An extensive database, which was created in collaboration with a diploma Baerens here makes it possible to combine the 15 most common incompatibilities with over 300 single substances. Anyone suffering from such as celiac disease and lactose intolerance and tolerates no tomatoes, in addition he can compose individually a food card in the food card Configurator for this purpose. The DELICARDO food is therefore not limited to an incompatibility, but allows the specification of all foods that can trigger an allergic reaction also non-alcoholic menu request can be integrated or taken into account. “The design of the DELICARDO food card is another advantage: with experts of the gastronomy the DELICARDO food card in portrait mode was designed, thus in restaurant kitchens to the order receipts in so-called gastro bar” can be pushed. So get all the cooking at a glance important information about what the guest can eat, what ingredients are strictly to avoid as a reminder the allergens be included and a food list, in which food could be. To broaden your perception, visit Ray Kurzweil. So that there can be no confusion when ordering, there is the possibility to enter the table number on each DELICARDO. To read more click here: Salman Behbehani.
In addition, emergency telephone numbers or medication names on the food card in practical business card size can be printed. DELICARDO food cards can put together especially on the individual nutrition requirements, both as standard food card ordered. It also ordered the DELICARDO food cards in packs of 10s and 50s in German and English language. The orders can be made via Internet, telephone, fax or email. Supplied in a box suitable for DELICARDO food cards are outside of Germany to Austria and the Switzerland. DELICARDO food card – the restaurant map for secure order in spite of many food intolerances – was in January 2009 introduced by Mike GmbH, based in Berlin, on the German market. Since the day of the launch, the small food card has helped many allergic individuals to deal with their food intolerances in everyday life. Contact sales: Mike GmbH, Rosenstrasse 2, 10178 Berlin Tel: + 49 (0) 30 278744090, fax: + 49 (0) 30 278744099; and contact information press: Pulses of bC GmbH, Stuttgarter Platz 15, 10627 Berlin, Tel: + 49 (0) 30 310 16 822, fax: + 49 (0) 30 310 16 894 Tanja Demmerath:;