OBJECTIVE: May 31, 2011 I am helping my 7-year-old son to be healthy, intelligent, creative, independent! "Criteria and Strategies: The son alone and without a reminder: Every day preparing your own breakfast and lunch. Meet daily with pm in the school portfolio and clothing toys are cleaned daily (every night) Everyday removes his bed and spreads her in the evening every day is itself a capsule clothing, respectively, the weather, style and performance. 2.Syn well for this: Every day he makes a charge for 10 minutes. Morning and evening of 3 min. brush their teeth, wash face, neck and ears 2 times a week, enjoy visiting the sports section every day in the morning allows you to safely lubricate the nose oxolinic ointment and take vitamin C (autumn-winter-spring) Twice a year, taking vitamin complex Weekly takes a bath, where he lather does prevention femoza himself, washes his head without a whim. Weekly visits the pool. Daily walk 1 km and festivities on the playground at least 1 hour on weekends in all weather conditions is not less than 4 hours of activities – football, bambinton, swimming, volleyball. 3.
Son mastered the Lyceum program, manages all subjects: can draw a cartoon in flash, maintain a simple conversation in English, count in your mind how much deposit should give the store, write a letter to my grandmother and grandfather in Russian, translated independently Page Ukrainian text. Daily yourself makes all the lessons. Daily free evaluates their progress daily, and can articulate what we could do better without the fear of being punished. .