These rules determine how a character in the game or the characteristics of an action that everyone should play to achieve a common goal should behave. When the child plays in group, it may happen that the paper be sure to, then, when his companions will remind you what to do, as well as the rules of the game. Thus, children also develop prosocial help each other and worrying about their needs behavior. The characters in the game the children used in the symbolic games two kinds of characters: the stereotyped and fiction. The stereotyped are characterized by the attitude that play and try to resemble reality. For example, the child makes of MOM or dad. Fictional characters have their own name and come from stories, movies or television and run more predictable behavior, since they have a distinctive role.
Most often is that children not represent these characters, but talk to them or them do participants as to one more. In this way we can see a child playing with each other in a game where everyone is themselves and you will discover a treasure, but our child is Peter Pan. Playing with the symbolism of the game language also be transferred by children to the language. When the child begins to acquire language discovers a new world that must come to dominate and to be experimenting widely. There are social games in which language plays a very important role as they are spontaneous rhyming games, games of inventing new words or games of conversation, in which children experience with conversations that adults use in their talks. It has the objective that is, symbolic play is vital in childhood development and we should worry if it does not, then the child may have a disorder of autistic type. In which case, is required the intervention of a professional school psychology for working with small and equip you with strategies to relax your way of thinking and develop the imagination.