' ' Research, stories and experiences have shown resulted that they prove the importance of the games and toys and its application in different contexts and stages of the development humano' '. (Tizuko Morchida Kishimoto, 1994). She is notable who the schools that possess ludoteca have shown to be the game and to the toy a powerful strategy for the construction of the knowledge, for the challenges that the playful one provides. The ludoteca in the pertaining to school space contributes for the integral development of the young child/, establishing the balance between the Real and the imaginary one, of the biggest pertaining to school satisfaction and affective balance and chance to the children to usufruct of the benefits of playing; of, still, to the child the possibility of if relating, of partilhar and contributing with pleasure for that also it gives pleasure to it, that is, to play for the pleasure to play, it stops beyond providing the opening to the involving way. The ludoteca can, also, to have positive effect for the learning process, through games, toys and tricks that stimulate the development of basic abilities and acquisition of new knowledge. The ludoteca is faced as a laboratory where professors and pupils dedicate the exploration to it of the toy and the game in terms of research and search of alternatives that make possible experiences, new methods of studies, comments, accomplishment of periods of training and spreading for the community. ' ' The idea of an education despertado for the interest of the pupil finished transforming the direction of what it is understood for pedagogical material. Each student, independent of its age, started to be a challenge the ability of the professor. Its interest started to be the force that command the process of the learning, its experiences and discoveries the engine of its progress and the professor a generator of estimuladoras situations and eficazes' '.
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FUNDEB Programs
The crucial point to have a society joust and participativa is the adoption of public politics where it is present the education and the digital inclusion as source of the knowledge. Disponibilizar new production forces so that they are to the reach of all the potential users, can be an alternative to reduce the social inaqualities that they insist on if keeping lighted in the Brazilian society (It hisses, 2005). The improvement of the quality of education and the learning, the pertaining to school conviviality and the chance to learn are essential conditions so that the Brazilian cities implement public schools of integral turn, using to advantage itself of the deriving resources of the FUNDEB. The curricular and extracurricular activities provide qualitative changes in the educational scene, offering chances differentiated to the students who make use of feeding, hygiene, development of abilities and abilities, preparing them for the future in a quality school. One notices that the Government has looked for to launch programs of social and digital inclusion through its ministries and its secretariats, but the impact of these initiatives does not suffer a solution from continuity and, for what it is observed, many programs lose force and they do not reach the desired objectives. Meanwhile, the third sector comes looking for to fill this gap by means of the adoption of voluntary initiatives, in order to provide to the devoid people social inclusion e, also, the digital inclusion with the development of specific projects and great relevance. But it stops to implement projects of digital inclusion, must be taken in account the costs of software, copyrights, social responsibility and support (Franciosi, 2009). The partnerships that the third sector comes looking for to make with international agencies, the Brazilian enterprise institutions and different agencies of the Government are insufficient to take care of programs of digital inclusion, directed the devoid population..
Brazilians Time
Brazil in recent years comes if detaching not only for the growth of its economy, but also for the great interest of its population in social nets. As much that the parents already occupies the first world-wide place with 86% of active users in the social nets, second research of the Nielsen global company of information and media. Each time more the Brazilian society spends more time in front of the computer in facebook, to twitter, Orkut and hundreds of other social nets. Leaving each time plus its values of side and if becoming hostages of the Internet. The writer Nicholas Carr cites in its new book The Shallows, What the Internet is Doing you our Brains (What the Internet is making with our brain) argues that the last advances of the technology became in them less capable of deepened thoughts. That is I vitiate, it to the social nets is becoming the Brazilian society that already inhabits does not have it to read book a society each more ignorant time. The Brazilians are if becoming each time plus a distracted society and robotizada, becoming them each time more incapable to filosofar, to argue and to question the tasks of the life. But Brazilian society has a solution it to come back to be cultured, to moderate the use of the Internet and to practise the abilities of contemplation, introspection and reflection.