Germans asked me what I was A patent application filed in Germany. But their solid fee for service (patent attorney) forced me to leave them all my application materials as a gift from the Russian beggars. For so and I could not find even among the rich-Russian 980 euros (due to what I asked for the latest technology, but had to ask for new strip?). With all of this remind you that all materials submitted by me application relates to the category of state secrets, what expertise should Rospatent was to inform me of this, and therefore their applications should I submit to the Ministry of Atomic Energy, which for me is not possible? But for the examination of a bother and an empty ring. For this application was A search of the IPC, send me report on the search on November 18, 2008 Dep. 02 FGU FIPS, which also are violations on the conclusion of the expert VGPE – GP Melnikova, which states in zasvechivanii materials of my invention, so called "technical level of invention," "novelty of an invention." In the event that I secretly forced to transfer applications for "utility model" that have and do. In concluding its scientific zastolbivat "garden" address the problems of alternative energy, corresponding to the mutual humanity and Nature of Energy, through the creation of "hydropercussion Energy", representing a global regulator of health of mankind, I was prepared and filed application for the invention of the Russian Federation and Rospatent in this filing receipt is obtained, according to this proposal for the number 2009131102 from 14.08.2009, the "Method of energy conversion efficiency of water hammer – the engine Tarelkin. .