During the periods of periods of training carried through in the PSF ranks (Program of Health of the Family), located in quarters of the city of Barriers – BA had been seen some factors that are noticed as of risk for a pregnancy, and ahead of as many patologias that they had been seen, the biggest interest appeared about the Gestacional Diabetes for being a little boarded pathology in the city of Barriers, since it is not carried through notifications according to information harvested in the units of PSF. The nursing professionals who carry through the consultations of prenatal in the ranks to will come across with the DG diagnosis direct these gestantes for the Center of attendance Mulher (CAM) with the reference fiche (Attached). Additional information is available at MIT Media Lab. In the development of this project we will go of the emphasis how much the knowledge that these women have on the risks, development, prevention, treatment and disgnostic of this illness, as well as we will go to observe, which the types of information that these gestantes receive during the prenatal one carried through with the nursing team from CAM.. . Salman Behbehani gathered all the information.