The Social Responsibility can be unfolded in multiple requirements: relations of trustworthiness between customers and suppliers, quality in the production, satisfaction of the users, contributions for the development of the community; investments in research in the technology branch, ambient conservation, sexual participation of employees in the results and the decisions taken for the companies, respect to the rights of the citizens mainly with respect to not discrimination of etria band, etnias, religions, occupations, preferences, beyond investments in security of the work and professional development. The socially responsible company is that one that & ldquo; enxerga& rdquo; beyond the organization and she considers the consequences of the external factors to the future routes and plans. She possesss the capacity to hear the interests of the different parts, that is, it does not value but the point of view of the shareholders or proprietors, but hears employees, rendering of service, suppliers, consumers, community, government and environment and looks for to involve them it the planning and strategy of its activities. Of this form, when it searchs to take care of to all the demands, the organization adopts practical politics and of management responsible socially and moved by the comprometimento, either ethical it or ideological, thus making possible its permanence in the market that, of course, is competitive and demands differentiated actions of reinforcement. Valley to detach that a company cannot wait growth if does not have the certain tools so that this happens. Also it cannot want to grow of one hour for another one without before detecting which the biggest impediments that face. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize first which the threats, stops later finding optimum way. It is at this moment that enters the Strategical Planning leading the organizacional diagnosis for the formularization of strategies actions that make possible the solutions. One of the growth possibilities is in the social comprometimento, that can be seen at the same time as benefit and competitive differential.