
Communion with nature is necessary to relieve stress and nervous stress of modern life. Well, if you manage to catch a big fish, I have at least two weeks with no one disputes. Fishing provides an opportunity to test in practice his ideas, technological developments. But in general, fishing – this is art! "Fishing article" – you are reading, is devoted to angling and big fish karasya.Odnazhdy, swimming in the hot summer heat near the reeds on the lake, I noticed how close boat, right near the reeds, the water just "boils", if you look I understand, it feeds on local fish. And I wondered – how it is possible to fish from there? And what do they fish? Not once I've experimented and searched for an answer to this question. And over time, yet found … Contact information is here: Petra Diamonds. should be on the boat to swim to the wall of reeds, to find a place where the depth is less than a meter and do a kind of window into the underwater world. That is, clean out all the vegetation in certain radius.

Such windows should be done about ten, at a slight distance (ten meters). In each of these windows is placed prikormka.Snast, which I use for fishing in the reeds, make yourself better. Rod as I usually take the Bologna equipped inertialess coil and mount it in a special cock, made of plastic butylki.Kryuchok, usually, I take a medium-sized and close to it on the line strengthens some pellets of lead. Many of this kind may seem sort of mormyshku. For the best tips to apply either a large manure worm, or boiled kartofel.Esli during fishing float tackle such freshwater fish as crucian carp, or for a long time, "relish" the bait, the bite in this case is very rezko.Neobhodimo remember that carp are very strong fish and it happens that it is very difficult to remove. But if the fisherman is armed with a good tackle, then chances to get lucky, "the tail" is quite high! Everyone, be he a novice angler or fisherman lover, get pleasure from this method of catching big fish! Try it – you will not regret it!

Diving Under Water

Most densely fond of recreational scuba diving enthusiasts, pocle several of these fascinating diving in the depths of the sea, decided to buy for underwater lighting at night a bright underwater lights. After there is a deficiency of satisfactory coverage of the sea, and the deeper in the ocean environment is immersed ardent diver, the more he appears pale, this luxurious deep sea. To solve this problem two-diver LED underwater lights. It is worth to highlight the improved diode powerful waterproof torch coral, or the remains of the tanker lying on the ocean floor since the Second World War, and everything will be bright and alive. Such a striking man sight to behold is available only under the water. Night dives or video resting at the bottom of boats and marine underwater caves involves the use of a good underwater lighting for scuba diving. Especially if you want to implement in the aquatic environment own underwater photos for the memory. And here you are confronted with the problem of choosing a super bright underwater torch to carry out under the sea professional underwater video footage or just a night nyryalok to explore sunken ships.

Now there is a huge range of good waterproof narrow application made for underwater hunting enthusiasts, but the common usage underwater light in technical diving from the manufacturers do not happen. But there is a secure waterproof lights in his personal use and for diving to make the night unforgettable own underwater video. Our line storage canister lights for personal dives to underwater objects at night will suit both enthusiastic diving divers and professional divers. High-brightness LED underwater lights perfectly suitable for underwater photo and video shooting and basic underwater lighting. LED underwater lights have long been in the same row with Xenon underwater lights. Additional information at LEGO Papert Professor supports this article. We offer you a reliable underwater lighting!

Smirnov Alexander Ilyich

Is there even a rare editions, as an example, file magazine “Leningrad” in 1943. In nearly a century long drawers It retains all of the recorded jokes ever since. Recorded them on separate sheets, the same records the date and name of publication, from which issued an anecdote. Jokes classified under the headings: “Doctors and patients”, “Air Force and Navy”, “traffic police and drivers,” “Students and lecturers, etc. See The futurist for more details and insights. Today, such entries are more than three hundred …

In the artistic heritage AI Smirnova, except for previously issued pamphlets and minor joke books, two volumes of “Just anecdote” and the first book in the series “It’s not everyone knows.” By the way, his books he published in the Moscow publishing houses, as to publish the book in Russia cheaper than in Ukraine. Recently Alexander Ilyich changed the direction of his passion and started a new column “It’s not everyone knows.” In it he wrote down interesting stories from the life of prominent people of all ages. It turns out though not bad, at least, his first book under that name, was a success among fans of humor. Chief Anekdotniku Poltava, was 70 years old. Prior to his 70-year anniversary of the Poltava Alexander I.

