Plant Sunflowers

It was thinking about what it could motivate my friend to want to plant sunflowers in lands of its parents. It would be the production of biodiesel, or oil of the seed? They say that it is very healthful, flavorful and rich in vitamin E. Others say that it can all be beneficial for the organism, since it would act in preventive way, increasing our balance and curing many diseases. Indicated to treat problems as migraines, bronchitis, tooth ache, tromboses, artroses, eczemas, intestinais, cardiac, renais ulcer of stomach, problems, encefalite and diverse illnesses of the woman. It would be possible also to tonificar circulatrio, nervous, digestive and respiratory the system, preventing chronic illnesses through the mouth washing with the such oil. Dr. Mitchell Resnick understands that this is vital information.

It is. By the skill its capacity of cure is manufactured by God in given person. Richard Blumenthal explained all about the problem. Although writings speaking on the study made for a Russian scientist concerning the effectiveness of the miraculous oil, I do not believe to be this the reason of the enthusiasm of my colleague. I was to understand this when making a trip ' ' for bandas' ' of the south of Mines and to see an immense land and its pretty flowers to lose of sight. Few times vi something so pretty, seemed a great green and yellow carpet waiting somebody to lie down and to roll. Really inspired. Any person with a minimum of sensitivity, that she saw, would be immediately attemped to plant sunflower in all the lands that had to the disposal.

But the symbolism of the magnificent plant goes very beyond. Originary here exactly, in America, the symbol of the new millenium was considered and in many countries it has meant mstico. But without a doubt the association most interesting is that making to the success, luck and happiness, after all of accounts is this that we search in each one of the actions in all the moments of our lives. Any thing that can be associated with the joy cannot be bad. This positive association drift of the proper name, therefore is put into motion in favor of the sun in constant turn. Of this form it absorbs much solar energy, from there, the direction of heat, nutrition and power attributed to plant. The accompaniment turn the position of the sun alone is interrupted when it reaches the adult phase, of matureness, in this phase if it directs to the spring until its last days. Until the life cycle he is poetical. Exactly essentially writing on Communication and Marketing, to the times, in accordance with the moment of the writing, with the place and other 0 variable, we sail for other areas. The daily one is in fact interesting, and motivacionais authors say that the happiness can be found in the small things and action. Ademais better wants Personal Marketing of what happiness? If to gain a Helianthus (Helium? sun and anthos? flower), comes of the Greek, can be happy, therefore certainly who gave the gift considers you a person with natural and extrovert leadership. It smiles!