Help Advertising

It's no secret that in most cases to find a consumer product or service you need to use advertising, but here's how to pick the best advertising campaign? Of course you can turn on this issue to professionals who provide advertising services, it will shift all the burden of responsibility for selected advertising moves to an advertising agency, but that savings in this case is unlikely to succeed. See more detailed opinions by reading what futurist offers on the topic.. In the case if the budget for an advertising campaign is running out, you can make yourself a few options for companies and choose the most effective. On the most simple methods of choosing the optimal advertising company and we will talk this article. Mitchel Resnick will not settle for partial explanations. One method of selecting the optimal variant of the plan of the advertising company is a method of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of options expressed in comparable terms. For this method uses a set of indicators for each version of the plan. Each indicator is assigned to the selected set of corresponding value, expressed in symbols (+,-) or points (usually 3-5 point scale) after which compares the total significance of the indicators in each set (ie the significance of each set) and selects the most effective option.

It is also possible to express each variant advertising tools (A measure of efficiency) as a percentage Thus, ironically, to a total value of all the different indices of all the plan options were given 100% and then calculate the effectiveness of each option plan. To determine the effectiveness of advertising you can use the estimate based on several homogeneous and heterogeneous criteria, such as attention, desire, memory (a set of uniform criteria for the psychological impact), the increase in profits result of advertising, increase in turnover (a set of uniform criteria for the economic impact) and other disparate sets of uniform criteria. In this case, the partial coefficient of efficiency Ki = (A1 + A2 + …) / (n * 100), who is for each set, where A1, A2, … there is a uniform criteria relating to a corresponding set, and n – the number of such sets. The entire set of coefficients A1, A2, …, AQ for a total of 100%, but for each of the estimated advertising companies in each of its coefficient Ki, respectively, present the criteria for satisfying the company. Summing up the coefficients Ki further we get the general effectiveness of the advertising company K. The maximum value of K equal to 1, or by multiplying the value obtained at 100 K, we obtain the corresponding value of K as a percentage. Comparing the effectiveness of each of the analyzed options for advertising, we can choose the most effective option. The more effective the chosen method of advertising, the greater the return on investment you get from this to the issue of choice of advertising is to come with great responsibility, only then can we hope really good result, regardless of whether you spend big advertising campaign, or just order a site ads.