidate identify and resolve problems and develop more effective methods of on-line learning – will improve the quality of education the students themselves, will provide an opportunity constantly to send them for internships in other countries, to develop single standard of quality training and obtained certificates quoted by the international community. Open Learning E-Learning is a rapidly growing segment of the market.

According to the forecasts of the Eurasian Association distance education in the coming years in Russia is expected steady growth in demand for distance learning. The reasons for these findings are the following factors. Firstly, it is cheaper than full-time and thus provides opportunity to get a degree of domestic or foreign institution almost anywhere in the country. Secondly, in addition to significant cost savings, the obvious advantage of new educational technologies is their incomparably greater flexibility – both in terms of site selection and study time, and content (the volume and relevance) of educational material. In conclusion I would like to highlight the following issues for the implementation of information technology in curricula: students must take into account the age (to control the complexity of the tasks and the utilization of information technology) to take into account the age of teachers, allowing more active teachers to conduct more e-groups to continuously improve teachers' salaries, more actively answering questions from the audience, performing in full its individual schedule; to give students assignments using computer programs, and the need explaining to students the examples of their use, all information technology related to the use of PCs and networks that are characterized by "Failures" and "hang", to be ready for students on issues arising from these issues in the case of "hang" the pc to issue re-admission to the tests. This article is quite optimistic, opening the main "trump cards" open education. It should be remembered that the university is training imposes more stringent monitoring of the educational process, and the listener – unlimited access to the Internet. Weighing the pros and cons of open learning is not difficult to conclude on its relevance associated with the implementation of the learning process more new advanced educational technology, replacing the purely classroom load in the adjacent classroom, electronic training. Working in the "Electronic University", the author concludes that open education is not only tends to increase the general public, but also improves the quality of such education actually reduces Elapsed time as compared to pure classroom load, which makes an open e-learning on a level above the usual standard, enhancing the quality and capabilities of its acquisition of the broad mass of potential students.


Both the position of Osler like Pavlov are being investigated at present and there is a polemic about whether the aging CNS only because of external influences, such as an inadequate blood supply, or because a certain age deteriorate CNS functions This period took the form, at least in the U.S., experimental studies. C) RISE OF THE STUDY OF GERONTOLOGY: The beginning of this period could be established from 1933, in the 30s, appeared some basic concepts in the study of aging, which could materialize in two aspects: a) that aging is complex and that its framework for study must be interdisciplinary. b) The aging represents an interactive process between provisions biological, psychological and social. One of the reasons why in this boom period took the gerontological study is that, around 1930, population about 65 years rose by 35%. Gerontology in 1940, but became a separate science with great relevance. GUIDANCE FOR THE STUDY OF GERONTOLOGY: To Riegel, reviewing the history of science, we see the coexistence of two different orientations, the Anglo-American and continental European. To read more click here: ConocoPhillips.

Riegel defends a dialectical position which takes into account not only the what of this development, but also how and why the channels that have followed the studies of aging. A) Anglo Orientation: The philosophical underpinnings of this approach, found in Hobbes, Darwin, and Locke. On this philosophical basis, Galton dealt with comparisons between different age groups in terms of very different characteristics, considering always optimal standard average adult male. As a result of other social groups, were at a distinct disadvantage.

Brazilian Courses

In accordance with given raised next to the vestibule of the INEP, the courses of teaching formation, with the biggest taxes of evasion it enters the years of 2007 and 2009 had been the courses of licenciaturas in: physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology, in this order. Analyzing such data, she was possible to create a graph on the situation of the evasion in all the country: She is necessary that much is made in order to minimize the evasion tax, therefore the number of pupils whom they decide to attend a course Licenciatura, already is not the sufficient to supply the imbalance of professors in the country, and with the desistance the picture if it becomes still more critical. Such attitudes will have that to be taken individually by each institution, therefore she is necessary a study on the reality of the community where the same one is inserted. Some institutions, searching to diminish the evasion, are offering discipline of levelling in specific substances, at the beginning of the academic life, so that this pupil has one better condition to give to continue its graduation. PIBID/CAPES One of the best initiatives of the federal government until today in relation to the Brazilian education is the creation of the Institucional Program of Stock market of Initiation to Docncia (PIBID). The Coordination of Perfectioning of Staff of Superior Level (Capes), that before it answered only for after-graduation courses, started to receive, in 2009, a budget of R$ 1 billion destined the formation of professors. The program offers stock markets so that pupils of licenciaturas are inserted in the pertaining to school environment on supervision, in order to be made familiar to the reality of the pertaining to school community. Thus, these pupils will go knowing to the few the profession and the challenges and will be able to carry through research that can contribute for improvement of the teaching formation.

The Internet

According to Lvy (1993, P. 176), the interface establishes the conditions it human being if to communicate for the ways of computer science, beyond interacting with other users of these technologies by means of a common language. ' ' An interface man/machine assigns to the set of programs and devices substances that a informtico system and its users allow to the communication between humanos' '. 13 the communication established between the machines, its programs and its receiving transmissoras nets/, forms the way that the individual allows, to alar latitudes and longitudes. The technologies, in specific, the ones that if they relate to the operational one of the Internet, open conditions for one ' ' extension presencial' ' , it causes situation where the individual does not lack if to dislocate geographically. However, of a side it displays ideas and thoughts, of another one, condition interpretations and the accomplishment of activities for the interrelation between the connected ones. Therefore the sides are plural, the actions and interpretations and the connections also are. The individual envolvement offers to the connotation for the real interaction and interconnection.

In this interrelation, Lvy (2003, P. 28) denotes the constitution of the collective intelligence that has in ciberespao its support, ' ' an intelligence distributed for all the part, incessantly valued, co-ordinated in real time, that results in a mobilization accomplishes of competncias' ' consubstancia also for: … capacity to change ideas, to share common information and interests, creating communities and stimulating connections. To start, it takes the brain human. We make infinite connections that if intensify to the measure that we age.

Now it imagines that we can, thanks to the computer, to integrate this ' constellation of neurnios' with the one of millions of other people. This is the comparison that I make. The Internet today allows in them to create a collective superintelligence, to give to beginning to a great revolution human being.