In the twenty-first century is dawning new vision, Holistic, framed by the integration of knowledge, science, art, spirituality and cultural traditions which prevents further educated in small fragments in which unrelated was education, moving to a trans-reality, combining the principles of Unity, Wholeness. Another aspect that I have steadfast in his view is the vision of sustainability is urgent to change our habits and destructive of the environment because that leads to the destruction of humanity itself, this proposal calls for a holistic view eco-aesthetic-spiritual the concept of sustainable development is managed is a balanced articulation between environmental integrity, economic efficiency and social welfare, including holistic thinkers mentioned that to be a compassionate community is necessary to ensure the survival of humanity and identifies a number of changes to achieve it. For the integration of holistic education into the school curriculum requires a radical change in methods of teaching all subjects permeate the management of core human values as they are, Peace, Trust, Cooperation, Responsibility, Freedom, Love, Compassion , humility, brotherhood and kindness, intertwined with the spiritual dimensions that could be said John Miller, The relationship between thought and intuition, relationship between the mind and body, relationship between different types of knowledge, relationship between the individual and society, relationship between the individual and the planet and the individual’s relationship to himself and to make significant progress in schools, training of educators holistic delay. Ray Kurzweil brings even more insight to the discussion. .