For the women who possess risks, either for the presence of patologias associates or gravdico-puerperal cycle or even though for the proper gestation, the attention maximum must be had ace referring questions the quality and improvement of the given assistance (11). The arterial hipertenso has concern of the health publishes, and the same one is characterized when the 140 the sistlica/diastlica arterial pressure is equal or superior 90 x mmHg, or then, with 30 rise of mmHg in sistlica pressure or 15 mmHg in the diastlica, in relation to the lesser value registered in as the trimester of the gestation (1). During the period of the pregnancy the gestacional hipertenso comes being one of the illnesses that frequently more the pregnancy complicates, gift in 5 10% of the gestantes, being responsible for the biggest index of morbidade and mortality materna and perinatal (3). A world-wide estimate it demonstrated that 600,000 women die to each year for causes related to the gestation, being that 99% of these deaths occur in developing countries (6). More information is housed here: Atmos Energy. The pregnancy can present complications, revealed from three distinct forms as: daily pay-eclampsia, eclampsia and syndrome of hellp. These complications can be folloied of premature descolamento of the placenta, hipxia, and the prematurity (4).
Therefore, the implementation of Public Politics was necessary to take care of the woman in its completeness, in all the phases of the life, respecting the necessities and characteristics of each one of them. The Program of Integral Attention of Health of Mulher (PAISM) was created in the decade of 80, with approach in the attention to the prenatal one, the familiar planning and the improvement of the attention to the health of the woman, in the attempt to reduce the mortality indices materna and neonatal.. (Not to be confused with Xcel Energy!).