The fact of the transport for the modal road to be the majority in Brazil must it four main factors: – politics of the government that privileged the construction of highways, that practically establish connection the country; – implantation and great growth of the automobile industries in the country; – creation of the national park of refinement of oil; – largeness of the domestic territory, leaving the majority of the cities without covering of other modal ones (railroad and maritime mainly). Days (1993) it still points the forms as the companies must lead its services of transport. For it, different types of products, as the amount where they are produced can determine if a company assumes the transport of its products with a proper fleet, or as a terceirizada fleet, or if she all repasses the transport to a specialized company. It is to incase itself in this market of the terceirizao of the transport, that the Adriano Zentil Polzin? , It has ME as one of its objectives of business, the road transport of products. Although being a small business company and few resource, it intends to adopt the strategy in order to become great, using themselves mainly, of the services given for independent vehicles (proprietors of an only vehicle and that they work with this vehicle), that according to Days (1993), for more than answer the half of the national fleet. To be able to give this service, all company has that to emit a fiscal document called Road Bill of landing and Loads, the CTRC..