Objective RESUMOO of the research was to analyze the management of waters of analytical and creative form being formulated principles and lines of direction, with the orienting and normative document preparation, to the estruturao of managemental systems and the taking of decisions that have for final design to promote the inventory, use, control and protection of the hdricos resources. The following elements are part of this activity: politics of waters, plan (of use, it has controlled and protection of waters), management of waters. Ours lcus of research is Southern Cross that is as the bigger city of the State of the Acre, with an area of almost eight a thousand km ; known as Land of the Nuas, the population is of 86.725 inhabitants, where 54,945 live in the urban zone and 31,780 live in the agricultural zone. Most of the urban perimeter of the city of Southern Cross (about 70% of the domiciles, as given of DEAS-AC 2007) is supplied with drinking waters for the general net. The present study it adopted as strategy to search to characterize s and 17 wells, a water production of 640m3/h. Collating the results of the research of Basic Sanitation referring the water supply, with the gotten data evidenced an increase of 41% numbers in it of total linkings in this interval of time. In this manner, it is important to stand out that I number, as it demonstrates the SOURCE: DEAS (State Water Department and Sanitation 2007). Words keys: estruturao of managemental systems, basic sanitation, drinking waters, manancial.1 Administrator Qualification in Ambiental2 Management Administrator Qualification in Ambiental3 Management Administrator Qualification in Ambiental4 Management Administrator Qualification in Management AmbientalASPECTS OF THE MANAGEMENT OF WATERS: Reading of the system of potable to water supply in an Amazonian community. Adriana 1Cssia Blacksmith Birth Rasp Hisses 2Hudilena Da Silva would 3Maria Daniele Dos Santos Hisses 4SUMMARYThe objective of the research was you analyze the management of waters of analytical and creative form being formulated principles and lines of direction, with the orienting and normative document preparation, you the managemental estruturao of systems and the taking of decisions that have will be final design you promote the inventory, uses, control and protection of the> hdricos resources.