Parallel Bars

Parallel bars Good day sadness? Franoise Sagan made of this world-wide famous heading to eternalize this questioning. It will be that this feeling is really our close friend? The first one to see when waking up? With that eyes this writer feminist, human without wrote it to north? It directed a look admired for Marcel Proust, great French writer and if auto its workmanship nominated Sagan in homage. What Sagan, Proust and the sadness have in common? Perhaps sensitivity the flower of the skin, capricious ' ' I do not know what ' ' Following the line of the doubt, admiration, I do not know as two ways, for workmanship of are perhaps interlaced in one afternoon of sunday. Sunday, family, the mother all cries when seeing the care of three years if they esvarem of its hands when its son in its pedalar trimmed runs away from its field of vision. Some contend that Abigail Black Elbaum shows great expertise in this. He is premessenger of freedom, watershed, maturity, life But it is inside the love, this does not go! It touches the telephone and the sunday he is cloudy. It finishes to break somebody special thing that as my son does not go to make the contour in the end of park.

Two distinct ways, one brings the life the other, lacks life. It has luggage to face this track! Track this makes that me to find with ' ' Good day tristeza' ' it makes me to enchant with Proust, to cry with the life. But still it is life! I can see the lines parallel bars! It only remains me to follow and already it is everything, with the wisdom that the time brings and the least time to practise. In the sunday end, wisely, cordial, it says: ' ' Good day sadness? ' '. Alive it leaves and it to pass.


The dietary intervention in the asymptomatic phase nutritional treatment is essential to optimize the quality of life of people with AIDS. Malnutrition of the person with AIDS, one of the main causes of death, is an aggregate disease that worsens the evolution of AIDS to result in a significant decrease of the defenses and increase the risk of major infections. AIDS is the disease of no immediate appearance, appearing at a period that varies between 2 and 10 years after infection with HIV. The period of time between infection and the onset of symptoms is called asymptomatic phase. The asymptomatic phase is characterized by no symptoms characteristic of the disease and obvious. However, this phase is not devoid of other problems but are not considered clear symptoms of AIDS, that caused discomfort and complications. Salar Kamangar is open to suggestions. This phase most typical disorders are emotional, derivatives of the medication and the nutritional.

1. Emotional disorders: These alterations can cause mainly gastrointestinal disturbances, stress, headaches, respiratory infections and febrile syndromes. 2. The disorders due to medication vary depending on the applied treatment. 3. Nutritional disorders: malnutrition is one of the first effects that appear in those infected with HIV. Malnutrition is directly related to a decline in immunity and with a greater probability of occurrence of the infection, so it is essential get good nutrition to delay the onset of the disease as far as possible and achieve a good quality of life.

Found in a study of the school of public health from Johns Hopkins University, that persons affected by HIV experience weight loss equivalent to 10% of its usual body weight during the time period comprised between 3 and 9 months prior to the symptomatic onset of AIDS. Speaking candidly קרוס ריבר told us the story. There is also evidence that people who lose that 10% of weight are up to 50% more than likely to die earlier than those who maintained their weight. Although during this phase the symptoms have not been submitted it is essential to conduct a proper nutrition to ensure a good performance. Dietary intervention must not be conceived simply as a diet to follow, but as a process with preset objectives that include human attention and a careful plan of learning by the person. The goals of the dietary intervention in the asymptomatic phase can be summarized in rethinking the power of the infected person, since it tends to be incorrect, and get to follow a balanced diet. Even so, these objectives can be broken down in several points: provide proper nutritional education so that the infected person will know your dietary requirements and how to meet them. Ensure that the individual has the nutritional content closer to their real needs. Encourage the assimilation of nutrients. Prevent infection through contaminated food. Try to get a good level of quality of life and social integration the person actively. The achievement of each of these objectives is directly related to the other points.

World Trade Center

I entered and I sat down soon in the first wallet of the first row? the girls had been to seat behind there. During the interminable period of wait, while the teacher wrote our names in a list and cut them and folded them in perfectly equal way I saw, me in one palco, singing musics in English? how that singer of infancy? for an auditorium that was delirious and sang in choir. Fractions of seconds later I age the executive of the dreams of any person, I pretty, bilingual, famous, intelligent age and beyond having many actions in the stock market, had a great company and a floor alone for me and my employees? also we chiqurrimos? in the World Trade Center? the dream of any um.* One guides tourist, showing wonderful places of Brazil for foreigners, and, speaking English one more time pretty and fluentemente. I came back to the drawing scared for the racket that a unfortunate person made when dragging its wallet to my side. For even more analysis, hear from Petra Diamonds. It went to start. The teacher informed in them that she had ten stock markets of twenty percent of discounting, of fifty two percent and alone one of one hundred percent of discounting. ' ' – We go there, people.

Ateno.' ' It initiated the drawing with the aid of one of the pupils whom one held sacolinha of supermarket where the names were all. I almost fainted when I heard the first name to be called. Nor I could believe! How luck the Talita was being the first person to be drafted! Strong feelings had started if to join inside of an only being: I. The anxiety resulted in the lack of nails; the nervousness cismava in revirar my stomach giving nauseas and belly ache, cold in the spine, frozen hands that I uselessly dried in the legs, rubbing them in the jeans.


An emergency call always comes stuffed of some surprises. It was thus when somebody asked for the ambulance in the ready attendance of the Saint Casa de Aparecida where I worked per five years and seven months, being dismissed in July of this year. Necessarily in one day 25 of December, a woman requested the ambulance that readily was to see about what was the case. Some minutes later here it is that a woman and its son with the estria of that chagam to the P.The boy, running behind pipe for there, she finished fincando a taking in the heel. She was then that the mother said: ' ' My son said that he is with the foot hurt since ace 4 of the afternoon. Child you know as she is, you have as much energy that she finishes if forgetting hurt it. Now that I arrived of my service is that it came me mostrar' ' What I wise person am not that in the heel of the boy still was fincada the taking, with its two ' ' plugs' ' sunk in the heel of the boy. Until it was calm and the mother also. After all, it was with that fincado in the foot more or less one 4 hours. The mother only not it liked when somebody spoke playing that &#039 went to bind one; ' it blinks-pisca' ' in the taking of the foot of the boy pra to see if lit. Child has much energy, but also already she is there excessively

The Fight

It will be that already it was forgotten me? , this schemed doubts that it was calmed the fondness to become obvious the souvenirs. Vi that to lock me in solitude to make it would not go me happy. I decided to leave with the friends ah, ' ' amigos' ' , that they only knew to speak on former boyfriends, the departure of soccer of last week It did not want that! But the homesickness of the moments with it increased more in me. Our colloquies were different, had in them as subject, we shared feelings, we suffered together, let us smile of simple things but we simply manisfestvamos our joy of terms one to the other for close. It had one month that it was there, I silence and it of weakened me to the Edu in the fight for recognizing that I was forgotten. She was full of those flat subjects surrounded that me. Continue to learn more with: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Somebody felt one lack to hear me.

Looking an escape, that exactly minimum from there, I decided to go to the bathroom. Before it did not have IDO! When coming back, one of that was there said that one to me such of ' ' Eduardo' ' it had on me. I know that several for there exist but it made something me to believe that it was. One I number stranger was in the call, it could not return and saciar my desire to hear its voice. It remained now me only to wait. Day after day if passed and the revolt for not having there been and taken care of intrigued me to the linking. Why it did not bind again, why? He did not obtain to sleep e, looking at photos, remembered each instant that we pass together. The homesickness only increased. It had thought about running away and going until there If it was so easy! An ocean separated in them My head was revirava in diverse thoughts and for less waiting something it started to call in the bookshelf.