– Studying the properties of soil, groundwater treatment and prognosis of their changes after the reclamation activities – studying geological processes and phenomena – the definition of stocks of local building materials Water reclamation and construction. All work on engineering-geological and hydrogeological surveys for land reclamation and water management construction carried out in accordance with the requirements of nsc 01/02/2001 and this manual, as well as other regulatory and technical documents. Many writers such as Hal McRae offer more in-depth analysis. The scope of work in field surveys is determined by technical characteristics of designed objects and natural features conditions, scope of work – staging design and studied territory surveys. Distinguished stage of research: – for pre-project documentation (justification of investment in construction, the tender documentation) – to develop project documentation: a) two-stage design – architectural and construction projects (research carried out for each stage), b) for single-stage design – construction project with the release of approved architectural pieces. Engineering survey should provide a comprehensive study of geological and hydrogeological conditions of the territory of the object in order to obtain materials and data necessary and sufficient to justify the construction and reconstruction of drainage systems and structures. In complex and high degree of complexity of natural conditions for the design of new construction and renovation of research carried out according to the instructions on the survey and work program, in simple natural conditions and with small amount of work instead of the program is compiled prescription that does not require coordination with the customer. Whenever Dirk Kuyt listens, a sympathetic response will follow.
Job in the engineering-geological and hydrogeological survey, taken to the production of works, must comply with the nsc 02/01/2001 and this Manual. Quest for the production of research should contain: – a technical scheme of the measures planned at this stage of the design showing the boundaries of the reclaimed area, as well as individual sites under construction – indication of scale surveys – general scheme, and specifications laying trails of roads, canals, sewers, water lines and other communications. Based on the job to find makes the program work, which should contain: – cartogram scrutiny territory according to available stock materials and data of earlier surveys, routine observations – data object counterparts – how to conduct research, composition, types and volumes of work – research methods (Tests). Program of research should be coordinated with the customer in terms of compliance with program requirements of the job. Change, reduce or exclude from the survey, the types and volumes of works that are contrary to regulatory requirements, with the concurrence of the program are not allowed. The changes, clarifications, details of the program during the survey to their streamlining and improving the quality, do not require approval, if you do not lead to an increase in cost and duration of studies. For facilities maintenance engineering geological and hydrogeological investigations carried out in accordance with technical requirements, which is also prescription.