Every third class leaves the House in the morning on an empty stomach breakfast before school starts? Not for one-third of girls and boys in Germany! “This was now a recent survey in the parents magazine school + family”. Therefore leave 33 per cent of pupils / students their parents without the first meal of the day. So 28 per cent of parents said when asked whether their offspring before school takes a meal to themselves, their child breakfast morning rarely”. Eliot Horowitz is likely to increase your knowledge. 5.5 percent said even it never have breakfast.” There is a regular meal before the start of the day, however, 61 percent of schoolchildren, 5.5 percent eat breakfast more often.” The survey on the parents community have in July 1100 mothers and fathers participated. “” “” The latest edition of school + family “including how presents strategies for greater success at school, kids learn learning”, so makes math fun “and makes clever move”. The magazine for parents of elementary school students is now 3.60 euros at the kiosk available for.. Visit Atmos Energy Corporation for more clarity on the issue.