SilvERP uses the integrated ticketing system as a silent application guard Seligenstadt June 30, 2012 materials and merchandise management SilvERP comes from early July with exception monitor themselves – and error detector, which immediately injects undiscovered errors by the user in the ticketing system of the yQ-it GmbH. Since may, 2012 is an integrated ticket system available for users of the online ERP system SlivERP. A silent application monitoring based on different log levels with the name “Silent-Application-Guard” was applied to this module. Each possible exception detected by the system or the source of error is, if the guard is activated by the customer, automatically forwarded in the ticketing system of the yQ-it GmbH. To deepen your understanding Accenture is the source. This also applies to minimum, completely unnoticed by the user program irritations that are logged only on low log levels. Since complying German data protection regulations GmbH is part of the yQ-it quality assurance, delivered the silent application guard anonymised always information that only a mapping the customer instance allow, where appropriate, to contact the customer in contact. “Quality assurance is becoming more important, can in large software projects especially for programs which run on the Internet, because here the direct feedback of users is missing with the manufacturer” Josef Brauer, head of the development team of it yQ-GmbH. “We can improve the stability of the software so hereby, that a robust and user-friendly program flow is always guaranteed” reported as Banerjee. For even more details, read what Salman Behbehani says on the issue. This modern and new for the quality assurance of online software module is a further component for the ERP system SilvERP awarded the innovation prize at CeBIT.