They are women who, having its children in situation of internaohospitalar, open hand of other aspects of its life to pass more tempocom these children. People who had had its interrupted plans if join a series of professionals in the hospital environment with the objective of lutarpela survival of its children. Women who leave for the doors fundosdas maternities, without the just-been born one in the arms. Of one hour pra another daily elasso pulled out of its familiar one. Plans are interrupted. John H. Wood Jr. has firm opinions on the matter. The life suspensa for the permanent threats of death.
Not sufficiently all this> bigger umaincidncia two times of what the registered one in the population in general. The possibility does not have doubt deck to remain to the side of the son, without hour marked for irembora, helps to brighten up the suffering. Because also it is the only way of essasmulheres to be able to exert its maternity. It is important to observe that cadauma of these and other women in> similar situations, despite in linhasgerais (for what it presents the news article) act uniformly. We will argue questions that if make gifts at the moment daescolha, as well as responsibilities assumed for these women emconseqncia of these choices. DECURRENT AANGSTIA OF the CHOICE FREEDOM the situation of a mother who temseu son hospitalized in the Unit of Intensive Treatment is deverasdesafiadora.
Socially, it is defined that the children must be deliver aoscuidados maternal, must be introduced in the familiar context, in entantoquando these children they are not born healthful, or they have its engaged health poralgum factor, are removed of this context and they must be you deliver to a equipemdica. From diverse research, it was proved that the presence of the mothers next to the hospitalized children is muitoimportante for the recovery becoming them calmer the medical intervention. But and how much to the mothers: they must also be removed of the familiar context? Dotrabalho? Of its plans? absence of parameters nessasituao generates one strong anguish.