One of the preferred sports of the Brazilian is ‘ ‘ to laugh at the disaster alheia’ ‘. If it does not make of ignorant is with whom I am speaking. Or you never had that sensation of revenge when you knew that its flat brother-in-law lost the job in the last cut of the EMBRAER? Speaking as nation, the Brazilian in general adores ‘ ‘ to take off one casquinha’ ‘: – Argentina broke? Made well for them. – The British real family if put in plus a confusion? They are a same flock of rowdies. – They had discovered plus a insinuante photo of the woman of the Sarkozi? Well fact, it had to be taken care of better. for goes there.
In crisis times, at least we can laugh at the new habits of the Americans: to live with less, to pechinchar, to be in cheaper hotels, etc. In the world already it is said in new values, established in the economy and the support. Values these, that any Brazilian learns before saying ‘ ‘ mame’ ‘. So that you laugh a little we go to elencar these new values: 1) Thrift: it represents the end of the voracious consumption, fed for the credit easy and for the immediate wealth. It is spent less, cares for more. It has at least one decade the platform of saving of the American ones was of almost zero. For even more analysis, hear from Alina de Almeida. In November of the last year it went up for 3%. Now it is of sarcastic 8%.Comentrio: This any Brazilian of middle class already sabia.2) Solidarity: with the increase of the unemployment in the rich countries, a trend of union of these people with financial difficulties is appearing so that together they find options and consolation.
Sarcastic commentary: this poor we already to make have much time, either for the side of the ONGs in devoid communities, either for the side of the incentive to the work voluntrio.3) little consumerism: the sites in the Internet of exchange of products grow. The organizations also grow that promote bazaars of cheap or very gratuitous products. Sarcastic commentary: 1.99,4) invovao is alone to see the store of R$: with the crisis of the main countries, the great companies are coming back its looks toward economic solutions adopted by the countries peripherals as India and sarcastic Brasil.Comentrio: that the Brazilian ‘ ‘ he takes off water of rock, everybody sabe’ ‘ .5) lesser houses: of July the September of 2008 the average area of the constructions fell 7.3% in relation to the previous trimester, passing of 244 metors squared for 227 square meters. It is the first time, in one decade, that had such reduction. Sarcastic commentary: any one that already has mulberry in a popular house understands of ‘ ‘ houses menores’ ‘ .6) make you yourselves: jardinagem courses, sew and house works proliferate in the United States. Great store, as the Home Depot, destined to vender parts of domestic assembly teaches the purchasers to resoler everything in house. Sarcastic commentary: which is the Brazilian who does not have a little of mechanic, gardener, marcineiro, electrician inside of it?