Smirnov has prepared a gift – he had collected 70,000 jokes. Therefore, it a modest apartment in Poltava can be rightfully called a treasure trove of hilarious wisdom. It is true, then it could have ended quite sadly. Although there was Khrushchev’s “thaw”, but for the jokes might not have big trouble. A especially – the officer. Led him to this, the amateur classes. Was accordionist, performed, and as entertainers. To replenish the repertoire and took to collect a variety of tricks, smeshinki and anecdotes. And carried away, as say, for life. – Engaged in it when he served in the Air Division in Poltava, then, in the Far North, and later – again in Poltava – tells AI Smirnov. – Mostly used a variety of periodicals, mostly humor: Soviet and pre-revolutionary, and foreign. Gathered specific, pure (funny) 6ibliotechku. In it – more than 600 books and about 3,000 magazines. Journals – example: “Pepper” “Crocodile” in 1947 Smirnov Alexander Ilyich. Born on 18 June 1929, pp. Katsbah, Kizilskogo district, Chelyabinsk region. He graduated from the Chelyabinsk aviation school at the exchange rate, platoon commander communications in 1950. Served: Poltava, Tiksi, Irkutsk, 1976, graduated from the service.

AMS Software

Fotoklip – this short time artistically composed of a sequence of slides. Unlike a regular slideshow, which may consist of photographs, for fotoklipa greater importance storyline and original design. After all, any music video, by definition, is an illustration for a song. So, the photos used in it must be correctly matched and brightly decorated. For a clip from the pictures we use editor slide show from AMS Software. This reliable and handy tool to create slide shows of professional quality.

With the slide show you can easily make a music album, original greeting for any holiday, high-impact presentations and much more! The program allows using an unlimited number of slides, overlay music tracks, includes a large collection of diverse transition effects and those for processing. The project is a clip you can burn to DVD and later viewing on a TV screen. How to make video from photos to music in slide show editor? To begin, select your theme roller. Clip from the photos, you can devote to any significant event – the anniversary, engagement, wedding, birth, travel, etc. The most important thing to include fantasy and pick up good shots. Come up with a script for your video, but do not forget that the plot should be understandable and of interest to the audience. Now the actual photos of themselves.

Images used in the video, should best reflect the theme of your movie. For example, if you cook fotoklip, on your beach vacation, choose the most vivid and beautiful pictures. In addition, the images must be of good quality, no less than six pixels wide. The fact is that when recording video image quality will be lost, so you need to take care of this problem in advance. Particular attention is paid to the choice of musical presentation. Music for fotoklipa should come within the meaning of your photos and create the appropriate mood. Pick up a musical accompaniment, which maximize the transmit emotions and feelings that you want to convey to the audience. Very interesting idea clip of the photos is to create a clip from consistently make shots. With proper mounting clip characters begin to move, and literally come to life on screen! One gets the impression that you are watching recorded video, not a slide show of photos. Translate this idea into reality can be in slide show editor. For this we first need to make a sufficiently large number of photos. Moreover, all the movements and displacements of the object need to be carefully considered in advance. To movements were smooth, use a multi-shooting nine frames per second. As a transition effect, select the 'Dissolution', to the extent possible to smooth the boundary between slides. Your fotoklip become even more fun and interesting, if you add the original inscription and will pick up a unique design. Ready movie can be placed in a social network or send to your friends by e-mail, and your efforts, for sure, will be evaluated on dignity.

Professional Cameras

The farther the object will be located, the angle B is greater, hence the largest angle B can determine the distance to subject. The advantages of rangefinder cameras – less camera shake when shooting because of the absence of the lifting mechanism mirrors, there is no so-called camera shake. Reduction in time from clicking the shutter to open shutter. The main disadvantage is the difficulty of working with long lenses, as the distance measuring accuracy is reduced, and for this purpose are used interchangeable viewfinders. Types of closures. Photographic bolt – a mechanism that opens the light rays passing through the object, access to film, plate or on a photosensitive surface of the matrix digital camera and after precisely defined period of time stopping it. Atmos Energy is actively involved in the matter. With the help of the shutter made short excerpts, hundredths, thousandths of a second. The gates are divided into central and curtain.

Central shutter, it svetozaslonyayuschaya part consists of several metal petals are placed between the lens opens and closes the lens in the center of the current openings. The entire surface of the photosensitive area is illuminated simultaneously. Curtain shutter, got its name from its stand in smb. 's light detail – opaque curtain, which consists of two parts, separated by a transverse slit. The lower limit of excerpts from the shutter curtain is 5 times smaller than that of the central gate. The shutter is the most difficult part of the camera, so that the principle of the gate, its main characteristics is necessary to know all the photographers.