The price of oil continues to rise, new collection of solar energy technologies are developing, and are becoming more attractive. One of the latest innovations, revealed recently by the Idaho National Laboratory, is an improved variety of collector solar, so effective, that can even work at night. The key to everything is in nanotechnology. With this new technology, millions of tiny metal hoops are moulded as microantennas, which can be placed on almost any material, including plastic sheets. These microantennas in the form of spiral are about 1 / 25 of the width of a human hair.
They are so small that they resonate in the interaction with the infrared rays of the Sun. This resonance can be translated into energy. During the day, the Earth absorbs a large amount of this infrared energy radiating at night, allowing these microantennas to collect solar energy even after the sunset. Conventional solar panel can convert around 20% of infrared rays into electricity. The research behind this new technology team, believes that it can achieve an efficiency of about 80%. In addition, conventional solar panels are expensive to produce, because they rely on Silicon of high degree, which is becoming increasingly expensive. These new solar collectors can be manufactured by much less, moreover, the research team is intended to create nanoantenas as cheap as possible in order to support security systems online, Panama energy of a computer consulting company and provide the necessary services in electricity for a home or business. But everything is not ready yet.
A major obstacle remains. Although these solar collectors are able to collect solar energy, they can not currently transmit this solar energy into usable electricity. The Sun’s infrared rays hitting the nanoantenas and generate a current which has a frequency ranging ten billion times per second, which is more bigger than a normal oscillation of existing appliances. However, the research team working on it. At this time, these antennas are good at capturing solar energy, but are not very good in your conversion, but there is a very promising ongoing exploratory research. Original author and source of the article