According to the polls Online Monitor, at first glance, in Russia, consumption of gadgets (from the English. Gadget – a device bauble – sophisticated technical products), not lower, than in other developed countries. So, DVD-player and digital camera use respectively 58 and 54%, mobile – 93%. But – make a reservation, these interviews were conducted online and therefore do not represent the real level of consumption. 'Since we're in the middle between Austria and Japan, we have and a corresponding relation to this, – a knowledge of geography in the air of RBC-TV program 'Cnews: technologies of the future' chairman CD 'Euroset' Chichvarkin. – When in Japan or South Korea is brought to the level insanity, in Austria people do not care: they are mostly Christians … We are in the middle – there are active users, and there is a huge group of people that do not change phones on three years'. Speaking of gadgets, experts identify the following groups: cell phones (smart phones here), mp-3 players, digital cameras, game consoles, portable navigation devices, and of course, the last squeak – iPhone and MacBook.
As for the cell, analysts are recognized: the only segment that does not grow in Russia – middle-low. At the same time cheap phones, as well as the super-expensive have stable growth: 10-12% per year. 'There are people who buy their Motorola C-118 for 990 Dwarf: they need only talk – says E. Chichvarkin. – And often these people are wealthy! These phones can not afford to lose or throw away, there is a lithium battery that runs weekly.