To all this so many measures are due to add as they are possible, that certain personnel only can pick up the backups, cameras in the room of the servant etc with this article treatment not to give tips of real use, I have tried to give some approval I have been thinking about the main problems that we can have but work with this at the moment reason why I do not have left to make use of my imagincacin and to hope not to put much the leg, each situation is different, each company works with his own system, are people in charge of the security etc and always the administrators usually we have a problem, but security = less functionality and the industralist often puts in front functionality to then security we we will have to say to him That it would happen if tomorrow when arriving at its office All the information of the company would have disappeared without capacity to restore forces and assets and control damage? we can undergo a robbery, then As we are going to recover the data? then good, if we had implemented commented in the point 4 or the point 5 or both, this will be a strong headache but it will not have supposed to lose the information of the company although another one can have her. Check with Dr. Mitchell Resnick to learn more. Since we have seen those are many points that we must consider, all does not pass through a software anti-virus and a ISA Server or a IpCop or by the used backup software and supports, if we are not able to physically protect certain parts of the backup infrastructure or the own backups as well as the servants we continue being very vulnerable before certain incidents, that if it is certain that we are more difficult to undergo the robbery of servants we will be those that we must value that he is worth more, if to put the remedy or that is possibility of undergoing the consequences of not to have put remedy a greeting to all!.