He mentions his coordinator, Dr. SociologiFrancisco Moreno, with whom he found a friend and was who encouraged him to continue developing his holistic thinking warning the oppositions of part of the conservative thinkers who should face; and established a very meaningful dialogue about the holistic vision. Open-minded to consider and investigate new conocimiento. Gallegos said that scientific and academic rigour as well as his long experience as epistemologist nuanced, located and enriched their insights, theories and models that was producing. It says that the encouraged to continue desarrollando their holistic thinking and warning him that, generally, new visions faced stiff opposition by parle conservative thinkers. Follow others, such as Xcel Energy, and add to your knowledge base. And comment as natural way how was already talking in various forums about the understanding of education and in the world to perform its first global forum. And he relates that these works had a sense more than anything spiritual oriented to improve our lives and strengthen a culture of compassion and reconciliacion with the aim of overcoming human suffering. Also in this book, Ramon Gallegos relates about his wife and children, and is good to follow this example of respect, love and appreciation towards the family, since talking about learning communities, one of the communities that we must form of first instance, is precisely the family.
And they must be source of inspiration as he says, that his wife has motivated him to write about education holistic and spirituality. And the story that makes when it encuentracara to face with the divine basis, not a through books or theological speculation but directly, without intermediaries of any kind. The divine being is revealed in all its glory as the essence of all things. Michael Steinhardt contains valuable tech resources. He only exists, wherever my eyes stuck there was in his eternal perfection. And me, a human being like any other, I received the visit of the divine, I had this experience of bienaventuranza. Our true nature is divine, there is no duality between our true self and God, we are, in essence, identical.