These reasons are the insufficient organization of the small agricultural producers, that individually do not obtain to compete in a market. E, also, the lack of resources as: governmental technology, structure, knowledge, incentives and strategical vision, that act in imperative way for the migration diligent them for the urban area. An alternative adopted in the agricultural environment with potential for familiar agriculture is the organization of the workers in cooperatives and associations (SCOPINHO, 2007). In such a way, this study developed during the Operation Carajs 2011? Rondon project, aims at to inside demonstrate the importance of the practical one of the strategy of the productive cooperatives, identifying and comparing elements of the theories of the strategy, specifically developed for Porter (1986) and Mintzberg (1887), with the strategies used in the management of the COMIPAC – Cooperative Mixing of the Agriculture and Familiar Production of Curionpolis. 1 Introduction the high indices of migration of workers of the agricultural areas for urban areas have explained, the least in part, the complicated situation of the agricultural cities with potential for familiar agriculture. With this, another problem, the social exclusion of the agricultural workers exists who, migrando for the urban centers, do not reach economic stability for the lack of demanded professional preparation, where finishes losing the quality of life (ABRAMOVAY, 1998-1999). The migration of the agricultural workers for the urban areas, and for consequence the lack of the agriculturist-familiar production, happens, mainly, for the insufficient organization of the small agricultural producers, that individually do not obtain to compete in a market each globalizado and competitive time.
What it diminishes the possibility of permanence in the agricultural environment. Another reason is the governmental lack of technology, structure, knowledge, incentives and strategical vision, that act in imperative way for the migration diligent them for the urban area.