In a world each globalizado time more, many times to follow the results, practical and the actions that are being developed for other companies if has disclosed basic so that the companies can compare its current period of training. In this direction, it has profit each time more notoriety the application of the Benchmark. This technique consists of the study and comparison of processes allows the entrepreneurs to observe and to apprehend good practical with companies of other segments and internaliza them in its business. The main reasons – Why to make Benchmark? To excessively establish the difference between its company and; To define the standards highest, aiming at to make possible the comparison of the process of its company improves with them practical of the market; To apprehend with companies of world-wide classroom. Stages of the process: 1. It lists the processes of the company; 2. It selects the processes for benchmark, in accordance with its importance for the company or urgency of improvements to increase the competitiveness or efficiency of the company; 3. It describes the process, it elaborates its flow or diagram of cause effect.
We suggest to adopt as standard the description of the process what it can be elaborated adopting a table I contend the fields: Responsible, Description of the Action and Duration; 4. It elaborates pointers that mensurem the described process. Objective indices can be used as productivity, number of used hours, etc or subjective as satisfaction, credibility and others. It is important to establish indicating that they can be compared with the data of other companies, in this direction it is important to certify itself of that the metric one usual and is adopted by the companies whom if it desires to compare. 5. The following step is the elaboration of a plan of collection of information. In this phase it is very important to have in hands all the information raised in the mapping.