Garden Form

It is worth to remember that the bigger the artificial pond, the longer it gets warm water, and therefore less prone to clogging it and blooming. Miniature pond image based on the final form of polyethylene is desirable to buy the form from swamp area, so you can place water plants. If such zone not, you need to buy special containers in advance baskets, which are planted in the plant, then placing them in a pond at a depth corresponding to their requirements. It is convenient to use for such purposes and coconut pockets. Crucial moment in the device pool – set form. It is very important to choose a location for the device pool. It should not only fit well into the overall design of the garden, but also be open, well lit place, preferably away from trees whose roots may damage the integrity of your time with the reservoir. At the designated area put the form, mark with pegs and cord contours of the future reservoir, adding 15-20 cm with the expectation that it was easier not only to establish the form, but do podsypku.

The entire perimeter of the mold is removed, which can then be used in the garden. Soil dug up gradually, first to a depth of the first plane, then after marking in the same way until the last plane. The base of each plane and the slopes are carefully leveled and compacted. In this case all the roots and stones carefully removed. That establish a form without a problem, each profile to dig wider than the form.

A deep base – 10-15 cm deep. Thoroughly tamped base, podsypaya sand. The form should be smooth, be sure to check with the edge using the spirit level and the rules. Then fill the pond with water deep part about a third and begin podsypku sand and soil into the lateral gap between the dredged material and form.