Tasks rather diverse means, including non-proper to the protection of the object. For example, can be linked into one system alarm (fire alarm, CCTV and access control, perimeter protection, etc.) with automatic organizing the livelihood of the house: to block any action, switched on and off street lighting, irrigation, etc. Vista, like some other systems are versatile, can do it, as opposed to other, less expensive equipment, was created to address a narrow range of specific tasks. Another popular group of equipment we have – it’s hardware for security systems by Canadian firms DSC, which manufactures a wide range of products are very decent quality and rich features. The equipment of these two companies are comparable in quality and degree of universality. Today, however, the share of ADEMCO accounts for most of the Russian market of security systems. In particular, departments non-departmental working on the equipment of production of the company. While in the 90s, at the dawn of the technological revolution in home security systems, when a change of equipment with primitive tools Russian production on the more advanced Western models, DSC became very powerful in our market for some time kept him on the leader.
Installed equipment and DSC state security structures. But in subsequent years ADEMCO gradually recovered from competing this tasty DSC market segment. To be fair to add that in recent years, and domestic development of universal security. It attempt to copy the best foreign models. And if in terms of functionality Russian products significantly lower than the imported analogues, competitive price, of course, is their forte. Security organizations have already taken these developments into service, which is an indirect confirmation of their quality.