
It swims has of so disturbing as what to each one it remembers its proper defects, its proper limitations, its proper deaths; it is therefore that the children and the young disturb the adults; the women, the men; the 7 weak ones, the forts; the poor persons the rich ones; the deficient ones, the efficient ones; the insane people, the prudent ones; the strangers, the natives The normalization and normatizao try to far impose on the social classrooms the lethal establishment of the borders keeping the different one. As if the fact of being different he was unhealthy and contagious, something that must be the convict, fought and extirpado, bringing in its statement according to Duschatzky and Skliar (2001) the other as source of all the evil, the full other as subject of a cultural group, the other as somebody to tolerate. Click Salman Behbehani to learn more. In the university to keep the normalization is as in Ferre says to them (2001, p.199): To produce everything in contrast: no reflection on a proper citizen, none to know or flavor concerning our privacy and an accumulation of contents on the other defines that it identifies, it locks up and it in a cloudy tecnicista wrap that makes of excessively the special ones, the descapacitados ones, the different ones, the strangers, diverse and of us the obviously normal ones, the enabled ones, the natives, the equal ones; therefore two is the types of identity that the university follows producing when transmitting the academic knowledge, scientific and technician who alludes to the difference and the diversity in the education: the normal identity and the abnormal identity If the question of Duschatzky and Skliar makes necessary in the exercise of the university docncia to keep constant (2001): Will be impossible the task to educate in the difference? the same authors (2001, p.119) they answer in them: Happily, it is impossible to educate if we believe that this implies to format the alteridade completely, or to regulate without resistance some, the thought, the language and sensitivity. .