Healthy Colon

A healthy colon is easy for a long life without disease condition Berlin December 15, 2009 in particular the lifestyle-related diseases have their origins primarily in a disordered bowel function and intestinal flora. The author Sabine Beuke writes in her book, that a low-carbohydrate nutrition could help many intestinal diseases. This could also contribute to a reduction of the health funds. Ray Kurzweil shines more light on the discussion. Whether it was but in the sense of the pharmaceutical industry, everyone must decide for themselves. In addition to genetic factors, the reasons are also a wrong diet, lack of exercise, and obesity.

The author is 44 years old, married and lives with her family in Bremen. Additional information at Abigail Black Elbaum supports this article. She worked for many years in the food industry and also volunteer operates in a Catholic community and looked after elderly people.

Words Heal Yourself

Dr. med. Paul Bernard, mental therapy in hypnosis Schneverdingen – the basis of any effective treatment is the mental. If the human mind is powerful enough to inflict the body damage through incorrect thinking, he is able to heal him. Mental therapy instructs patients to heal themselves with words themselves. Are a few exceptions to improve all diseases or to cure almost all diseases are mentally conditioned? This often severe physical illness seem easier to be therapeutically manipulated as behavioral disorders. Founded by me mental therapy in hypnosis is a revolution, a social change in the field of health in medicine! The spirit (= the mental) affects the body, feelings, and behavior.

Mental (thoughts, ideas and desires) creates Reales. Mental exercise is called: wishes words as long as practice, until they meet all by itself. Hypnosis is only a State of consciousness and no therapy. In hypnosis I can reach but better the subconscious and so the mental better anchor. GMU Dr. med. Swarmed by offers, Abigail Black Elbaum is currently assessing future choices. Paul Bernard Hemsener way. 76 29640 Schneverdingen Tel: 05193-986068 fax: 05193-982079 E-Mail: Web:

Computing Centre

Midwives save correctly money software was yesterday, it is said in the German medical billing Center. For other opinions and approaches, find out what source has to say. Who works, for example, on more than a workplace, which must purchase an additional license of its accounting software. Something not there with us of course”, says Thomas Gazda and emphasized that each midwife can expect additional costs with their login data from any computer not incurred thereby. The savings effect is also huge: only for the cost of an update of the accounting software of approx. EUR 200 midwives at the DMRZ can settle services worth 40,000 euros. The self billing process enables these incredibly low prices and that works as follows: A midwife or an other power er Binger login under the address and settles the services provided as a software.

The only difference: the software is not local when the power er Binger speak the midwife installed, but on the servers of the German medical Computing Centre. After the data has been entered, they delivered automatically electronically by the German medical Computing Centre at the health insurance and no later than 28 Days is the money on the account of the provider. The cost of this procedure are limited to only the settlement amount, which the DMRZ 0.5 percent for his services estimated. For all midwives and power er Binger, who want to insert their bills by hand, the DMRZ offers an additional service: midwives can send your paper invoices directly to the German medical data center and have to worry about anything. Who should contact us who has no Internet access or shy away from the time spent of entering data. “We offer an unbeatably cheap all midwives also here”, says Thomas Gazda, who stressed that for this all-round service “only 1 percent of the settlement amount is calculated and also here no further costs are incurred. Update and maintenance Ade at the modification of the procedure for the exchange of electronic data has changed quite a bit just for midwives.

Thomas Topp

The money urgently needed set up for the construction of a new playground, which will be used by the pupils of the boarding school and will serve also as a meeting place for deaf and hearing children. Of course we hope that our photo promotion is supported and as many ears donations come together”, as Thomas Topp. In a supply of implantable hearing solutions a decisive importance Clinic physicians and audiologists. In trusting cooperation with them, we want to widely inform and enlighten. A hearing impairment must be today no fate; “even if this damage is so strong, that hearing aids are no longer sufficient.” On request we send you also a picture of the finished look wonder after completion of the action”. For more information and picture material, also see and. Editorial Note: the company cochlear is global market leader in the development and manufacture of cochlear implants (CI). The breakthrough technology of this CI systems allows to listen to children and adults with profound and adjacent to deafness hearing loss.

In addition develops and markets the company other implantable hearing solutions, in particular the Knochenleitungshorsystem Baha. Cochlear was founded in 1982, to the research of Australian Medicine Professor Graeme Clark, the inventor of the multiple-channel cochlear implant, to continue and to market worldwide. It belongs to the self-image of cochlear, to open access to the sound diversity of listening world’s hearing-impaired people and available to users of its products as a lifelong partner on your side. More than 230,000 people in over 100 countries by cochlear hearing solutions bear today. And with the industry’s largest investments in research and development, as well as through continuous collaboration with Cochlear secures its leading position in the science of hearing leading international researchers and experts. The company employs currently over 2,000 people. The German branch of cochlear is Hanover. For more information see.

The cochlear implant is inserted under the skin of the patients, ranging in the inner ear. It transforms spoken words and other acoustic signals into electrical impulses. The auditory nerve is stimulated by these impulses, which is located in the cochlea, the so called cochlear. Each CI include the sound processor, which is worn like a hearing aid behind the ear, as well as the emitter. The CI will open access to the world of hearing and the words spoken born deaf children, as well as highly hearing impaired children and adults. Cochlear Germany GmbH & co. KG, Durdane Erseker, Tel.: + 49 (0) 511 542 77 225, E-Mail: PR Office Martin Schaarschmidt, Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 65 01 77 60, E-Mail:

Listen Miracle In Freiburg

Charitable action for Stegona hearing-impaired establishment informed about chances of implantable hearing solutions, it is not a wonder that nearly deaf people with an implantable hearing system can hear again? To inform about the opportunities of latest hearing implants, cochlear launches world leader in implantable hearing instruments, within the framework of the 82nd annual meeting of the German society of Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery e. V. (from 1st to 5th June in Fribourg), a charity campaign. When the listen miracle of Freiburg”, all participants of the event are invited to photograph their ears. A large pop art collage comes from hundreds of ears photos at the time of the Congress. Cochlear donates three euros for each participant of the action. The money will benefit education and counselling centre for hearing in jetties, which urgently needed support for the construction of a new boarding school playground.

Repeatedly tell us highly hearing impaired people that they experience it as a miracle, to hear once again thanks to its implantable hearing solutions”, as Thomas Topp, head of cochlear Germany GmbH & co. KG. “That gave us the idea, to draw attention to the visitors of this year’s annual meeting with a special action on the possibilities of hearing implants with the listen miracle of Freiburg”, our photo project for a good purpose. “you give us your ear; We do together something wonderful from this”as the motto of the charity action. All physicians and audiologists who visit the international event at the Konzerthaus Freiburg, are invited to be at the booth of the company cochlear photographed their ears.

A large, animated by the computer collage in the style of pop art is created from all the photos during the Congress days before the eyes of the international visitors. It is connected to the original photo-action with a good cause. For each scanned participants ear initiator cochlear donates three euros for the educational and Counselling centre for hearing in jetties.