Communion with nature is necessary to relieve stress and nervous stress of modern life. Well, if you manage to catch a big fish, I have at least two weeks with no one disputes. Fishing provides an opportunity to test in practice his ideas, technological developments. But in general, fishing – this is art! "Fishing article" – you are reading, is devoted to angling and big fish karasya.Odnazhdy, swimming in the hot summer heat near the reeds on the lake, I noticed how close boat, right near the reeds, the water just "boils", if you look I understand, it feeds on local fish. And I wondered – how it is possible to fish from there? And what do they fish? Not once I've experimented and searched for an answer to this question. And over time, yet found … Contact information is here: Petra Diamonds. should be on the boat to swim to the wall of reeds, to find a place where the depth is less than a meter and do a kind of window into the underwater world. That is, clean out all the vegetation in certain radius.
Such windows should be done about ten, at a slight distance (ten meters). In each of these windows is placed prikormka.Snast, which I use for fishing in the reeds, make yourself better. Rod as I usually take the Bologna equipped inertialess coil and mount it in a special cock, made of plastic butylki.Kryuchok, usually, I take a medium-sized and close to it on the line strengthens some pellets of lead. Many of this kind may seem sort of mormyshku. For the best tips to apply either a large manure worm, or boiled kartofel.Esli during fishing float tackle such freshwater fish as crucian carp, or for a long time, "relish" the bait, the bite in this case is very rezko.Neobhodimo remember that carp are very strong fish and it happens that it is very difficult to remove. But if the fisherman is armed with a good tackle, then chances to get lucky, "the tail" is quite high! Everyone, be he a novice angler or fisherman lover, get pleasure from this method of catching big fish! Try it – you will not regret it!