
In this article we will see some more affiliate programs recommended for Affiliate programs are a very profitable way to earn money online, the basic model is that you direct a potential customer to a sales page through your own website and earn commissions for each sale you make. It’s a great way to generate revenue without having to create your own product. Different programs offer different levels of earnings, this depends on the product you are promoting. As a general rule, we can say that is between 10 and 15% but as low as 4% and as high as 75%. The highest percentages occur in many products that have no production or distribution costs, including e-books or products online information discharged. These are the largest affiliate networks on the Internet, I will confine myself to those that are free to enter. But I must warn you before enrolling in a program of this type is necessary that already has a website with a number considerable traffic. This is the first step in generating passive income online.

It is impossible to make a lot of traffic on the Internet. If you are interested in this topic, I recommend that you first create your own page and try to generate traffic when you reach the level of around 1000 visits per day is an optimum time to start monetizing your site, if you most likely made before do not generate much profit. If you generate 1,000 visits a day, there are ways to turn them into money. One of the most important is the internet store Amazon, the variety of products they offer is very large and can find almost anything. The disadvantage of this program is that commissions are not very high, about 4% to 7% if it attracts many people. A major advantage of Amazon is that it is a shop where people have much confidence so it is easier to generate sales. Remember that this program is mostly in English, if you know this language and have a website, consider using it.

If you do not know English will not have much luck, try other affiliate networks. One of my favorites is Clickbank, which is certainly one of those that offer higher commissions, in the range of 40 percent and many products reach 75%. This program has many products in Spanish and it is a good choice. Another affiliate program that most recommend is Commission Junction, as Clickbank offers a wide range of products in Spanish. Their commissions range from 4% and may reach 20%. The advantage is that large companies with quality products they use. It offers high-quality products and some people already know. When you have confidence in a product is very easy to sell.