They will present anterograde amnesia and retrograde; Surgical interventions, may give rise to different amnesic syndromes; Vascular problems, the type of memory that will be affected will be in relation to the area of the brain affected by these problems; Anoxia and hypoglycemia, the lack of oxygen in the brain can cause permanent memory problems; Herpica encephalitis, herpes simplex usually attack, when installed on the brain, to the temporal lobes which may give rise to problems of memory, especially the anterograde memory; Alzheimer’s disease that by their relevance will occupy a special section. Causes and State current of the issue thanks to the integration of disciplines such as psychology, Physiology, Neuropsychology, pharmacology, morphology, or molecular biology, among others, currently we can understand part of the malfunction of some of these systems in diseases, degenerative type – Alzheimer’s disease, Pick or Korsakov-, and traumatic, brain-vascular type, or infectious. The results of functional studies have revealed that the number of structures involved, both by the network of nerve connections involved, memory neurophysiological and neuroanatomical, psychological bases are very complex, not having been fully explained. Thus the pathologies that affect memory can occur by a deterioration that will have an organic or psychological cause. Amnesia, reduplicative, agnosia, aphasia and apraxia, hipermnesia are some of these diseases. From the psychological point of view, although there are different explanations for amnesia, today, which seems to have more effective is the proposal by Mayes (1988).
It proposes that amnesia represents a deficit in the use of contextual information. There is a distinction between intrinsic context, what should be remembered, and the extrinsic context, that incidentally was happening when I was learning something. This last refers to spatio-temporal attributes. According to studies, the difficulties that seem to show the amnesic in remembrance of the extrinsic context would hamper the remembrance of the implicit context. From the neurological point of view, found that the temporal lobe is related to storage and information retrieval functions.